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2019-11-01  本文已影响0人  印记_成长



BELL comes from the Latin word meaning "war".  Bellona was a little-known Roman goddess of war; her husband, Mars, was the god of war.


Existing before a war, especially before the American Civil War (1861-65)

# When World War I was over, the French nobility found it impossible to return to their extravagant antebellum way of life.


Warlike, aggressive, quarrelsome

# The more bellicose party always got elected whenever there was tension along the border and the public believed that military action would lead to security.


Aggressiveness, combativeness

# The belligerence in Turner's voice told them that the warning was a serious threat.


Open defiance and opposition, sometimes armed, to a person or thing in authority

# A student rebellion that afternoon in Room 13 resulted in the new substitute teacher racing out of the building in tears.

PAC is related to the Latin word for "agree" and "peace". the ~Ocean


(1)To soothe anger or agitation; (2) To subdue by armed action

# It took the police hours to pacify the angry demonstrators.


A person opposed to war or violence, especially someone who refuses to bear arms to fight, on moral or religious grounds.

# Her grandfather had fought in the Marines in World War II, but in his last years he had become almost a pacifist, opposing every war for one reason or another.


An agreement between two or more people or groups; a treaty or formal agreement between nations to deal with a problem or to solve a dispute.

# The girl made a pact never to reveal what had happened on that terrifying night in the abandoned house.


Contrary to the opinion of.

# She had only three husbands, pace some Hollywood historians who claim she had as many as six.

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