Type Object Pattern 类型对象模式
Intent 意义
Allow the flexible creation of new “classes” by creating a single class, each instance of which represents a different type of object.
The Pattern 模式描述
Define a type object class and a typed object class. Each type object instance represents a different logical type. Each typed object stores a reference to the type object that describes its type.
Instance-specific data is stored in the typed object instance, and data or behavior that should be shared across all instances of the same conceptual type is stored in the type object. Objects referencing the same type object will function as if they were the same type. This lets us share data and behavior across a set of similar objects, much like subclassing lets us do, but without having a fixed set of hard-coded subclasses.
When to Use It 使用情形
This pattern is useful anytime you need to define a variety of different “kinds” of things, but baking the kinds into your language’s type system is too rigid. In particular, it’s useful when either of these is true:
You don’t know what types you will need up front. (For example, what if our game needed to support downloading content that contained new breeds of monsters?)
You want to be able to modify or add new types without having to recompile or change code.
- 你不知道将来会有什么类型(例如,我们的游戏是否需要指出包含怪物新种类的资料包下载?)
- 你需要在不重新编译或修改代码的情况下,修改或添加新的类型。