This tension is an inevitable part of the return of monetary policy to more normal conditions. What is not inevitable is the scale of America’s impending fiscal bet. Economists reckon that Mr Trump’s tax reform, which lowers bills for firms and wealthy Americans—and to a lesser extent for ordinary workers—will jolt consumption and investment to boost growth by around 0.3% this year. And Congress is about to boost government spending, if a budget deal announced this week holds up. Democrats are to get more funds for child care and other goodies; hawks in both parties have won more money for the defence budget. Mr Trump, meanwhile, still wants his border wall and an infrastructure plan. The mood of fiscal insouciance in Washington, DC, is troubling. Add the extra spending to rising pension and health-care costs, and America is set to run deficits above 5% of GDP for the foreseeable future. Excluding the deep recessions of the early 1980s and 2008, the United States is being more profligate than at any time since 1945.
1. 动词
If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.
认为(是真),可以替代believe, think,consider
1. 动词
If something jolts or if something jolts it, it moves suddenly and quite violently.
Goodies= goody
1.可数名词 [usually plural]
You can refer to pleasant, exciting, or attractive things as goodies.
Insouciance is lack of concern shown by someone about something which they might be expected to take more seriously.
Someone who is profligate spends too much money or uses too much of something.
A cocktail of expensive stockmarkets, a maturing business cycle and fiscal largesse would test the mettle of the most experienced policymakers. Instead, American fiscal policy is being run by people who have bought into the mantra that deficits don’t matter. And the central bank has a brand new boss, Jerome Powell, who, unlike his recent predecessors, has no formal expertise in monetary policy.
高企的股票市场、成熟中的商业周期,以及慷慨的财政政策,这三者的混合对最有经验的政策制定者来说都会是一场重大考验。然而,现在执掌美国财政政策的人却相信赤字并不重要那一套。而美联储的新掌门人杰罗姆·鲍威尔(Jerome Powell)与前几任主席不同,他在货币政策方面没有正规的专业知识。
Expensive stockmarkets
1.不可数名词 [usually poss NOUN]
Someone's mettle is their ability to do something well in difficult circumstances.
Buy into与中文的“买账”完美对应。
Does Powell like fast cars?
What will determine how this gamble turns out? In the medium term, America will have to get to grips with its fiscal deficit. Otherwise interest rates will eventually soar, much as they did in the 1980s. But in the short term most hangs on Mr Powell, who must steer between two opposite dangers. One is that he is too doveish, backing away from the gradual (and fairly modest) tightening in the Fed’s current plans as a salve to jittery financial markets. In effect, he would be creating a “Powell put” which would in time lead to financial bubbles. The other danger is that the Fed tightens too much too fast because it fears the economy is overheating.
determine 译为“ 左右”,很妙
Grip with这个词组在柯林斯没有查到,存疑
Salve is an oily substance that is put on sore skin or a wound to help it heal.
If someone is jittery, they feel nervous or are behaving nervously.
On balance, hasty tightening is the greater risk. New to his role, Mr Powell may be tempted to establish his inflation-fighting chops—and his independence from the White House—by pushing for higher rates faster. That would be a mistake, for three reasons.
Establish one’s chops第一次看见这样的用法。
the jaws
the mouth and lower cheeks
3. US, Slang
technical skill, esp. of a jazz or rock musician
First, it is far from clear that the economy is at full employment. Policymakers tend to consider those who have dropped out of the jobs market as lost to the economy for good. Yet many have been returning to work, and plenty more may yet follow (see article). Second, the risk of a sudden burst of inflation is limited. Wage growth has picked up only gradually in America. There is little evidence of it in Germany and Japan, which also have low unemployment. The wage-bargaining arrangements behind the explosive wage-price spiral of the early 1970s are long gone. Third, there are sizeable benefits from letting the labour market tighten further. Wages are growing fastest at the bottom of the earnings scale. That not only helps the blue-collar workers who have been hit disproportionately hard by technological change and globalisation. It also prompts firms to invest more in capital equipment, giving a boost to productivity growth.
For good
If something changes or disappears for good, it never changes back or comes back as it was before.
To be clear, this newspaper would not advise a fiscal stimulus of the scale that America is undertaking. It is poorly designed and recklessly large. It will add to financial-market volatility. But now that this experiment is under way, it is even more important that the Fed does not lose its head.■
If you say that someone is reckless, you mean that they act in a way which shows that they do not care about danger or the effect their behaviour will have on other people.