
2016-12-07  本文已影响0人  林恩的小屋

There are three methods.

1.Resist the interrupters

You can collect what you think, or wait for three seconds not to start doing other things mmediately. Maybe you can turn down the other Interrupters.

2.Get freedom by improving your advantages.

3.Set up the theme of your life.

【Daily thinking】

1.What about your pieces time?

I can't be absorbed in only one thing in at  work.I was often interrupted by myself of others.

2.What are the five biggest interrupters for you?

a.I was always distracted and unable to concentrate on only one thing.

b.It's a bad habit for me to delay the work.I think it need a full time to do it.

c.I received a lot of emails every day.Most of them need  some time and reply them immediately.

d. I had a bad mood at work Every every day.

e.Maybe the way of thinking is not fit the work.



