
2019-05-11  本文已影响0人  美腻的芳芳菇凉


Disposable income 可支配收入

Pay tax, tax revenue

Paying tax can have important implicationsto a country’s economy.

Commute-travel to and from work.

Achieve the goal of income redistribution,lifeblood of the economy

High income group, low income group

Ease the pressure

Gain a sense of accomplishment

Many people regard tax as a burden, becauseit can reduce their disposable income. I think that we need to pay tax, becausewithout tax revenue, the society cannot function appropriately.

Paying tax can have important implicationsto a country’s economy. If the government has tax revenue, public facilitiessuch as roads, schools and hospitals can receive more funds from the state.Without a great public transport system, commuters find it difficult to travelto and from work, and traffic congestion could reduce work efficiency. Publicschools can provide children with educational opportunities and enable theseyoung students to gain knowledge, which is beneficial to economic growth. Theseprojects or services are normally not funded by the private sector, because ofthe low profit margin. We should also recognize that the government can achievethe goal of income redistribution by taxation. For example, in many countries,the high income group needs to pay high tax, while the low income group can getassistance from the government.

Levying taxes can also regulate people’s behavior.People fail to show self-restraints sometimes and cannot change some badhabits. For example, the heavy tax on cigarette and alcohol discourages thepublic from spending on these items. This change can improve the well-being ofpeople and ease the pressure on the medical system.

On the other hand, of taxpayers are subjectto high taxes, they may not have the incentive to work hard and entrepreneursare also not willing to set up a business. Money is a great motivator for mostpeople because they can improve living standards and gain a sense ofaccomplishment. High tax rates will encourage many people to evade taxes andeven move to those low-tax countries.

Overall, O am convinced that taxes are the lifeblood of the economy although high taxes can have an adverse effect on economic growth.


