

2019-05-24  本文已影响0人  自观问渠



1. 英英释义:to express annoyance or disappointment about something you think is unsatisfactory or unfair 

例句:Many Chinese parents lament about the growing/increasing costs of raising children. 

2. 为什么选这个词? 

“lament”可以作名词也可以作动词,作动词的意思有“为......感到悲痛”和“抱怨”。我们今天学习它作“抱怨”的意思。lament 作这个意思出现的频率非常高,几乎每期《经济学人》中都会出现这个词,可以用它来替换我们熟悉的 complain。下面我们来看一些例子。 


Many Chinese travelers lament that public transportation is inconvenient in many foreign cities.


Many Chinese parents lament about the growing/increasing costs of raising children.


Some public intellectuals lament the lack/absence of public interest in some crucial issues.

最近一期《经济学人》Special report 写的是不断恶化的中美关系,中美双方自然都对对方有各种不满,因此这一期中出现了多处 lament, 比如下面这句: 

In the face of continued unequal treatment for foreign firms, the impatience of American businesses is at “boiling point”, he laments.

《经济学人》在引用受访者时,经常会用 lament 这个词,不久前一篇关于澳大利亚政治的文章中也出现了类似的用法: 

“Our parties aren’t representing us,” laments one of its volunteers. “They’re representing themselves.”


Initially his book risks becoming a didactic screed about the dangers of modern technology, as the author laments the way cars, trains, buses and gawking at a smartphone speed life up, leaving little to be savoured.

3. 怎样学会使用这个词? 

1)翻译下面的句子: 共享单车的用户总在不断抱怨自行车有各种各样的问题。(用户bike-sharing users, 问题the problems sth has) 

Bike-sharing users always lament about the various problems the bikes have.


例1:Many language learners lament that we have been brought up to learn without thinking and we stick to it all our lives. Now that we realise that learning without thinking is labour lost, we are at a loss for a suitable solution. 僵化的学习

例2:E-commerce has crippled small businesses. Small vendors lament about intense competition and price erosion. 小商贩的不满 

例3: Pregnant women are advised to eat protein-rich foods. And some of them lament about gaining too much weight during pregnancy.  孕妇的烦恼


If you lament something, you express your sadness, regret, or disappointment about it. (mainly formal or written)


lament about sth/ lament that/ lament sth, complain of sth

Many Chinese parents lament about the growing/increasing costs of raising children. 

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