Embracing God’s Best for Your Bo

2016-07-29  本文已影响120人  671

Embracing God’s Best for Your Body



“Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him” (Romans 12:1 MSG).

“所以弟兄们,我凭着 神的仁慈劝你们,要把身体献上,作圣洁而蒙 神悦纳的活祭;这是你们理所当然的事奉(‘理所当然的事奉’或译:‘属灵的敬拜’)。”(罗12:1 新译本)

Taking care of your body is a spiritual discipline, like prayer, worship, or Bible study. God wants you to succeed at this in 2016.


The apostle Paul says, with God helping you,“Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering” (Romans 12:1 MSG).

使徒保罗说,在上帝的帮助下,“在平凡的生活中,每日照看你,你的睡觉,吃饭,工作和其他琐碎的事情都当做活祭摆在神的面前。”(罗12:1 新译本)

When you take care of your body, you worship God. And it’s never too late to start this important journey in your life.


Before you ever start your journey of getting healthy, you need to realize that it’s a step of faith. Like Peter stepping out of the boat, every step you take toward better health increases your trust in God. Every step helps you expect the best from him. The same verse also says, “Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.”

当你开始你的健康之旅之前,你需要认识到这是迈出信心的一步。如同彼得从船上迈出的那一步一样,你通往更健康的每一步都能加增你对上帝的信心。每一步都可以帮助你得到从他而来的最好的祝福。同一节经文也说到,“所以弟兄们,我凭着 神的仁慈劝你们,要把身体献上,作圣洁而蒙 神悦纳的活祭;这是你们理所当然的事奉(‘理所当然的事奉’或译:‘属灵的敬拜’)。”(罗12:1 新译本)

The Bible embraces three incredibly important truths about the journey of getting healthy. Grasping these truths before you begin will change everything about the journey before you.


God made your body. Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (NIV). Physical health is as much about stewardship as where you give your resources.


Jesus paid for your body. The Bible says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NLT, second edition). On the cross, Jesus paid not just for your soul but also your body. You honor God when you take care of your body.

耶稣为你的身体负上了代价。圣经说,“你们不知道你们的身体就是那位住在你们里面的圣灵的殿吗?这圣灵是你们从神那里领受的。你们不是属于自己的,因为你们是用重价买来的。所以你们务要用自己的身体荣耀神。”(林前6:19-20 新译本)在十字架上,耶稣并不仅仅是为了你的灵魂付上代价,同样也是为你的身体。所以当你照顾好自己的身体就是荣耀神。

The Holy Spirit lives in your body. If you’re a Christian, the Bible says your body is God’s temple and that the Holy Spirit lives in you (1 Corinthians 3:16). Good health is one way you take care of God’s temple. You’d never let your church building get into poor shape, and God wants you to think of your body in the same way.


When you fully embrace these truths from God’s Word about your body, you’re ready for your body’s brand new 2016. Knowing the truth about your body makes acting on that truth a step of faith. It means you’re no longer getting healthy just to live a few more years, fit into a particular item of clothing in your closet, or look more physically attractive. You’re getting healthy as a way to worship God.


That’s a terrific and empowering reason to get healthy in 2016.


PLAY today’s audio teaching from Pastor Rick >>

Talk It Over


Which of the three truths about the body discussed in this devotional do you think would empower you the most in your journey to health? Why?


How is getting healthy a spiritual discipline?


What step will you take today to become healthier?


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