[Peak] Chapter 3 Part I

2017-08-07  本文已影响0人  Jingxlin



result or development:

[Example] It was a natural outgrowth of his habit of rethinking about chess position. 

This score is just an outgrowth of the particle of the team. 

novice (nc) /ˈnɑː.vɪs/

person who is training to be a monk or a nun

person who is not experienced in a job or situation:

[Example]The novice player did somewhat worse.

This dish could be difficult for novice chiefs to cook.


dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and not just a part:

[Example]All this information becomes into one holistic concept

Architecture designers take holistic approach to architecture blueprints. 


To sum up, mental representation is a mental structure corresponded an idea or information, and which can be improved through deliberate practice. Moreover, if people study in the field more, the more detailed mental representation they have. This is the reason why the experts can see the whole forest when the novice can see a tree. 


這裡的mental representation 我理解為融會貫通,也就是當學習一個事物可以用自己的一段話去呈現,甚至是教授他人時,就是真的理解這個事物。就如棋藝大師在默讀棋盤時,不只是旗子的位置,而是當旗子的位置排列在那裡時,優勢劣勢該怎麼走也一併浮現在腦海中。

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