托福 写作

2018-08-27 TOEFL Writing 10天突破新托

2018-08-27  本文已影响0人  suntarliarzn

The greatest danger in modern technology is not that machines begin to think lik people, but people will begin to think like machines.
                                                                                                -------Albert Einstein

machanize vt. 机械化
machanized adj.机械化的
cost-effective/economical/budget adj.省钱的
be detached from reality 脱离现实
detach vt.脱离;派遣(队伍)
inconceivable adj.不可想象的
conceivable adj.可想到的
conceive vt.(ps.)构想,设想;怀孕
augment/enhance/boost efficiency 提高效率
augment vt.(formal) 增加,升级,提高
labor-saving machinery 减少人力的机器
labor-replacing machinery 取代人力的机器
one's genetic makeup/one's DNA programming 人的基因构成
ingen<u>i</u>ous adj. 灵巧的,绝妙的;(人)善于创造发明的
ingen<u>u</u>ous adj.天真的,无邪的
manned landing on the Moon 载人登月
manned/crewed spacecraft 载人飞船
meteorological satellite 气象卫星
meteor cn.流星
the proliferation of the internet
the extensive use of the internet
the widespread use of the internet
proliferate vt.增殖,激增
proliferation n.增殖,扩散
technological innovations/inventions/advances/progress 科技创新及发展
progression un.进展,发展历程
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