2017-01-24 本文已影响0人
// An example Backbone application contributed by
// [Jérôme Gravel-Niquet]( This demo uses a simple
// [LocalStorage adapter](backbone.localStorage.html)
// to persist Backbone models within your browser.
// Load the application once the DOM is ready, using `jQuery.ready`:
// Todo Model
// ----------
// Our basic **Todo** model has `title`, `order`, and `done` attributes.
var Todo = Backbone.Model.extend({
// Default attributes for the todo item.
// 也可直接定义 defaults: {title: "XX",...}
defaults: function() {
return {
title: "empty todo...",
order: Todos.nextOrder(),
done: false
// Toggle the `done` state of this todo item.
toggle: function() {{done: !this.get("done")});
// Todo Collection
// ---------------
// The collection of todos is backed by *localStorage* instead of a remote
// server.
var TodoList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
// Reference to this collection's model.
model: Todo,
// Save all of the todo items under the `"todos-backbone"` namespace.
localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("todos-backbone"),
// Filter down the list of all todo items that are finished.
done: function() {
return this.where({done: true});
// Filter down the list to only todo items that are still not finished.
remaining: function() {
return this.where({done: false});
// We keep the Todos in sequential order, despite being saved by unordered
// GUID in the database. This generates the next order number for new items.
nextOrder: function() {
if (!this.length) return 1;
return this.last().get('order') + 1;
// Todos are sorted by their original insertion order.
comparator: 'order'
// Create our global collection of **Todos**.
// 省略了()
var Todos = new TodoList;
// Todo Item View
// --------------
// The DOM element for a todo item...
var TodoView = Backbone.View.extend({
//... is a list tag.
// 视图Dom元素类型,默认是 div。同样也可设置id,className等
// 如果 el 属性有值时,忽略该属性
tagName: "li",
// Cache the template function for a single item.
// Underscore 模版
template: _.template($('#item-template').html()),
// The DOM events specific to an item.
// 使用事件委托的方式,委托在el上,提高性能
events: {
"click .toggle" : "toggleDone",
"dblclick .view" : "edit",
"click a.destroy" : "clear",
"keypress .edit" : "updateOnEnter",
"blur .edit" : "close"
// The TodoView listens for changes to its model, re-rendering. Since there's
// a one-to-one correspondence between a **Todo** and a **TodoView** in this
// app, we set a direct reference on the model for convenience.
initialize: function() {
// 设置事件监听,View监听model的事件
// 例如当model触发destroy事件时,执行View的remove方法移除该View
// model属性由new TodoView({model: todo})创建所赋
this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', this.render);
this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.remove);
// Re-render the titles of the todo item.
render: function() {
// $el: 视图元素的缓存jQuery对象
// 渲染到页面上
this.$el.toggleClass('done', this.model.get('done'));
// 创建公共变量 input
this.input = this.$('.edit');
return this;
// Toggle the `"done"` state of the model.
toggleDone: function() {
// Switch this view into `"editing"` mode, displaying the input field.
edit: function() {
// Close the `"editing"` mode, saving changes to the todo.
close: function() {
var value = this.input.val();
if (!value) {
} else {{title: value});
// If you hit `enter`, we're through editing the item.
updateOnEnter: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13) this.close();
// Remove the item, destroy the model.
clear: function() {
// The Application
// ---------------
// Our overall **AppView** is the top-level piece of UI.
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
// Instead of generating a new element, bind to the existing skeleton of
// the App already present in the HTML.
// DOM 元素(el 属性),可以从视图的 tagName, className, id 和 attributes 创建,
// 默认为空div
el: $("#todoapp"),
// Our template for the line of statistics at the bottom of the app.
statsTemplate: _.template($('#stats-template').html()),
// Delegated events for creating new items, and clearing completed ones.
events: {
"keypress #new-todo": "createOnEnter",
"click #clear-completed": "clearCompleted",
"click #toggle-all": "toggleAllComplete"
// At initialization we bind to the relevant events on the `Todos`
// collection, when items are added or changed. Kick things off by
// loading any preexisting todos that might be saved in *localStorage*.
initialize: function() {
// 定义公共变量
this.input = this.$("#new-todo");
this.allCheckbox = this.$("#toggle-all")[0];
this.listenTo(Todos, 'add', this.addOne);
this.listenTo(Todos, 'reset', this.addAll);
this.listenTo(Todos, 'all', this.render);
this.footer = this.$('footer');
this.main = $('#main');
// 从localStorage中取数据todos
// Re-rendering the App just means refreshing the statistics -- the rest
// of the app doesn't change.
render: function() {
var done = Todos.done().length;
var remaining = Todos.remaining().length;
if (Todos.length) {;;
this.footer.html(this.statsTemplate({done: done, remaining: remaining}));
} else {
this.allCheckbox.checked = !remaining;
// Add a single todo item to the list by creating a view for it, and
// appending its element to the `<ul>`.
addOne: function(todo) {
var view = new TodoView({model: todo});
// Add all items in the **Todos** collection at once.
addAll: function() {
Todos.each(this.addOne, this);
// If you hit return in the main input field, create new **Todo** model,
// persisting it to *localStorage*.
createOnEnter: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode != 13) return;
if (!this.input.val()) return;
Todos.create({title: this.input.val()});
// Clear all done todo items, destroying their models.
clearCompleted: function() {
_.invoke(Todos.done(), 'destroy');
return false;
toggleAllComplete: function () {
var done = this.allCheckbox.checked;
Todos.each(function (todo) {{'done': done}); });
// Finally, we kick things off by creating the **App**.
var App = new AppView;
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