经济学人精读笔记 | 由漫威电影引发的文化思考

2019-05-16  本文已影响0人  Million英语


Weak tea doesn’t sell


A Chinese-American film star explains why blandly globalized fare flops in China.


首先来看标题,weak tea有“清茶、淡茶”的意思。与之相对的浓茶是strong tea

但通读全文会发现与茶毫不相关,甚至连茶的寓意都没有借用,从副标题可以看出,这篇文章的议题实际上是讨论电影全球化受挫问题。在这个话题框架内,其实不难想到weak tea还可以表示缺乏说服力、影响力、无法给人留下印象的事物,而这个概念显然更符合本篇的语境,指的是好莱坞精心打造,却没有文化特色的全球化影片。



Even if it did not boast a character called Captain America, the superhero film “Avengers: Endgame” is a very obviously American spectacle. Beyond its swagger and expensive special effects, the Marvel comic book film series, of which this is the final instalment, celebrates flawed, individualistic superheroes. That the film just broke Chinese box-office records for its opening weekend could lead outsiders to assume that the American and Chinese film markets—the world’s two largest—are converging. In fact China’s film world is becoming more distinctive and self-confident.


· boast/bəʊst/ 


【英解】[VN] 有(值得自豪的东西)

to have sth that is impressive and that you can be proud of

【例句】The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.


· spectacle /ˈspɛktəkəl/ 

spectacle表示壮观的场面,是正式用语,一般用于书面表达。关于spectacle有一个俚语make a spectacle of yourself,表示的不是behave yourself,而是出洋相;出丑

【英解】[C, U] 精彩的表演;壮观的场面 

a performance or an event that is very impressive and exciting to look at

【例句】The carnival parade was a magnificent spectacle.


· instalment /ɪnˈstɔːlmənt/ 



one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc.

【例句】the disappointing third instalment of the Highlander series.


本段第一句是even if引导让步状语从句,从句往往是假设性的,相当于汉语的“即使”“纵然”“就算”“哪怕”。正因为even if从句的内容通常是假设性的,所以有时还可用于虚拟语气;这样用的even if 与单独使用的if比较接近。


Even if he had the money, he wouldn’t buy it.他即使有钱也不会买它。

I would have married her even if she had been penniless.即使她身无分文,我也会和她结婚。

与之相近的even though 引导的从句内容往往是真实的,主要用于引出不利于主句情况的信息,相当于汉语的“尽管”“虽然”。

不过,在实际语言运用中,even if与even though有时也可不加区别地混用。

We thoroughly understand each other, even if [even though] we don’t always agree.我们彼此非常了解,虽然有时候也有一些分歧。

本段第二句,句子主干是The Marvel comic book film series celebrates flawed,individualistic superheroes. of which引导定语从句,修饰film series。



Hollywood producers have bet fair sums of money, over the years, on the idea that American and Chinese audiences are not so very different, and will laugh, weep and cheer at the same, carefully globalized movies. China has a habit of proving them wrong. The “Avengers” series has a large but distinctive set of fans in China, who often say they love the filmsprecisely because they identify with its misfit heroes, struggling with a harsh, judgmental world.


· fair/feə(r)/ 

fair此处是形容词表示相当大的,用来形容数字或大小,注意只能用于可数名词前,相当于quiet large,还可以用decent或handsome形容数量大。

【英解】ADJ (数量、程度、尺寸或距离)相当多(或大、长)的

A fair amount, degree, size, or distance is quite a large amount, degree, size, or distance.

【例句】My neighbours across the street travel a fair amount.


· identify with sb.

指与某人产生共鸣,可以与sympathize with同义替换。

【英解】[C, U] 精彩的表演;壮观的场面

to feel that you can understand and share the feelings of sb else

【例句】I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters.


· misfit/mɪsfɪt/ 

【英解】N-COUNT 与他人格格不入的人;行为怪异的人

one of the parts of a story that appears regularly over a period of time in a newspaper, on television, etc.

【例句】I have been made to feel a social and psychological misfit for not wanting children.


本段说明了好莱坞已在中国投入了大量资金,基于何种原因呢? the idea that+同位语从句,进行了具体说明“American and Chinese audiences are not so very different”,误以为中美观众间没有太大差距。


Over 1.7bn cinema tickets were sold in China last year, a domestic record. Most sales were driven by locally made hits in which the stories ranged from Chinese military heroics overseas (“Operation Red Sea”) to a bittersweet drama about cancer (“Dying to Survive”). Though Hollywood had a respectable 2018 worldwide, revenues in China for imported films were down year on year.


· a domestic record


· year on year

year on year 是指同比,即与去年同期对比,有时可能会见到Y-O-Y的缩写,更常用的说法是year over year,此处参考译文有误,表示逐年应该用year by year,这里列出几个相似表达,方便大家记忆区分:

year by year 逐年

eg.:The department has been shrinking year by year because of budget cuts.


year after year 年复一年;年年;每年

eg.:You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways. 


year in and year out 一年到头; 成年累月; 年复一年; 寒来暑往;

eg.:He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year inand year out.


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