
第3周- A10379-博学奖投稿

2017-03-19  本文已影响75人  沫衣




Something is not  possible,it is just difficult.You can make an attempt  to those apparently impossible mission,but actually we know that one attempt may not work,you need to attempt again and agian.

People find excuses for things they could have done,the truth is that they believed that people would do better than they would(——Well,that happens to be what I thought in last few months,or years)

To have a try, and try again and again and again……And  you can ask for a help.




Sometimes I feel like I'm fighting for a life I ain't got time to live.I want it to mean somethin'.

——The Dallas Buyers Club


They had instilled in them, young, a certain discipline, the sense that one lives by doing things one does not particularly want to do, by putting fears and doubts to one side, by weighing immediate comforts against the possibility of larger, even intangible, comforts.

Self-respect(尊重自我)的来源于sense of self-worth(对于自我价值的肯定)。sense of self-worth来自a certain discipline ,它告诉你人们活着就要去做自己并不是特别想做的事情,将恐惧与怀疑搁置一边,在眼前的舒适和未来可能更大的舒适——哪怕这种舒适现在触不可及,之间做出权衡。这就像当下流行的一种说法——走出舒适区(get out of comfortable zone)。

That kind of self-respect is a discipline, a habit of mind that can never be faked but can be developed, trained, coaxed forth.




2 topics:Digital Health Care &Self-respect.

1、重读了Digital Health Care

(1) 流水账式的信息提取:

1.以心脏复苏手术为例,说明Digital Health Care可以在Health Care上起到很大的作用,有非常好的前景.

2.【Health care is over regulated and expensive to innovate in】(问题A:为什么?)尽管如此,投资还是增长了.

3.对上文问题解答。原因1 the scale of potential cost-savings; .(A第三段, 18%GDP USA on HC 大多数消费效率不高。行政消费个体差异 7倍;其他方面差异也很大。|一些app,可穿戴设备为人们提供的服务,它们的价格远低于保险、政府所提供给人们看病吃药的花销。)2.consumers seems readier to accept digital product

Revolution 里的winner &loser

3 groups——

1.Traditional innovators(下简称TI):pharmaceutical firms,hospitals and medical-technology companies

2.incumbent players:health insurers健康保险,pharmacy-benefit managers医药福利管理者(为他服务的那一方 谈判医药价格)  single-payer heath-care systems单一付款人医疗

3.technology insurgent(技术革新者),goggle,Apple,Amazon...他们做的是:create apps,predictive-diagnostic systems and new devices.他们很有可能会从这场革命中大赚一笔。



Onduo 公司开发新的东西,更好的产品,园林的产品销量就下降了,还面临着失去产权保护的问题——而医药产权保护 是其获益的关键。

telemedicine(通过遥测、电视、电话等方式求诊的)远距离医学的兴起预示着 疾病的分析和早期诊断的 “准入者”会减少,特别是在最赚钱的商业系统中。(最病重的人最愿意花钱用特别的设备。)

【隐患2】这场革命 会 打乱 依赖于实体设备、员工的 商业模式。

好处在于 这些数字产品也可以帮助医务人员的工作。

(后面讲了 短期内:数字产品(app/device)的快速崛起;长期:科技公司的崛起)

【隐患3】Regulated heath-care systems will take time to deal with concern over accuracy,security and privacy.


(2)延伸(来源 wikipedia)

a. Single-payer healthcare(定义) is a system in which the state, rather than private insurers, pays for healthcare costs.Single-payer systems may contract for healthcare services from private organizations (as is the case in Canada) or may own and employ healthcare resources and personnel (as is the case in the United Kingdom).

b.In the United States, a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) (定义)is a third-party administrator (TPA) of prescription drug programs for commercial health plans, self-insured employer plans, Medicare Part D plans, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and state government employee plans.

(服务对象)According to the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), "PBMs are primarily responsible for developing and maintaining the formulary, contracting with pharmacies, negotiating discounts and rebates with drug manufacturers, and processing and paying prescription drug claims. For the most part, they work with self-insured companies and government programs striving to maintain or reduce the pharmacy expenditures of the plan while concurrently trying to improve health care outcomes."

(作用)They operate inside of integrated healthcare systems.

2. Self-respect:详见文章:笃学奖-Topic5- A10379-甘比精读


