Apr. 2018 草莓专题之 Bus Ride

2018-04-03  本文已影响0人  宝玩学术专题乐园



Let's take the bus today. Here are two coins, we can use these for bus fare.

这里是公交车站,我们就在这里等待218号公交车吧。Here is the bus stop, we will wait here for  Route #218.

哇你看,有双层巴士!不过不是我们的那条线路。Look! It’s a double-deck bus! But it's not going our way.


Look, here comes another bus! But it’s Route #166, still not the route we are waiting for. Looks like we are gonna have to wait a little longer.


Look! Here comes #218. Do you see that, it says 2~1~8 on the bus.

妈妈要买车票才能坐公交车哦,准备好硬币,我们上车啦。 You ride for free, Mommy has to pay. Let's get the coins ready, we are getting on the bus now.

在这里投币,叮铃~~ Drop your coins into the slot. Clink!

又或者说,宝贝,你帮妈妈刷下卡吧。Baby, can you swipe my bus pass for me?

我们坐这儿,窗外风景很好。Let’s take a seat here. We have a great view looking out the window.


Honey, it’s very crowded on the bus now, please stay close to Mommy and hold my hand.


The bus driver has his hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road. We are not allowed to talk to him, ok?

来,我们到站咯,要下车啦!Come on baby, this is our stop. Let’s get off the bus from the back door.


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