每日一词 source

2018-11-29  本文已影响0人  zhangqinsisu

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)


英英释义:a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained

例句:Racial and cultural diversity has long been considered a source of strength for the US.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“source”是可数名词,字面意思是“河流的源头”,可以引申为“XX 的来源”,比如“收入来源”就可以说成“a source of income”。a source of 后常接抽象名词,比如 delight、strength、happiness、progress 等,是个非常实用、地道的写法。我们来看几个例子,体会一下这个常见表达的灵活用法。


Racial and cultural diversity has long been considered a source of strength for the US.


Conquering the world, as he had done time after time with pure punching skill, did not now seem the source of true happiness.


Liberty and autonomy are sources of human dignity.



America’s political system can be frustrating. Believe me, I know. But it has been the source of more than two centuries of economic and social progress.



另外,我们要注意中英文表达的区别。我们平时想表达“XX的来源”时,会很容易就想到“a source of X”,不过英文的“a source of X”可以表达的意思远远多于“XX的来源”。比如例句中的“得益于” “赋予” “带来”,很多时候都可以用到“a source of X”。在学习词汇时,要多留意中英文表达习惯的不同,积累的越多,我们的口语、写作和翻译就会变得越地道。

3. 从认识到会用(作业) 


a. [搭配]ADJ.

excellent, fertile, good, lucrative, reliable, rich, valuable 绝好的来源;丰富的源泉;不错的来源;生利的源泉;可靠的来源;宝贵的源泉:

a fertile source of ideas 丰富的思想源泉a lucrative source of income 颇为丰厚的收入来源a rich source of vitamins 丰富的维生素源

important, main, major, principal 重要来源;主要来源

cheap 廉价来源:a cheap source of labour 廉价的劳动力来源

external, foreign 外部来源:Do you have any foreign sources of income? 你有外部的收入来源吗?

independent 独立来源: an independent source of funding 独立的资金来源

additional 额外来源

alternative 其它可供选择的来源:We need to look for alternative sources of energy. 我们需要寻找其它可供选择的能源。

natural 自然资源

renewable 可再生资源:The village obtains all its energy from renewable sources. 这个村子完全利用可再生能源。

energy, food, heat, light, power, water 能源;食物源;热源;光源;电源;水源

b. [搭配]VERB + SOURCE

be, constitute, prove, provide 是来源;构成来源;证明是来源;提供来源:

The census constitutes the principal source of official statistics. 人口普查是官方统计数字的主要来源。These crustaceans provide a valuable food source for some fish. 这些甲壳纲动物是某些鱼类重要的食物来源。

exploit, tap, use (as) 开源;使用(…作为)来源:

The government hopes to tap new sources of employment in the area of health. 政府希望在保健领域开拓新的就业岗位来源。

locate 确定来源:We tried to locate the source of the sound. 我们试图查明声音是从哪儿发出来的。

c. [搭配]PREP.

at ~ 在源头:

Under the PAYE system, employees’ income is taxed at source (= by the employer). 在所得税预扣制下,雇员的收入在发放前由雇主扣除税金。

~ of…的来源:

a reliable source of advice 可靠的忠告

d. [搭配]PHRASES

a variety of sources 各种来源:

The research was funded from a wide variety of sources. 这项研究的资金来源自各方。



(参考翻译:Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source of pride for Shanghainese people. )


场景 1:想太多,就会产生焦虑。

造句:Thinking too much is the source of anxiety. 


造句:Extensive reading provides a fertile source of ideas. 

例句:Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples. 

She has been a great source of strength to me.

His job is the family's main source of income.


