
2020-01-03  本文已影响0人  调皮的坐骨神经


proposition n.(困难的或乐意做的)事情 主张 观点 提案 建议

jest n.玩笑 v.开玩笑 | in jest 当做玩笑话

ahistorical adj.与历史无关的

millennium n.一千年 千禧年(2000年)

endless loop 无限循环

satirize v.讽刺 挖苦

namely adv.即

futures n.期货

swap v.交换n.交换 | swap A for B If you swap one thing for another, you remove the first thing and replace it with the second, or you stop doing the first thing and start doing the second.

carbon footprints 碳足迹 碳排放量

exemplify v.是……的典范 通过榜样示范、显示

exemplary adj.榜样的 值得效仿的

ubiquitous adj.无所不在的

allegory n.寓言 讽喻

allegorical adj.寓言的

absent adj.缺席的 心不在焉的(adv.) 不与孩子同住的 prep.倘若没有 | be absent from 缺席的 absent parent 不与孩子同住的父母

adverts n.广告

cf = commercial film = television commercial 电视商业广告

project onto 投射

Freudian adj.弗洛伊德精神分析法的

illuminate v.照亮 阐明 | illuminating 富有启发性的

prolepsis n.预辩 预想到反对意见并提前回答有关问题 =  prebuttal

procatalepsis Procatalepsis, also called prebuttal, is a figure of speech in which the speaker raises an objection to his own argument and then immediately answers it. By doing so, he hopes to strengthen his argument by dealing with possible counter-arguments before his audience can raise them

hoser n.骗子

spurious adj.似是而非的 (论据、推理)不正确的

apparatus n.(机构、体系的)组织和运作方式 设备

amply adv.充足地

annulation n.环状物

discourse n.(某个专题的)会话

typology n.(尤指科学和社会科学领域的)类型学

wink n.眨眼

wink at 眨眼示意

did not sleep a wink or did not get a wink of sleep 没合一下眼

hood n.(连在外套上的)风帽 (汽车的)引擎罩

narrative n.故事 叙事

narrator n.叙事者

exposition n.阐述 展览

metonymic adj.转喻的(用某一事物的名称代替另一事物的名称的修辞手法叫做转喻或借代。 这两种事物之间有着密切相关的联系。)

structuring devices 结构手法

summon up 鼓起(勇气等)唤起

fictional adj.虚构的

commentary n.实况报道 评论性文章(或书籍) 评论

stylistics n.文体论

has a penchant for 特别的喜好 If someone has a penchant for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it.

mind-boggling 难以置信的

feline n.猫科动物 adj.猫科的 像猫一样高雅的

parody n. 滑稽模仿作品(指文章、戏剧、音乐作品的滑稽模仿作)v.夸张地演绎 滑稽地模仿

apophasis n. 故抑其词,以求婉达


