
An object that manages the content for a rectangular area on the screen.
Views are the fundamental building blocks of your app's user interface, and the UIView class defines the behaviors that are common to all views. A view object renders content within its bounds rectangle and handles any interactions with that content.The UIView class is a concrete class that you can instantiate and use to display a fixed background color. You can also subclass it to draw more sophisticated content. To display labels, images, buttons, and other interface elements commonly found in apps, use the view subclasses provided by the UIKit framework rather than trying to define your own.
Because view objects are the main way your application interacts with the user, they have a number of responsibilities. Here are just a few:
Drawing and animation
- Views draw content in their rectangular area using UIKit or Core Graphics.
- Some view properties can be animated to new values.
Layout and subview management
- Views may contain zero or more subviews.
- Views can adjust the size and position of their subviews.
- Use Auto Layout to define the rules for resizing and repositioning your views in response to changes in the view hierarchy.
Event handling
- A view is a subclass of UIResponder and can respond to touches and other types of events.
- Views can install gesture recognizers to handle common gestures.
- 视图使用UIKit或Core Graphics在其矩形区域中绘制内容。(作者说一句:每个 UIView 内部都有一个 CALayer 在背后提供内容的绘制和显示,并且 UIView 的尺寸样式都由内部的 Layer 所提供。扩展阅读:详解 CALayer 和 UIView 的区别和联系)
- 某些视图属性可以以动画的形式呈现值的改变。
- 视图可能包含零个或多个子视图。
- 视图可以调整其子视图的大小和位置。
- 使用自动布局来定义调整视图的大小和重新定位的规则,以响应视图层次结构中的更改。
- 视图是UIResponder触摸和其他类型的事件的子类并可以响应。
- 视图可以添加手势识别器来处理常见的手势。(作者说一句:UIView和CALayer的主要区别就是前者可以响应手势)
Views can be nested inside other views to create view hierarchies, which offer a convenient way to organize related content. Nesting a view creates a parent-child relationship between the child view being nested (known as the subview) and the parent (known as the superview). A parent view may contain any number of subviews but each subview has only one superview. By default, when a subview’s visible area extends outside of the bounds of its superview, no clipping of the subview's content occurs. Use the clipsToBounds property to change that behavior.
视图可以嵌套在其他视图中以创建视图层次结构,这提供了组织相关内容的便捷方式。嵌套视图会在嵌套的子视图(称为子视图)和父级(称为超级视图)之间创建父子关系。父视图可以包含任意数量的子视图,但每个子视图只有一个超级视图。默认情况下,当子视图的可见区域扩展到其超级视图的边界之外时,不会发生剪辑子视图的内容。使用clipsToBounds来更改该行为。 (作者说一句:clipsToBounds常用在给UIImageView添加图片时,图标的尺寸大于控件尺寸时。)
The geometry of each view is defined by its frame and bounds properties. The frame property defines the origin and dimensions of the view in the coordinate system of its superview. The bounds property defines the internal dimensions of the view as it sees them and is used almost exclusively in custom drawing code. The center property provides a convenient way to reposition a view without changing its frame or bounds properties directly.
For detailed information about how to use the UIView class, see View Programming Guide for iOS.
Creating a View
Normally, you create views in your storyboards by dragging them from the library to your canvas. You can also create views programmatically. When creating a view, you typically specify its initial size and position relative to its future superview. For example, the following example creates a view and places its top-left corner at the point (10, 10) in the superview's coordinate system (once it is added to that superview).
CGRect viewRect = CGRectMake(10, 10, 100, 100);
UIView* myView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:viewRect];
To add a subview to another view, call the addSubview: method on the superview. You may add any number of subviews to a view, and sibling views may overlap each other without any issues in iOS. Each call to the addSubview: method places the new view on top of all other siblings. You can specify the relative z-order of subview by adding it using the insertSubview:aboveSubview: and insertSubview:belowSubview: methods. You can also exchange the position of already added subviews using the exchangeSubviewAtIndex:withSubviewAtIndex: method.
After creating a view, create Auto Layout rules to govern how the size and position of the view change in response to changes in the rest of the view hierarchy. For more information, see Auto Layout Guide.
The View Drawing Cycle
View drawing occurs on an as-needed basis. When a view is first shown, or when all or part of it becomes visible due to layout changes, the system asks the view to draw its contents. For views that contain custom content using UIKit or Core Graphics, the system calls the view’s drawRect: method. Your implementation of this method is responsible for drawing the view’s content into the current graphics context, which is set up by the system automatically prior to calling this method. This creates a static visual representation of your view’s content that can then be displayed on the screen.
视图绘制根据需要进行。当首次显示视图时,或者由于布局更改而使其全部或部分变得可见时,系统会要求视图绘制其内容。对于包含使用UIKit或Core Graphics的自定义内容的视图,系统调用该视图的drawRect:方法。您执行此方法负责将视图的内容绘制到当前图形上下文中,此方法的调用时之前由系统自动设置的。这将使你可以创建视图内容,并在之后显示在屏幕。
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect{
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
When the actual content of your view changes, it is your responsibility to notify the system that your view needs to be redrawn. You do this by calling your view’s setNeedsDisplay or setNeedsDisplayInRect: method of the view. These methods let the system know that it should update the view during the next drawing cycle. Because it waits until the next drawing cycle to update the view, you can call these methods on multiple views to update them at the same time.
If you are using OpenGL ES to do your drawing, you should use the GLKView class instead of subclassing UIView. For more information about how to draw using OpenGL ES, see OpenGL ES Programming Guide.
如果您使用OpenGL ES来完成绘图,则应该使用GLKView该类而不是子类化UIView。有关如何使用OpenGL ES绘制的更多信息,请参阅OpenGL ES编程指南。
For detailed information about the view drawing cycle and the role your views have in this cycle, see View Programming Guide for iOS.
Changes to several view properties can be animated—that is, changing the property creates an animation starting at the current value and ending at the new value that you specify. The following properties of the UIView class are animatable:
To animate your changes, create a UIViewPropertyAnimator object and use its handler block to change the values of your view's properties. The UIViewPropertyAnimator class lets you specify the duration and timing of your animations, but it performs the actual animations. You can pause a property-based animator that is currently running to interrupt the animation and drive it interactively. For more information, see UIViewPropertyAnimator.
作者说一句:UIViewPropertyAnimator是iOS10新添加的属性,它与以前实现动画的不同之处在于,我们可以暂停和重启动画。简单的说其可以更细腻的制作和控制动画。扩展阅读:如何使用iOS 10的UIViewPropertyAnimator做动画
Threading Considerations
Manipulations to your application’s user interface must occur on the main thread. Thus, you should always call the methods of the UIView class from code running in the main thread of your application. The only time this may not be strictly necessary is when creating the view object itself, but all other manipulations should occur on the main thread.
Subclassing Notes
The UIView class is a key subclassing point for visual content that also requires user interactions. Although there are many good reasons to subclass UIView, it is recommended that you do so only when the basic UIView class or the standard system views do not provide the capabilities that you need. Subclassing requires more work on your part to implement the view and to tune its performance.
For information about ways to avoid subclassing, see Alternatives to Subclassing.
Methods to Override
When subclassing UIView, there are only a handful of methods you should override and many methods that you might override depending on your needs. Because UIView is a highly configurable class, there are also many ways to implement sophisticated view behaviors without overriding custom methods, which are discussed in the Alternatives to Subclassing section. In the meantime, the following list includes the methods you might consider overriding in your UIView subclasses:
- initWithFrame: - It is recommended that you implement this method. You can also implement custom initialization methods in addition to, or instead of, this method.
- initWithCoder: - Implement this method if you load your view from storyboards or nib files and your view requires custom initialization.
- layerClass Use this property only if you want your view to use a different Core Animation layer for its backing store. For example, if your view uses tiling to display a large scrollable area, you might want to set the property to the CATiledLayer class.
- initWithFrame: - 建议您实现此方法。您还可以实现自定义初始化方法,除此之外,也可以替代该方法。(作者说一句:注意,只有UIView及其子类拥有此构造方法,UIViewContoller是不存在此构造方法的哟)
- initWithCoder: - 如果从storyboard或nib文件加载视图,并且您的视图需要自定义初始化,请执行此方法。
- layerClass仅当您希望视图为其后备存储使用不同的Core Animation图层时,才能使用此属性。例如,如果您的视图使用平铺来显示大的可滚动区域,则可能需要将属性设置为CATiledLayer类。(作者有话说:每一个UIView都是寄宿在一个CALayer的示例上。这个图层是由视图自动创建和管理的,那我们可以用别的图层类型替代它么?一旦被创建,我们就无法代替这个图层了。但是如果我们继承了UIView,那我们就可以重写+layerClass方法使得在创建的时候能返回一个不同的图层子类。UIView会在初始化的时候调用+layerClass方法,然后用它的返回类型来创建宿主图层。官方解释: default is [CALayer class]. Used when creating the underlying layer for the view. 对于这个方法,作者确实没有用到过,留一个坑,之后会做研究。)
作者挖坑:为什么在swift中即使用代码实现UIView子类的构造方法,也需要实现required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)方法?[2]
Drawing and printing:
- drawRect: - Implement this method if your view draws custom content. If your view does not do any custom drawing, avoid overriding this method.
- drawRect:forViewPrintFormatter: - Implement this method only if you want to draw your view’s content differently during printing.
- drawRect: - 如果您的视图绘制自定义内容,请执行此方法。如果您的视图不执行任何自定义绘图,请避免覆盖此方法。(作者说一句:上面已经提过drawRect的常用场景了,跟这里的解释差不多。)
- drawRect:forViewPrintFormatter: - 仅当您要在打印期间绘制视图的内容时,才能实现此方法。(作者说一句:UIViewPrintFormatter在网上看了一下,指的是打印格式,如果输出的内容需要打印出来,才会使用到这个方法。什么是打印格式?请点我)
Layout and Constraints:
- requiresConstraintBasedLayout Use this property if your view class requires constraints to work properly.
- updateConstraints - Implement this method if your view needs to create custom constraints between your subviews.
- alignmentRectForFrame:, frameForAlignmentRect: - Implement these methods to override how your views are aligned to other views.
- didAddSubview:, willRemoveSubview: - Implement these methods as needed to track the additions and removals of subviews.
- willMoveToSuperview:, didMoveToSuperview - Implement these methods as needed to track the movement of the current view in your view hierarchy.
- requiresConstraintBasedLayout 如果您的视图类需要约束才能正常工作,请使用此属性。
- updateConstraints - 如果您的视图需要在您的子视图之间创建自定义约束,请执行此方法。
- alignmentRectForFrame:, frameForAlignmentRect:- 实现这些方法来覆盖视图与其他视图的对齐方式。
- didAddSubview:,willRemoveSubview:- 根据需要实施这些方法来跟踪子视图的添加和删除。
- willMoveToSuperview:,didMoveToSuperview- 根据需要实现这些方法来跟踪视图层次结构中当前视图的移动。
作者挖坑:有关布局方法的使用介绍,会在以后的Masonry专题里面进行研究和说明 [3]
Event Handling:
- gestureRecognizerShouldBegin: - Implement this method if your view handles touch events directly and might want to prevent attached gesture recognizers from triggering additional actions.
- touchesBegan:withEvent:, touchesMoved:withEvent:, touchesEnded:withEvent:, touchesCancelled:withEvent: - Implement these methods if you need to handle touch events directly. (For gesture-based input, use gesture recognizers.)
- gestureRecognizerShouldBegin: - 如果您的视图直接处理触摸事件,并且可能希望防止附加的手势识别器触发其他操作,请执行此方法。
- touchesBegan:withEvent:,touchesMoved:withEvent:,touchesEnded:withEvent:,touchesCancelled:withEvent: -如果你需要直接处理触摸事件实现这些方法。(对于基于手势的输入,使用手势识别器。)
作者挖坑:简单的说,就是在手势冲突时,用来判断执行哪个手势操作的代理方法。比如ScrollView上的子控件拥有一个滑动手势,子控件实现gestureRecognizerShouldBegin代理方法,当在这个子控件上滑动时,可以在代理方法中进行判断若:return YES ,该手势会被拦截(不会传递给 ScrollView 进行滚动)。若:return NO, 该手势会传递下去(传递给 ScrollView 进行滚动)。更多关于手势的操作,咱们也挖一个坑,以后补上。[4]
Alternatives to Subclassing
Many view behaviors can be configured without the need for subclassing. Before you start overriding methods, consider whether modifying the following properties or behaviors would provide the behavior you need.
addConstraint: - Define automatic layout behavior for the view and its subviews.
autoresizingMask - Provides automatic layout behavior when the superview’s frame changes. These behaviors can be combined with constraints.
contentMode - Provides layout behavior for the view’s content, as opposed to the frame of the view. This property also affects how the content is scaled to fit the view and whether it is cached or redrawn.
hidden or alpha - Change the transparency of the view as a whole rather than hiding or applying alpha to your view’s rendered content.
backgroundColor - Set the view’s color rather than drawing that color yourself.
Subviews - Rather than draw your content using a drawRect: method, embed image and label subviews with the content you want to present.
Gesture recognizers - Rather than subclass to intercept and handle touch events yourself, you can use gesture recognizers to send an Target-Action to a target object.
Animations - Use the built-in animation support rather than trying to animate changes yourself. The animation support provided by Core Animation is fast and easy to use.
Image-based backgrounds - For views that display relatively static content, consider using a UIImageView object with gesture recognizers instead of subclassing and drawing the image yourself. Alternatively, you can also use a generic UIView object and assign your image as the content of the view’s CALayer object.
addConstraint: -为视图及其子视图定义自动布局行为。
autoresizingMask -在父视图的框架更改时提供自动布局行为。这些行为可以与约束相结合。
contentMode -为视图的内容提供布局行为,而不是视图的框架。此属性还影响内容如何缩放以适合视图以及是否缓存或重绘。
backgroundColor -设置视图的颜色,而不是自己绘制该颜色。
手势识别器 -您可以使用手势识别器向目标对象发送Target-Action,而不是子类自己截取和处理触摸事件。
动画 -使用内置的动画支持,而不是试图自己动画变化。Core Animation提供的动画支持快速且易于使用。
基于图像的背景 -对于显示相对静态内容的视图,考虑使用带有手势识别器的UIImageView对象,而不是自己创建子类并绘制图像。或者,您也可以使用通用UIView对象,并将图像指定为视图CALayer对象的内容。
Animations are another way to make visible changes to a view without requiring you to subclass and implement complex drawing code. Many properties of the UIView class are animatable, which means changes to those properties can trigger system-generated animations. Starting animations requires as little as one line of code to indicate that any changes that follow should be animated. For more information about animation support for views, see Animations.
Creat a View Objcet
Initializes and returns a newly allocated view object with the specified frame rectangle.
初始化并返回具有指定框架矩形的新分配的视图对象。 -
Configuring a View’s Visual Appearance
The view’s background color.
视图的背景颜色。 -
A Boolean value that determines whether the view is hidden.
一个布尔值,用于确定视图是否被隐藏。 -
The view’s alpha value.
视图的alpha值。 -
A Boolean value that determines whether the view is opaque.
一个布尔值,用于确定视图是否不透明。(作者说一句:hidden,alpha,opaque区别的扩展阅读:UIView中hidden、alpha、clear color与opaque的区别)
The first nondefault tint color value in the view’s hierarchy, ascending from and starting with the view itself.
视图层次结构中的第一个非默认色调颜色值,从视图本身和视点开始算起。 -
The first non-default tint adjustment mode value in the view’s hierarchy, ascending from and starting with the view itself.
视图层次结构中的第一个非默认色调调整模式值,从视图本身开始并从视点开始。(作者说一句:tintColor完全可以作为一种主题色修改的方案来使用,关于tintColor的扩展阅读:详解 UIView 的 Tint Color 属性)
A Boolean value that determines whether subviews are confined to the bounds of the view.
一个布尔值,确定子视图是否被限制在视图的边界。 -
A Boolean value that determines whether the view’s bounds should be automatically cleared before drawing.
一个布尔值,用于确定在绘制之前是否应该自动清除视图边界。(作者说一句:决定在视图重画之前是否先清理视图以前的内容,默认值为YES,如果你把这个属性设为NO,那么你要保证能在 drawRect:方法中正确的绘画。如果你的代码已经做了大量优化,那么设为NO可以提高性能,尤其是在滚动时可能只需要重新绘画视图的一部分)
An optional view whose alpha channel is used to mask a view’s content.
Returns the class used to create the layer for instances of this class.
返回用于为此类的实例创建图层的类。 -
The view’s Core Animation layer used for rendering.
视图用于渲染的Core Animation层。
Configuring the Event-Related Behavior
A Boolean value that determines whether user events are ignored and removed from the event queue.
一个布尔值,用于确定用户事件是否被忽略并从事件队列中删除。 -
A Boolean value that indicates whether the view receives more than one touch at a time.
一个布尔值,指示视图是否一次接收多个触摸。 -
A Boolean value that indicates whether the receiver handles touch events exclusively.
作者挖坑:关于exclusiveTouch的研究报告 [5]
Configuring the Bounds and Frame Rectangles
The frame rectangle, which describes the view’s location and size in its superview’s coordinate system.
框架矩形,在其父视图的坐标系中描述视图的位置和大小 -
The bounds rectangle, which describes the view’s location and size in its own coordinate system.
边界矩形,它在自己的坐标系统中描述视图的位置和大小。 -
The center point of the view's frame rectangle.
视图的框架矩形的中心点。 -
Specifies the transform applied to the view, relative to the center of its bounds.
指定应用于视图的变换,相对于其边界的中心作者挖坑:修改transform和修改frame的区别 [5]
Managing the View Hierarchy
The receiver’s superview, or nil if it has none.
接收者的父视图,可能返回nil。 -
The receiver’s immediate subviews.
接收者的子视图。 -
The receiver’s window object, or nil if it has none.
接收者的window对象,如果它没有返回nil。 -
Adds a view to the end of the receiver’s list of subviews.
将视图添加到接收者的子视图列表的末尾。 -
Moves the specified subview so that it appears on top of its siblings.
移动指定的子视图,使其出现在其所有子视图之上。v -
Moves the specified subview so that it appears behind its siblings
移动指定的子视图,使其出现在所有子视图的后面。 -
Unlinks the view from its superview and its window, and removes it from the responder chain.
将视图从其父视图和其窗口中取消链接,并将其从响应者链中移除。 -
Inserts a subview at the specified index.
在指定的索引处插入子视图。 -
Inserts a view above another view in the view hierarchy.
在视图层次结构中的另一个视图上插入一个视图。 -
Inserts a view below another view in the view hierarchy.
在视图层次结构中的另一个视图下插入一个视图。 -
- exchangeSubviewAtIndex:withSubviewAtIndex:
Exchanges the subviews at the specified indices.
在指定的索引交换子视图。 -
Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the receiver is a subview of a given view or identical to that view.
