Greece and the Euro-Crisis revis
This article derived from Jan.2015 the economist.
From the first passage, the author has thrown out the main idea: The euro is still vulnerable, and Greece is not the only problem. As we all know, the euro is the world’s strongest political and economic community, which play an essential role in keeping the balance of the world. However, since the euro economic crisis and Brexit, the status of euro is on the decline.
In 2015, the euro crisis erupted starting in Greece flare up again. The election in Greece was rather fierce and most citizens were against euro. For the threat to single currency-euro: high employment and dangerously low inflation, the embattled euro is probably weakened a lot in the future.
Moreover, the author made a contrast between Japan and the euro, stating that it is hard to imagine the euro living through a decade even more dismal than Japan’s without some political upheaval. Also, since currently some parties in euro countries began to turn angrily against euro membership, it was urgent for euro to bear out his dictum to boost growth.
However, at last, citing what Alexis de Tocqueville discovered, the author concluded that the most dangerous moment for a bad government was when it began to reform.