
2019-11-13  本文已影响0人  coder都很懒




这本书内容紧随技术潮流,略翻一翻,居然有Windows8、Android、Linux的内容,相比古老晦涩的《Linux Device Driver》3th,《Linux Kernel Development》3th等已经太监许久的Linux圣经一般的书,这种与时俱进无疑是珍贵的,相对于前面的版本,大幅动刀,颇有已故金庸先生的严谨态度,简直堪比曹雪芹的“披阅十载,增删五次“的治学精神。另外书中不少作者的官方吐槽, 也颇引人莞尔。此书高屋建瓴,着眼大局,而又能小处入手,我刚开始看,书中的阐述有的颇为艰深,需要翻书上网查资料,故而这里做小注的时候就会引用颇多的资料名以及书名,希望引用不会引起侵权,毕竟广大中国程序员大部分都是“法盲”(如技术无罪的王欣),如果侵权,联系我,别告我,别搞我!

《Linux内核设计与实现》 第3版
《Linux 设备驱动程序ARM开发详解-基于最新的Linux4.0内核》宋宝华


1.0 Go learn that!

Can you imagine geting a job maintaining an operationg system and on the first day having your boos bring you to a bookcase with the code and say:"Go learn that."And this is only for the part that runs in the kernel.

1.2 History of operating systems

1.2.3 第三代计算机的时代

...Since in those days people knew how to write small , efficient programs, a skill that has subsequently been completely lost.

The desire of a free production (as opposed to educational) version of MINIX led a Finnish student, Linus Torvalds, to write Linux.

1.2.4 第四代计算机的时代

... Since Intel did not think that disk-based microcomputers had much of a future, When Kidall asked for the rights to CP/M, Intel granted his request. Kidal then formed a company , Digital Research, to further develop and sell CP/M. In 1977, Digital Research reworte CP/M to make it suitable for running on many microcomputers, ....., make CP/M dominate the world of microcomputing for 5 years.

...1980 IBM designed the IBM PC and looked around for software to run it. People from IBM contacted Bill Gates to lincense his BASIC interpreter.They also asked him if he knew of an operating system to run on the PC. Gates suggested that IBM contact Digital Research, then the world's dominant operating systems company. Making what was surely the worest bussiness decision in recorded history, Kidall refused to meet with IBM, sending a subordinate instead. To make matters even worse, his lawer even refused to sign IBM'S nondisclosure agreement covering the not-yet-announced PC.

When IBM came back, Gates realized that a local computer manufacturer Seattle Computer Products, had a suitable operating system, DOS(Disk Operating System), He approached them and asked to buy it (allegedly for $75000), which they readily accepted. Gates then offered IBM a DOS/BASIC package, which IBM accepted....... After all this transpired, Kidall died suddenly and expectedly from caused that have not been fully disclosed.


