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Analysis and suggestions on the

2018-01-01  本文已影响29人  3e65b269ced7

According to United Nations Population Fund, the total population of the world was 7262310000 by 2016, and the population of China was 1382710000.

(Chart 1: The Total population of China by 2016) (Chart 2: The population of every province of China)

At present, China's population accounts for 1/5 of the world, but the number of newborns only accounts for 1/10 of the world. The proportion of China's population in the world will decline significantly in thefuture.

The main reason for the present situation of the population was the One-child policy which was introduced in the 1970s and became the basic state policy in 1980s. According to the United Nations population research data, The fertility rate in the mainland of China is 1.63,it means each woman has only 1.63 children on average. It is a low level compared to the whole world.

(Chart 3: The natural growth rate, birth rate and death rate of China from 1997 to 2015)

Population ageing is an increasing median age in the population of a region due to declining fertility rates and/or rising life expectancy. Most countries have rising life expectancy and an ageing population (trends that emerged first in More Economically Developed Countries, but which are seen now in Less Economically Developed Countries). This is the case forevery country in the world except the 18 countries designated as "demographic outliers" by the UN. The aged population is currently atits highest level in human history. The UN predicts the rate of population ageing in the 21st century will exceed that of the previous century. The number of people aged 60 years and over has tripled since 1950, reaching 600 millionin 2000 and surpassing 700 million in 2006. It is projected that the combined senior and geriatric population will reach 2.1 billion by 2050. Countries vary significantly in terms of the degree and pace of ageing, and the UN expects populations that began ageing later will have less time to adapt to its implications.

(Chart 4: Population age structure in 2000&2010)

The aging population is a change process of the age structure of population, and it is a product of the development of human society on a certain stage. The statistic data from the fifth population census of China show that the proportion of the aged (over 60) to the total population in China is 10.2%, which means that China has become an aged society.

(Chart 5: The age structure of China from 1997 to 2015 )

As for the population structure, the proportion ofelderly people is becoming bigger and bigger, but the proportion of child is less.

(Chart 6: Dependency Ratio of China from 1997 to 2015)

However, at the present stage, China is still in the early stage of socialism and is still a middle-income developing country. In this context, the aging of China's population reflects its unique characteristics: aged before rich, the aging population is getting larger and faster.

With the development of medical technology and living standard, the length of life becomes longer.

(Chart 7: Life expectancy of China from 1996 to 2015)

China is facing the huge challenge of the aging of thepopulation.

As the aging of the population goes ahead of modernization, the whole society, including aging people themselves, is facing a huge challenge, too.

China now is faced the burden of an elder society. The great pressure of the aging of the population has tested the government's ability to plan for the aged. China is not a developed country, the development of the social and cultural welfare undertakings is not suitable for the agingof the population.

As for all of these problems, China should do everything to change this situation. We should actively address population aging and vigorously develop old-age services. Developing public pension welfare for elderly people, improving the social security system for them, developing the aging industry and raising the age of retirement are effective measures.


