Sara 《听老友记学地道美语》课程 21 & 22 出
- Rachel: Terry, I, I, I know that I haven't worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary?
- Terry: An advance?
- Rachel: It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family. See, every year we go skiing in Vail, and normally my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is actually why I took this "job".
- Terry: Rachel, Rachel, sweetheart. You're a terrible, terrible waitress. Really, really awful.
- Rachel: Ok, I, I hear what you're saying. I'm with you. Um, but-but I'm trying really hard. And-and I think I'm doing better. I really do. Does anybody need coffee? (everyone in the place raises their hand. Terry does the "OK" gesture.) Oh, look at that.
I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 advance in my salary?
- 外国人特别喜欢在说一个让人有点排除、求人、让人有点反感的事情之前铺垫一下, 最常见的铺垫比如:
- I hate to say this
- I hate to ask you
- No offence 无意冒犯
- Well, this may hurt, but
- 具体到片中的话, Rachel 一下子用了三个:
- do you think
- it would be possible
- if I got //没有发生的事用过去时来表达, 说明是虚拟语气
- 这种铺垫在这几个地方也用到过 (对上司 / 对老师 / 对女生):
- S04E09 Rachel: Oh, uh, Joanna, I was wondering if I could ask you something. //Rachel 想参加公司内部面试 (采购助理职位)
- S06E19 Elizabeth: I was wondering if I could talk to you for a moment? //她和 Ross 在交往, 但在学校里还是用最礼貌的语气
- S03E07 Student: I was wondering if you would consider coaching me for it? //Joey 在给学生上表演课, 结果这个学生抢了他的角色 (当然大家本来都不知道), 所以想请他指点一二
- S05E12 Gary: (Ok, so since umm, you're not going to jail tonight) I was wondering if you would umm like to go to dinner with me? //Gary 找到捡到警徽的 Phoebe 之后挺喜欢她, 这里是约她的第一句话
- S03E19 Gunther (In his head): Say Rachel, I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me sometime. As my lover! //Gunther 又在 YY
- S03E05 Ross: Um, I was wondering if I could um, maybe buy you a, um, cup of coffee? //待补
- I was wondering //用过去进行时表示在说话之前 (比如前 10 分钟) 就一直在想
- 「$100 advance in my salary」预支薪水
- advance 有提前的意思, 也有改进 / 改善 和往前走的意思, 这里是用来表示预支薪水 (money paid before it's due)
- 外国人特别喜欢在说一个让人有点排除、求人、让人有点反感的事情之前铺垫一下, 最常见的铺垫比如:
「It's so that」这是为了 / 以便于
「spend」度过, 是个万能词, 后面可以接 holiday / Thanksgiving / Christmas
「see」除了最常用的「看见」之外, 本来就还有「想」的意思, 这里就是后者
「Vail」韦尔是美国科罗拉多州伊格尔县的一座城市, 是个滑雪胜地.
「sort of」和「kind of」都可以表示种类, 也都可以表示「有点儿」, 也可以都可以缩读成「XXXX + a」
「sweetheart」在日常口语里面经常使用, 就像国内的帅哥美女
「terrible」和「awful」都是很过分的词, 这里 Terry 同时使用它们来说 Rachel, 以至于后来 Phoebe 被赶出咖啡厅不允许弹奏时, Phoebe 写了一首歌:
S02E06 Phoebe (sing): Terry's a jerk, and he won't let me work, and I hate Central Perk!
- 有意思的是歌里的 jerk, work 和 Perk 三个词还押韵
- jerk 可以拿来骂人「混蛋」
I'm with you. 即 I'm agree with you. 的简化版. 这里说几个 Rachel 端咖啡闹的笑话:
S01E03 Alright, don't tell me, don't tell me! (Starts handing them out.) Decaf cappucino for Joey.. Coffee black.. Latte.. And an iced tea. I'm getting pretty good at this! //没有一杯是对的.
S01E03 Phoebe 神吐槽 Rachel 端咖啡的水平, Chandler 的传人啊
- Rachel: I should really get back to work.
- Phoebe: Yeah, 'cause otherwise someone might get what they actually ordered.
S03E10 Rachel: Ok, fine. Gunther, you know what, I am a terrible waitress, do you know why I'm a terrible waitress? Because, I don't care. I don't care. I don't care which pot is regular and which pot is decaf, I don't care where the tray spot is, I just don't care, this is not what I wanna do. So I don't think I should do it anymore. I'm gonna give you my weeks notice. //Rachel 大爆发 1
S03E10 Rachel: I'm training to be better at a job that I hate, my life officially sucks. //Rachel 大爆发 2
Rachel 的咖啡店服务员生涯一直持续到 S03E10 Joey 问她 (要不要去一家时尚公司看看): Rach, hey listen, have you ever heard of Fortunata Fashions? //结果去那边还是端咖啡...
- I know that I haven't worked here very long, but I was wondering, do you think it would be possible if I got a $100 (←重音) advance (←重音) in my salary (←重音) ?
- 「I know that I」小连读成 I know tha-tai
- 「haven'
tworkedhere」爆破音失去爆破, here 的 h 击穿贯通, 整个读成 haven work-dere - 「but I」连读成 把-dai (第二声), 重音落在 wondering
- 「think i
twouldbe」连读成 thin-kit woul be - 「if I got a」这里有两处连读: i-fi go-de, 而且因为不是本句重点所以重音不在这上面而且连读就是为了弱化
- 「An advance?」注意重音在 advance 里的 vance 部分
- It's so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family.
- 「I can spend」里面 can 处于肯定语气中, 所以读成 ken, 不要读成 kan
- 「spen
dThanksgiving」爆破音失去爆破 - 前半句「It's so that I can」小连读成 It's so tha-tai ken
- 「normally」虽然没在最后音节, 但也别忘记卷舌做儿话音
- 说到这里, 提一下另一个较难做儿话音的单词「nervous」, 前半部分有儿话音, 后半部分要收得很干脆
- 美音三大发音特色: 儿话音, t = de, o 的发音 (美音 Oh, my gade, 英音 Oh, my guode)
- Normally my father pays for my ticket, but I sort of started the whole independence thing, you know, which is actually why I took this "job".
- 「but I」连读成 bu-dai
- 「sort of」连读成 sor-tef
- 「which is actually」连读成 wei-qu-za-tually
- 「took this "job"」爆破音失去爆破, job 的 b 注意以辅音发音收尾没有其他, 同类的单词比如 strong / classmate
- 「sweet
heart」- h 击穿贯通不发音
- rt 做儿话音处理
- 完整的读法为 swe-darl
- I hear what you're saying.
- 「wha
tyou're」爆破音失去爆破 - 「saying」这里 Rachel 把后鼻音省掉了, 读成 say-en
- 「wha
- I think I'm doing better.
- 「I think I'm」连读成 I thin-kaim
- 「better」里 t 要浊化成 de, 同时 er 要做卷舌儿话音处理, 同时具有美音两大特色的一个单词
- S10E15 Monica: Ours is so much better! //Monica 说的是他们的新房子
- S10E05 Amy: Hey, your English is getting better! //貌似说 Ross 的英语...
- S10E16 Rachel 貌似生病了, 待补
- Phoebe: Are you doing ok?
- Rachel: Well, I've been better.
- S01E03 Chandler: Oh, she's sorry! I feel better! //待补
- S01E15 Monica 做了个鲑鱼慕斯
- Monica(to Joey): OK, try this salmon mousse.
- Joey(tasting): Mmmm. Good.
- Monica: Yeah? Is it better than the other salmon mousse?
- Joey: It's creamier.
- Monica: Yeah, well, is that better?- Does anybody need coffee?
- S01E17 Rachel (as Monica): You know what, it's feeling a lot better, thank you. //待补
- 英国人读 better 的地方:
- S04E25 Felicity(Putting her arm around Joey): Are you going home? I was hoping to get to know you better. //Ross 和 Emily 婚礼教堂外面一个英国女孩跟 Joey 调情
- 和 better 一样有 t 又以 r 结尾的单词有:
- matter
- S10E17 Chandler 和 Monica 讨论领养双胞胎的问题
- Chandler: Monica, we are not ready to have two babies!
- Monica: Tha
- S01E10 Ross 的猴子 Marcel 又生气了...
- Monica: What's the matter?
- Ross: Oh, it's-it's Marcel. He's angry with me again.
- S10E17 Chandler 和 Monica 讨论领养双胞胎的问题
- letter
- S04E01 Rachel: Ooh, soo nervous about that letter. //Rachel 写 (满 18 页正反两面的关于复合条件的) 信
- S06E09 Ross: Oh, yeah, about telling mom and dad, I was thinking about maybe writing a letter. //Chandler 和 Monica 同居之后 Monica 和 Ross 的父母来了, Monica 要求 Ross 把自己当年自己吸毒赖给 Chandler 以及烧掉父亲唱片赖给 Chandler 的事情说清楚
- matter
- writer
- S06E12 Ross: (You know, I was gonna stick it in the ATM, ) but now I think I'll show the sexy teller that I am a published writer. //当时 Chandler 和 Ross 争吵谁是 Dr.Mokey 这则笑话的发明人
- 「does anybody」连读成 de-zanybody
- 「nee
- 「look a
tthat.」连读成 loo-kai-tha