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保持体形 Keep in shape
1 关于减肥你不知道的十件事 10 Things About Losing Weight
1.1 1. Don't skip meals
1.1.1 If you skip the breakfast and get really hungry, your brain tries to compensate by engage you to high calorie food
1.1.2 饥饿的大脑会发出进食高卡路里的食物,饱腹的大脑会发出进食低卡路里的食物
1.1.3 三餐要保持,如果少吃一顿,大脑会不自觉的指示我们寻找高卡路里的食物。饱胀的时候人还能理智一点。
1.2 2. Use smaller plates
1.2.1 Change your 12-inch plates down to 10-inch, you're likely to eat 20% less
1.2.2 大盘换小盘,大碗换小碗,能让人减少20%的进食量。
1.3 3.Count your calories
1.3.1 If you choose low calories food carefully, by the end of the day, you'll get half less the calories, and already to start losing weight
1.3.2 计算每天摄入的卡路里
1.4 4. Don't blame your metabolism
1.4.1 Peoples' metabolism is about the same, pay attention to what you eat.
1.4.2 新陈代谢速度其实人人差不多,还是要少摄入卡路里量。
1.5 5. Protein staves off hunger pangs.
1.5.1 One way of cheating your brain that you're not hungry.
1.5.2 三餐多吃蛋白质高的食品,如鸡蛋、豆子、瘦肉,可以维持饱胀感很长时间。
1.6 6. Soup keeps you feeling fuller for longer
1.6.1 The sticky soup will stay longer before they reach your stomach
1.6.2 浓稠的汤(比如罗宋汤之类的)可以让人饱胀时间更长。
1.7 7.The wider the choice the more you eat
1.7.1 The thing we can't resist is choice, people will eat more than they have less choice
1.7.2 选择多多,吃得也多。所以不要多吃自助餐。
1.8 8. Low fat dairy helps you excrete more fat
1.8.1 Low fat dairy will help you absorb less fat in your food, like 120g per month while eat only low fat diary for meal
1.8.2 低脂的奶制品可以帮助我们排泄更多的脂肪。似乎是钙的作用。只能是低脂。
1.9 9. Exercise goes on burning fat even while you sleep
1.9.1 要多做运动,运动能够代谢掉脂肪,还能保持身体代谢脂肪率很长一段时间,甚至让你睡觉时也能燃烧脂肪。
1.9.2 Exercise will keep on burning fat after exercise for 24 hours even when we are asleep.
1.10 10.Keep active will help you lose weight
1.10.1 Small changes of your daily routine can significantly increase the number of calories you burn
1.10.2 多做小运动,如走路上班、爬楼梯而不是上电梯,缩短午饭攀谈的时间等等。每天可以多消耗很多卡路里。坚持一年,效果非凡。
2 锻炼的真相 Truth about Exercise
2.1 HIT
2.1.1 The truth of exercise is that it should be tailored to individuals. There will be many types of exercise that will be effective.
2.1.2 Opinion: If you can improve your VO2 max, you will be more healthy
2.1.3 提升最大耗氧量和胰岛素敏感性,你会更长寿
2.1.4 Method: Run as fast as you can. 20 seconds for three times once / three times a week——it's 3 minutes
2.1.5 方法: 以最快速度跑动,每次20秒,每组3次,每周3组——三分钟
2.1.6 quite a lot for the metabolism in your muscle and will really make a difference
2.2 NEAT
2.2.1 in order to keep the fuels moving through the body system, you need to move every hour
2.2.2 bound to the chair, chained to the chair. it's hurting our bodies. it literally killing millions.
2.2.3 每个小时都需要动一动,久坐对健康损害极大
2.2.4 增加你的日常行动的运动量,简单地保持健康

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