
2016-03-10  本文已影响88人  羊驼先生丶

数据库: 数据的集散地,有效的存储和管理数据

关系型数据库:1. 用二维表组织数据; 2. 结构化查询语言(SQL - Structured Query Language)










学号 姓名 性别 出生日期 家庭住址

1001 骆昊 男 1980-11-28 四川成都

1002 王大锤 女 1990-1-1 四川自贡


DDL - 数据定义语言 create / drop / alter

DML - 数据操作语言 insert / delete / update

DQL - 数据查询语言 select

DCL - 数据控制语言 grant / revoke



数据库设计 - ER图(实体关系图)

一对一 ---> 人和身份证

一对多 --->  部门和员工、用户和订单

多对多 ---> 订单和商品、读者和图书


drop table TbStudent;


create table TbStudent


stuid integer primary key, --学号

stuname varchar(20) not null, -- 姓名

stusex char(1) default '男', --性别

stuaddr varchar(50) --家庭住址



alter table TbStudent add stubirth date;


insert into TbStudent values (1001, '骆昊', '男', '四川成都', '1980-11-28');

insert into TbStudent (stuid, stuname) values (1002, '王大锤');

insert into TbStudent (stuid, stuname) values (1003, '王大锤');

insert into TbStudent (stuid, stuname, stusex, stubirth) values (1004, '李莫愁', '女', '1986-12-3');

insert into TbStudent values (1005, '张三丰', '男', '四川成都', '1975-5-5');

insert into TbStudent values (1006, '李二王', '女', '四川绵阳', '1988-6-6');

insert into TbStudent values (1007, '王丽', '女', '四川成都', '1992-2-2');


delete from TbStudent where stuid=1003;

delete from TbStudent where stuname='王大锤';


update TbStudent set stuaddr='四川绵阳', stubirth='1990-4-5' where stuid=1002;

update TbStudent set stuaddr='湖南长沙' where stuid=1004;


select * from TbStudent;


select stuname, stusex from TbStudent;


select stuname as 姓名, stusex as 性别 from TbStudent;


select * from TbStudent where stusex='男';

select * from TbStudent where stusex='男' and stuaddr='四川成都';

select * from TbStudent where stusex='男' or stuaddr='四川成都';

select * from TbStudent where stubirth between '1985-1-1' and '1989-12-31';

select * from TbStudent where stubirth<'1980-1-1';

select * from TbStudent where stuname like '王%';

select * from TbStudent where stuname like '王_';

select * from TbStudent where stuname like '王__';

select * from TbStudent where stuname like '%王%';


select * from TbStudent order by stubirth asc;

select * from TbStudent order by stubirth desc;

select * from TbStudent order by stusex, stuid desc;


select stusex, count(stusex) from TbStudent group by stusex;

select stuaddr, count(stuaddr) from TbStudent group by stuaddr;

select stuaddr 家庭住址, count(stuaddr) as 总人数 from TbStudent group by stuaddr order by 总人数;

select count(stuid) from TbStudent;







select min(stubirth) from TbStudent;


select stuname, stubirth from TbStudent where stubirth=(select min(stubirth) from TbStudent);

select stuname, stubirth from TbStudent where stubirth=(select max(stubirth) from TbStudent);


---> 内连接

---> 外连接  ---> 左外连接

---> 右外连接

---> 全外连接

pragma foreign_key=on;

-- 一对一外键关联

create table TbPerson


pid integer primary key,

pname varchar(20) not null,

ptel char(11) not null,

paddr varchar(50)


create table TbIdCard


cid char(18) primary key,

corg varchar(50) not null,

cvaldate date not null,

pid integer unique references TbPerson(pid)



create table TbDept


deptno tinyint primary key,

dname varchar(10) not null,

dloc varchar(20) not null


insert into TbDept values (10, '会计部', '北京');

insert into TbDept values (20, '研发部', '成都');

insert into TbDept values (30, '销售部', '重庆');

insert into TbDept values (40, '运维部', '深圳');

create table TbEmp


empno int primary key,

ename varchar(20) not null,

job varchar(10) not null,

mgr int,

sal int not null,

dno tinyint,

foreign key (dno) references TbDept(deptno)


insert into TbEmp values (7800, '张三丰', '总裁', null, 9000, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (2056, '乔峰', '分析师', 7800, 5000, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (3088, '李莫愁', '设计师', 2056, 3500, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (3211, '张无忌', '程序员', 2056, 3200, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (3233, '丘处机', '程序员', 2056, 3400, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (3251, '张翠山', '程序员', 2056, 4000, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (5566, '宋远桥', '会计师', 7800, 4000, 10);

insert into TbEmp values (5234, '郭靖', '出纳', 5566, 2000, 10);

insert into TbEmp values (3344, '黄蓉', '销售主管', 7800, 3000, 30);

insert into TbEmp values (1359, '胡一刀', '销售员', 3344, 1800, 30);

insert into TbEmp values (4466, '苗人凤', '销售员', 3344, 2500, 30);

insert into TbEmp values (3244, '欧阳锋', '程序员', 3088, 3200, 20);

insert into TbEmp values (3577, '杨过', '会计', 5566, 2200, 10);

insert into TbEmp values (3588, '朱九真', '会计', 5566, 2500, 10);

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