student: pain has troubled people a lot. what is pain?
professor: pain is an unpleasant or hurtful sensation resulting from stimulating of nerve endings.
student: could you describe nature of pain?
professor: there are many kinds, e. g. burning pain, wandering pain, bursting pain, dull pain, sharp pain, pressing pain, etc.
student: how long dose the pain usually last?
professor: it can be an intermittent or constant pain.
student: people often suffer from abdominal pain, what are causes of abdominal pain?
professor: abdominal pain can be caused by toxins, infection, biliary tract disease, menstruation, malignancy, ulcers, etc.
student: so many causes?
professor: abdominal pain may also indicate certain potential emergency condition including appendicitis, bowel obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc.
student: what are common causes for joint pain?
professor: strain, gout, fracture, osteoarthritis, infectious diseases and so on are the common causes for joint pain.
student: what about sore throat?
professor: sore throat is often caused by common cold, viral pharyngitis, infectious mononucleosis, etc.
student: how can we relieve the pain?
professor: pain may be modified by sedatives , non-steroid anti inflammatory drugs, analgesics or opioid narcotics, etc.
student: too many sedatives may depression the central nervous system. can you suggest some simple ways without medication?
professor: sometimes exercise, food, heat, position, or rest can also relieve the pain.
student: some people prefer"home remedies" to other cures. do you have any idea of them?
professor: yes. home remedies such as gargling with salt water, or drinking honey or lemon tea may help for sore throat.
student: i hear cold liquids and non prescription analgesics are also effective in treating the sore throat.
professor: you are right.