gdb 笔记[草稿]

2024-04-26  本文已影响0人  酱油王0901

debug python

~/go/src/ceph/build (heads/v16.2.13 ✗) gdb -ex -r --args python bin/ceph -s
(gdb) b Objecter::_calc_target
Function "Objecter::_calc_target" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (Objecter::_calc_target) pending.
(gdb) b
No symbol table is loaded.  Use the "file" command.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 2 ( pending.
(gdb) run

Quitting GDB

quit [expression]
exit [expression]

To exit GDB, use the quit command (abbreviated q), the exit command, or type an end-of-file character (usually Ctrl-d). If you do not supply expression, GDB will terminate normally; otherwise it will terminate using the result of expression as the error code.

An interrupt (often Ctrl-c) does not exit from GDB, but rather terminates the action of any GDB command that is in progress and returns to GDB command level. It is safe to type the interrupt character at any time because GDB does not allow it to take effect until a time when it is safe.

If you have been using GDB to control an attached process or device, you can release it with the detach command (see Debugging an Already-running Process.

build ceph

更新 ceph build 配置项

debug ceph

ctl + x + a 可以切换到 TUI界面

info args 打印函数参数
info break 打印断点
info sharedlibrary provides information about currently loaded shared libraries (DLLs).
info sources provides information about the source files recognized by GDB
info threads
print *my_array@len 打印数组
(gdb) x/19dc <char*> 打印字符数组
print (char[len])*char
set print object on When displaying a pointer to an object, identify the actual (derived) type of the object rather than the declared type, using the virtual function table.
set history save on
set print pretty on
set print vtbl on 打印虚函数表
ptype, whatis, and explore 打印类型信息
(gdb) attach <pid> attach 到指定的 pid

debug subsystem


radosgw-admin user list --debug-rados=20



if you want to simply detach, without stoping the container, which would allow you to reattach at a later time

(docker)# CTRL+P CTRL+Q


break points


find_rule ?



(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x00007faee7e1c1a4 in RGWPutObj::pre_exec() at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/
2       breakpoint     keep y   0x00007faee7e1da1e in RGWPutObj::execute(optional_yield) at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/
3       breakpoint     keep y   0x00007faee78b913a in RGWOp::complete() at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/rgw_op.h:199




args = {
      str = "partNumber=1&uploadId=2~vvN6qChbC8MzcIpN_Gqa0kj1MV4XnfD",
      empty_str = "",
      val_map = std::map with 2 elements = {
        ["partNumber"] = "1",
        ["uploadId"] = "2~vvN6qChbC8MzcIpN_Gqa0kj1MV4XnfD"
      sys_val_map = std::map with 0 elements,
      sub_resources = std::map with 2 elements = {
        ["partNumber"] = "1",
        ["uploadId"] = "2~vvN6qChbC8MzcIpN_Gqa0kj1MV4XnfD"
    dialect = "s3",
  req_id = "9e36213f-fd8f-49f2-836a-b1119c7788be.14158.14613913365004085002",
  trans_id = "tx00000cacf0cc71366e70a-00649e98bd-374e-default",
  id = 14613913365004085002,


$6 = std::map with 1 element = {
  ["default-placement"] = {
    index_pool = {
      name = "default.rgw.buckets.index",
      ns = ""
    data_extra_pool = {
      name = "default.rgw.buckets.non-ec",
      ns = ""
    storage_classes = {
      m = std::map with 1 element = {
        ["STANDARD"] = {
          data_pool = {
            <boost::optional_detail::optional_base<rgw_pool>> = {
              <boost::optional_detail::optional_tag> = {<No data fields>},
              members of boost::optional_detail::optional_base<rgw_pool>:
              m_initialized = true,
              m_storage = {
                dummy_ = {
                  data = "`\262\001\066\307U\000\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\036", '\000' <repeats 15 times>, "ج\366\065\307U", '\000'
<repeats 25 times>,
                  aligner_ = {<No data fields>}
            }, <No data fields>},
          compression_type = {
            <boost::optional_detail::optional_base<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >> = {
              <boost::optional_detail::optional_tag> = {<No data fields>},
              members of boost::optional_detail::optional_base<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
              m_initialized = false,
              m_storage = {
                dummy_ = {
                  data = '\000' <repeats 31 times>,
                  aligner_ = {<No data fields>}
            }, <No data fields>}
      standard_class = 0x55c735f6aca0
    index_type = rgw::BucketIndexType::Normal


(gdb) p stripe_obj
$72 = {
  pool = {
    name = "",
    ns = ""
  oid = "5052d818-1167-4317-9c9f-ead6970e16ed.4333.1__multipart_17M.2~F0cIhW4n1t2YGvBG2R-jeGHBJBiluvY.1",
  loc = ""

(gdb) p head_obj
$73 = (rgw::sal::RGWRadosObject) {
  <rgw::sal::RGWObject> = {
    _vptr.RGWObject = 0x7f5b22cb7380 <vtable for rgw::sal::RGWRadosObject+16>,
    key = {
      name = "17M.2~F0cIhW4n1t2YGvBG2R-jeGHBJBiluvY.1",
      instance = "",
      ns = "multipart"
    bucket = 0x55da1ebd0d00,
    index_hash_source = "17M",
    obj_size = 0,

set_stripe_obj /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/

(gdb) p stripe_obj
$106 = {
  rados_svc = 0x55da1cba2f90,
  ref = {
    pool = {
      rados_svc = 0x55da1cba2f90,
      pool = {
        name = "",
        ns = ""
      state = {
        ioctx = {
          io_ctx_impl = 0x0
    obj = {
      pool = {
        name = "",
        ns = ""
      oid = "5052d818-1167-4317-9c9f-ead6970e16ed.4333.1__multipart_17M.2~SHO9VFCctN-eNn3Ywd7WMJDSTVq3rvN.1",
      loc = ""

rgw get object

(gdb) info b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>         
1.1                         y     0x00007f95406c16d0 <RGWRados::iterate_obj(DoutPrefixProvider const*, RGWObjectCtx&, RGWBucketInfo const&, rgw_obj const&, long, long, unsigned long, int (*)(DoutPrefixProvider const*, rgw_raw_obj const&, long, long, long, bool, RGWObjState*, void*), void*, optional_yield)@plt>
1.2                         y     0x00007f9540f4ce1a in RGWRados::iterate_obj(DoutPrefixProvider const*, RGWObjectCtx&, RGWBucketInfo const&, rgw_obj const&, long, long, unsigned long, int (*)(DoutPrefixProvider const*, rgw_raw_obj const&, long, long, long, bool, RGWObjState*, void*), void*, optional_yield) at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/
2       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>         
2.1                         y     0x00007f95406ee6c0 <RGWRados::get_obj_iterate_cb(DoutPrefixProvider const*, rgw_raw_obj const&, long, long, long, bool, RGWObjState*, void*)@plt>
2.2                         y     0x00007f9540f4c0fb in RGWRados::get_obj_iterate_cb(DoutPrefixProvider const*, rgw_raw_obj const&, long, long, long, bool, RGWObjState*, void*) at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/
3       breakpoint     keep y   <MULTIPLE>         
3.1                         y     0x00007f95406f1b30 <RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(ceph::buffer::v15_2_0::list&, long, long)@plt>
3.2                         y     0x00007f9540fe9e82 in RGWGetObj_ObjStore_S3::send_response_data(ceph::buffer::v15_2_0::list&, long, long) 
                                                   at /root/go/src/ceph/src/rgw/

先获取 head obj 信息

(gdb) p head_obj
$2 = {
  pool = {
    name = "",
    ns = ""
  oid = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1_1024/1024M",
  loc = ""

获取 obj state 信息,主要是为了获取 manifest 信息

(gdb) p astate->manifest
$7 = std::optional<RGWObjManifest> = {
  [contained value] = {
    explicit_objs = false,
    objs = std::map with 0 elements,
    obj_size = 1073741824,
    obj = {
      bucket = {
        tenant = "",
        name = "test",
        marker = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1",
        bucket_id = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1",
        explicit_placement = {
          data_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
          data_extra_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
          index_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
      key = {
        name = "1024/1024M",
        instance = "",
        ns = ""
      in_extra_data = false,
      index_hash_source = ""
    head_size = 0,
    head_placement_rule = {
      name = "default-placement",
      storage_class = ""
    max_head_size = 0,
    prefix = "1024/1024M.2~20zrWDEQdihqYRpj5Q64NRD8smS5Q4-",
    tail_placement = {
      placement_rule = {
        name = "default-placement",
        storage_class = ""
      bucket = {
        tenant = "",
        name = "test",
        marker = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1",
        bucket_id = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1",
        explicit_placement = {
          data_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
          data_extra_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
          index_pool = {
            name = "",
            ns = ""
    rules = std::map with 2 elements = {
      [0] = {
        start_part_num = 1,
        start_ofs = 0,
        part_size = 15728640,
        stripe_max_size = 4194304,
        override_prefix = ""
      [1069547520] = {
        start_part_num = 69,
        start_ofs = 1069547520,
        part_size = 4194304,
        stripe_max_size = 4194304,
        override_prefix = ""
    tail_instance = ""

(gdb) p read_obj
$3 = {
  pool = {
    name = "",
    ns = ""
  oid = "58b780c2-c21f-4b13-ba4c-01bf15dc4c23.4330.1__multipart_1024/1024M.2~6cS9fAXKYh6CcB7MOKFZG-SSt8UCoUb.1",
  loc = ""


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