

2019-07-01  本文已影响4人  橡木桶


古代的万物是浑然一体的。天成一体则清澈,地成一体则平静,神成一体则显灵,粮成一体则丰盈,王成一体则有尊。万物都极致就是浑然一体。天不晴朗则崩塌,地不安宁则荒废,神不显灵则消失,粮不丰盈则枯竭,物不生长则毁灭,王不尊贵则垮台。所以,尊贵是以卑鄙为根源的,而高上是以低下为基础的。 因此,君主自称是一个类似孤儿,鳏夫或无粮人,不就是作贱为基础吗?做到有了多车当无车,不要表现的晶莹似玉,而是顽鄙像石。

all things in ancient are unified as one.  sky is clear because of being the one, land is still because of being the one, gods are efficacious because of being the one the grain is the fruitful because of being the one,all things grow because of being the one, monarch keep the state in order because of  being the one. so they are because of being the one. The sky will collapse if not clear, the land will be mess if not still, the gods will disappear if  no effects . the grain will be vanished, if not fruitful. all thing will perish if not growing, monarch will collapse if no dignity. Therefore honorable is based on despicable, and the noble is based on low-lying. Therefore, monarch will claim to be a lonely man and no grain. Isn’t that the base by being self-defeating? feel no car when having cars, do not show as jade but as rock.

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