
2023-08-30  本文已影响0人  江南铁鹰



“Mitchell, I'm going to have the four of them pose as Chinese tourists visiting Scottwood.  What do you think of this idea?


休西斯大笑,拍着方向盘。“That's a great idea. That's a great idea.  We can split up, four of them on one side, me and you on the other.






“Hello detective knight, I've heard so much about famous people, and I finally see you today.  I'm Dale, chief of the Cleveland County Police department.  Are these the members of the Deerrider detective team?  Each smart and capable, and so young, and two ladies.  Ha ha, such a beautiful lady, is a member of the detective team, it is unbelievable.



鹿鸣指着自己的一组成员一一介绍过去。“Hello, Chief Dale. Let me introduce you to these people.  This is The deputy head of the exploration team, Miss Qian Xun Zhen, good at collecting all kinds of clues.  This is my assistant, Miss Meng Xiaoyun.  These two, one is Xuan Yi 'an, his specialty is lip language, can judge the content according to the lips of others.  The other is Liu Sanxi, a painter who is good at making accurate portraits of criminals according to their descriptions.


戴尔击掌笑起来,“Sure enough, there are no weak soldiers under a strong general. Deer Rumble team lives up to its name.(果然是强将下无弱兵。鹿鸣探组名副其实。)”

鹿鸣微笑,“Wait a minute. Should we meet with some of the guys who responded to the call?  We need a fuller picture before we get involved.


戴尔点头称是,“Of course, we arranged it.  It's just that you and the two ladies have had a hard journey. Why don't you go to the hotel we arranged to have a rest, freshen up and meet them after dinner?  I'll go with you. Mr. Mitchell already knows Cleveland very well, and he'll be staying with you.


鹿鸣看看两位风尘仆仆的女性,笑着点点头。“If it's chief Dale's thoughtfulness, set up an afternoon meeting.  As Chief Dale said, Mr. Mitchell knows his way around here, so don't bother Chief Dale, just let him take us there, and we'll be back at the station this afternoon.


戴尔微笑着耸耸肩。“Why don't we just do what we say?  Is that what the Chinese say?  Mitchell is in trouble.(那就恭敬不如从命?中国人是这样说吧?麻烦米切尔了。)”



“Haha, are you going to Scottwood for a trip?(哈哈,你们是去斯哥特伍德旅游吗?)”


“Undercover scouting would be a lot easier.  We're gonna split up and go to Scottwood.  Mitchell and I were on a road trip, along with the cops in your department, kind of in the open.  The four of them travel to Scottwood as two pairs of brother and sister, facilitating covert investigation.(便装侦查会方便不少。我们准备分成两路到斯哥特伍德小镇。我和米切尔一路,随着贵局的警察同行,算是公开的一路。他们四个以两对兄妹去斯哥特伍德旅游,便于暗中调查。)”


“Deer Rider, I'd like to introduce you.  First up is Detective Hewis from our police department, then Jack, Smith, Waddell, and Mickey.  All four of them did duty in Scottwood, and they were called to the police four times each.  Mickey was the last person to report Bessie's death.  Anything else, let them talk.


休西斯第一个开始发言,“Gentlemen, between February of this year and this summer, which is about 20 days ago, Mitch received his fourth call, and each time I went out and did a preliminary search, there was nothing to go on other than a pretty good assumption that the unsub was a non-adult.(诸位,从今年二月到夏天,也就是差不多20天前,米奇接到第四次报警,每一次我都赶去做了初步勘探,除了基本可以判断,作案的应该是非成年人之外,没有什么有效的线索。)”

鹿鸣忽然开口问道,“Didn't they say five kids were killed? Why only four calls?(不是说有五个孩子遇害吗?为什么只有四次报警?)”

“Because we've only found the bodies of four children so far.  But there was an orphanage in Scottwood, and around this time, a girl named Naga was reported missing.  We're not sure if we should investigate, because her body was never found.(是因为我们至今只发现了四具孩子的尸体。不过斯哥特伍德有座孤儿院,在这段时间,报案失踪了一个叫柯南的男孩。我们不能确定是不是应该并案侦查,因为始终没有找到她的尸体。)”休西斯明确回答。



鹿鸣转身又对坐在对面的一排克利夫兰的警察说,“Please continue.  We need to know as much as we can beforehand.


休西斯说道,“We did have a major suspect, and it was a 13-year-old girl, and there was no real evidence, so we were never able to confirm that.


“It doesn't matter. You tell me first.  What kind of girl is she?(没有关系,你先说说看吧。究竟是一个什么样的女孩?)”

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