瞬间入冬|Early van Gogh painting sto

2021-10-10  本文已影响0人  来而不可失者时也



Early van Gogh painting stolen from Dutch museum.荷兰博物馆

A Vincent van Gogh painting was stolen overnight from a small museum in Larry in The Netherlands on what would have been the artists 167th birthday.

All the police found what a shattered glass door and a bare spot on the wall where the painting was displayed. Hours later, the authorities announced that the work the passengers garden at New Zealand in spring was taken.

The  heist抢劫盗窃 comes  as museums in much of Europe and the United States are closed in attempts, attempts to stem阻止( Stop or  restrict) the spread of the coronavirus.

The painting was on loan from the George museum for a special exhibition. It's an early picture before areas and before Paris. So it is darker and less recognizable as  A van Gogh said elder, the director of the George.

The picture  Was painted at 1884  When  he, then thirsty 30, moved back in with his parents, who , according to mister ball, were unconvinced of his career as an artist.

It is one of our main works of art, mister blue said,  Noting he hoped it would be found.  But every pieces of art  That is stolen from the museum is  art that  is stolen from society.

Asked whether the artist birthday figured in the  heist,  Younger warm , the director of the museum in Larry, said the thief, the thieves probably did not know.

It is just  Strange coincident,  Synchronicity同步性 that sometimes happens in life, he said.

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