
#英语笃学# Expressing Thanks

2019-03-02  本文已影响10人  BuleCAR
I'd like to expression my gratitude for everyone who has helped me along my way. 


There's nothing disingenuous about it.我是发自肺腑的

disingenuous 不诚实的 不真诚的


Which just means his inhibitions are down.

inhibition 压抑,顾忌,抑制力

sb's inhibitions are down 某人说的话是真的,是发自肺腑的


Look, even if he meant what he said, I... I don't feel that way. I... I don't.


I mean it.我是认真的。

sb meant what sb said 某人的话是当真的。


-I'd like to begin by expressing my gratitude to everyone who has helped me along the way...

-Oh dear. You're not gonna start like that, are you? Boring!

-It's not boring. It's a nice opening.

-It sounds too preppy! What about, 'Y'all been great! Thanks!'

-That'd be inappropriate! Plus it doesn't convey how I actually feel. I want to thank everyone deeply for how thoughtful and generous they've been. And also for their unconditional support! I want it to come from the bottom of my heart!

-Uh, if you say so...


Before we hear the results, I just want to thank you all for everything you've done for me.

And, Manny and Gloria, thank you making all those phone calls.

I don't think I convinced anyone to vote for Claire.

convince sb to do sth

vote for sb为某人投票

And my beautiful children, whose faith has given me the confidence to believe that I can do this.

sb's faith has given sb the confidence to do sth 某人的信念使某人有信心做某事


sb would like to begin by doing sth

begin by doing sth

begin with sth 

express sth to sb


along the way


oh dear

Dear me!

Dear oh dear!

You're not gonna do sth, are you?


y'all- you all

Y'all (have) been great.

How y'all been?

It would be inappropriate for sb to do sth.

It is inappropriate for sb to do sth.


That's how I actually feel.

I want to thank everyone deeply for sth /doing sth

unconditional support

coney sth to sb


from the bottom of one's heart

there be nothing disingenuous 

sb's inhibitions are down

sb meant what sb said


thank sb for sth

thank you for doing sth

convince sb to do sth

vote for sb

sb's faith has given sb the confidence to do sth


