Say I want to investigate this problem of the mind, which is “me,” my mind: why it is conditioned, how deeply it is conditioned, and whether it can be wholly free from that conditioning. Only then can I have a right relationship with another human being, because my conditioning divides me and brings about a division between you and me. My image of “me” is the dividing factor. So I must first find out who the investigator is. Is it one of the many fragments of the “me” that is investigating—one part, one fragment saying, “I will investigate the different fragments,” which is the “me” that is conditioned? So one part assumes the authority and capacity to investigate the other parts. One part is broken up and against the other parts. So is that investigation when one part assumes the authority to investigate the other fragments?
That is not investigation. It is a conclusion that says, “I will investigate.” Do you see this? It is a conclusion. And that conclusion brings about a division. So to investigate there must be no conclusion, no hypothesis. The meaning of hypothesis is foundation, and if you start from a foundation, which is inevitably a conclusion, and investigate with that conclusion, it brings about a division, and therefore it is not an investigation. If you see this clearly, you will proceed further.
我以为,克笔下的thinker/thought,controller/controlled,experiencer/experience,investigator/investigated……这些概念组,就是指这些,与佛家的“能思/所思”相似。我花了好几个月才明白克的thinker/thought,其中佛家的“能所”概念帮了忙,同时也成了障碍和束缚。所以,我赞成@理明信深 的话,不要用佛教的概念做类比,那就是立脚石,就是定论,就是束缚。