2019-03-12 the envy of

2019-03-12  本文已影响0人  你好Ruby

1. the envy of:  of 后面一般接同类名词,表示另...羡慕,望尘莫及。可以替代admire, admirable.

France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.

Jamacia's sprints are the envy of the world.

Even at its subdued current rate, China's growth rate is still the envy of most countries.

2.翻译: 美国大学让全世界羡慕不已。American universities are the envy of the entire world.

3. 场景: 深圳经济的高速发展另周边城市羡慕不已。 The fast-developing of Shenzhen is the envy of the surrounding cities.

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