Day 1-2
We are going to probe into 4 pitfalls that English learners in China should avoid:
1. Translation-Grammar method
a.the process is slow.
b.the logic of the two languages are different.
2. Why it’s difficult to read in English
a.improve grammar through reading
b.start with simple and easy-understanding books
And we have 2 solutions correspondingly:
1. Less translation and grammar while speaking/reading in English
2. 20-80 principle:
a. 80%words are known and 20% are not known.
but don't search the dictionary: by using the context to guess the meaning.
b. 80% content learning and 20% English learning.
Day 3-4
the other two pitfalls:
3. Why you can’t build your vocabulary efficiently
use E-C dictionary
don't repeat
words are the symbols of ideals and single words don't make sense.
4. Why you still can’t communicate in English after taking so many English classes
don't do daily communication and reading
watch the subtitle of movies and Chinese version of novels
3. Forget your vocabulary books
record the unknown words in the phone, or textbook
don't look in the dictionary
in other context guess the meaning.
4. Blur the line between learning and using
use language in daily life
talk to oneself
describe the things one sees
build English-learning environment
use the Internet to access resources
Day 5-6
how to build vocabulary:
1. Keep reading!!!
2. Follow my method and start to collect and memorize your words from the book/movie/TV drama you are reading/watching.
3. Try out my output methods: talk to yourself and story making. Speak as much as possible.
4. Watch a talk show without subtitle (Jimmy Kimmel/Ellen/Daily show/Seth Myers etc.).
Steps taken to build your vocabulary:
1. READ A LOT!!!!! Indulge yourself in English.
2. Collect words from your reading/binge-watching/academic classes and so on.
3. Look up EE dictionary rather than EC dictionary. Find the English definition of the word and summarize it in 3-5 words.
4. Try to pronounce it correctly—accent is fine but pronunciation matters more.
5. Find the stem (root) of the word.
6. Make a sentence out of it.
7. Output: use the word as much as possible.
--Talk to yourself
--Story making (random words)
--No subtitle