
2020-12-20  本文已影响0人  羊皮卷的味道
Steven Lee 李司提反
Luke 2:21–38 路加福音2:21-38
21 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 21 满了八天,替孩子行割礼的时候,就给他起名叫耶稣,就是他成胎之前,天使所起的。
22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 22 满了洁净的日子,他们就按着摩西的律法,带孩子上耶路撒冷去,奉献给主。
23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”) 23 正如主的律法所记:“所有头生的男孩,都当称为圣归给主。”
24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” 24 又照着主的律法所说的献上祭物,就是一对斑鸠或两只雏鸽。
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 25 在耶路撒冷有一个人,名叫西面,这人公义虔诚,一向期待以色列的安慰者来到,又有圣灵在他身上。
26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. 26 圣灵启示他,在死前必得见主所应许的基督,
27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 27 他又受圣灵感动进了圣殿。那时,耶稣的父母抱着孩子进来,要按着律法的规矩为他行礼。
28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 28 西面就把他接到手上,称颂 神说:
29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 29 “主啊,现在照你的话,释放仆人平平安安地去吧!
30 for my eyes have seen your salvation 30 因我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩,
31 that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 31 就是你在万民面前所预备的,
32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” 32 为要作外族人启示的光,和你民以色列的荣耀。”
33 And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him. 33 他父母因论到他的这些话而希奇。
34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 34 西面给他们祝福,对他母亲马利亚说:“看哪! 这孩子被立,要叫以色列中许多人跌倒,许多人兴起,又要成为反对的目标,
35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” 35 (你自己的心也会被刀刺透,) 这样,许多人心中的意念就要被揭露出来。”
36 And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, 36 又有一个女先知,就是亚拿,是亚设支派法内利的女儿。她已经上了年纪,从童女出嫁,和丈夫住了七年,
37 and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day. 37 就寡居了,直到八十四岁。她没有离开过圣殿,以禁食和祷告昼夜事奉主。
38 And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. 38 就在那时候,她前来称谢 神,并且向期待耶路撒冷蒙救赎的众人,讲论孩子的事。
[Welcome New & Children] If you are new here, we’re so glad you’re here this morning! I know we have a lot of kids and young people here each week, and we love it! I know sometimes a little one cries, or a box of color pencils goes crashing to the floor, and that is ok. We are so glad you are here to learn more about Jesus, the greatest person in the whole world! [9:30am Opening] I want to welcome those watching online. Thank you for joining us. We know visitors will often join us online before visiting, and we look forward to seeing you in person sometime. [欢迎新朋友和小朋友]如果你是新来的朋友,我们很高兴你今天早上在这里!我知道我们每周都有很多孩子和年轻人来这里,我们很喜欢你们在这里!我知道有时候小家伙会哭,或者一盒彩色铅笔会掉在地上,这都没关系。我们很高兴你能在这里更多地了解耶稣—这个世界上最伟大的人。[上午9点半的开场白]我想欢迎在线观看直播的朋友们。谢谢你的加入。我们知道访客在亲自到访之前会经常和我们一起上网,我们期待着有时间能见到你本人。
[Prayer] Father in Heaven, we are gathered together this morning to hear a word from you. So come in the power of your Holy Spirit to change and transform our hearts to love Jesus more, and give a word of hope and comfort to those who need it this morning. In Jesus name we ask, amen. [祷告]天上的父,今天早上我们聚集在一起,听你说话。所以,在你圣灵的大能中来改变和转化我们的心,让我们更爱耶稣,并在今天早上给那些需要的人一个盼望和安慰的话语。我们奉耶稣的名求告,阿们!
[Intro: Bucket Lists] Do any of you have a bucket list? If you don’t know what a bucket list is, it’s a list of things you want to do before you die. Some bucket lists, include things like traveling around the world, learning a new hobby, running a marathon, going to some major sports event, or climbing a mountain. It could be things like reading the Bible cover to cover in a year, going on a mission’s trip, or surprising others with unusual generosity. Bucket lists try to make sure we experience, enjoy, or accomplish something really special before we die. [引言:遗愿清单(bucket list)]你们谁有遗愿清单?如果你还不知道遗愿清单是什么,我来告诉你,那就是你希望在死前能做的事情清单。这个短语因一部同名电影而广为流传。有些遗愿清单包括环游世界、学习新的才艺、跑马拉松、去参加一些重大体育赛事或爬山等。有些可能是有意义的事情,比如一年之内从头到尾读完圣经,参加一次宣教旅行,或者用非同寻常的慷慨给别人带来惊喜。遗愿清单试图确保我们在死亡临到之前,体验、享受或完成一些特别的事情。
[Simeon’s Bucket List] This morning in our passage, we get to see the one thing that was on Simeon’s bucket list: he longs to look upon the Messiah. Simeon’s one final desire before he died was to get a glimpse of God’s salvation. Not only did Simeon get to see God’s salvation, he held him in his arms. [西面的遗愿清单]今天早上在我们的经文中,我们可以看到西面的遗愿清单上的一件事:他渴望见到弥赛亚。西面在死前的最后一个愿望,就是想一睹神的救恩。西面不仅得以见到神的救恩,而且他还把祂抱在怀里。
[Question: What Must We Know Before We Die?] A bucket list is only one half of the equation. These are the things you want to do before you die, but if you don’t get to them, so what? But there’s another list—not a list of things you want to do—but a list of the things you need to do before you die. Some would say things like (1) making a will, (2) updating your beneficiaries in your financial accounts, or (3) reconciling conflict. But this morning, Simeon’s example, shows us the one thing that is needed before we die: we need to see and savor the salvation of God in the Savior Jesus Christ! [问题:我们在死之前必须知道什么?]遗愿清单只是问题的一半。这些都是你在死前想做的事情,但如果你没有完成,那又如何?但还有另一张清单—列的不是你想做的事情,而是你在死之前需要做的事情。有人会说,比如(1)立遗嘱,(2)更新财务账户中的受益人,或者(3)和解冲突。但今天早上西面的例子,让我们看到了我们死前所需要的一件事:我们需要在救主耶稣基督身上看到并品尝到神的救恩!
[Unprepared for Eternity] I realize it’s a little bit of a downer to talk about death here at Christmas. But the last thing I want is for some of us to be caught unprepared for eternity. Christmas is about a joy that is durable even in death. Just even this week a friend’s mother passed away at 94, and another friend’s brother is in an induced coma with his heart malfunctioning. Bucket lists don’t matter to either of them at this point. What matters is whether they have seen and savored the salvation of God. [尚未为永恒作好准备]我意识到在圣诞节谈论死亡有点让人扫兴。但我最不希望的是,我们中的一些人在没有准备好的情况下被卷入永恒。圣诞节是关乎一种即使在死亡中也能持久的喜乐。甚至就在这周,一个朋友的母亲去世,享年94岁,另一个朋友的弟弟因心脏功能不全,处于诱导昏迷状态。遗愿清单现在对他们俩都不重要了。重要的是他们是否已经看到并品尝到了神的救恩。
[Main Point] The main point of our passage is that Jesus has come to usher in a new and glorious work of salvation by fulfilling the Law and shining as a light to the Gentiles. Everything changes about how people are to relate to God once Jesus comes into the world. A new era has begun! Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, “we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Once Jesus comes into the world, everything changes: good news of great joy has broken into the deep darkness of our world. [要点]我们这段经文的主要意思是,耶稣来了,要开启一个新的、荣耀的救赎工作,成就律法,照亮外邦人。一旦耶稣来到世界上,关于人与神的关系,一切都会改变。一个新的时代已经开始了!就像《绿野仙踪》里的桃乐丝一样“我们已经不在堪萨斯了”。耶稣一来到这个世界,一切就都改变了:大喜的好消息已经打破了我们世界深沉的黑暗。
[Aim: Fresh Appreciation] And my aim for us this morning is instill in us fresh appreciation for Jesus. Let me illustrate this way. My appreciation for my parents grew once I experienced how much work goes into raising children. This came into such clarity for me when I used something called a manual baby nasal aspirator (aka a Snot Sucker). Someone created a gadget where you can put a tube in your mouth in order to suck out the nasal mucus from your baby’s nose. At that moment, I realized that only the love of a father or mother would go to such lengths to love their child. For some of us, we appreciation Jesus, but only when you see the deep and profound giving love of the Father, and the unparalleled sacrifice of the Son, will our hearts well up in fresh appreciation and worship of Jesus. [目的:新的赞赏]而我今天早上的目的,就是要让我们对耶稣有新的赞赏。让我这样来说明一下。当我体会到养育孩子的辛苦后,我对父母的感激之情越来越浓。当我使用了一种叫做婴儿手动吸鼻器(又叫吸鼻涕器)的东西时,我顿时心中明亮。有人发明了一个小工具,你可以在自己嘴里放一根管子,以便吸出宝宝鼻腔里的粘液。那一刻,我才明白,只有父亲或母亲的爱,才会如此不遗余力地去爱自己的孩子。对于我们一些人来说,我们欣赏耶稣,但只有当你看到天父深沉而深刻的厚赐之爱,以及圣子无与伦比的牺牲,我们的心才会涌起对耶稣新的赞赏和崇拜。
[Plan] In Luke we have looked at the response of those who first encountered Jesus: John leaps for joy, Elizabeth calls him Lord, Mary praises God, and shepherds worship. In our passage we have two witnesses in Simeon and Anna. [计划]在路加福音中,我们已经看到了那些第一次见到耶稣的人们的反应。约翰欢呼雀跃,伊丽莎白称祂为主, 马利亚赞美上帝,牧羊人敬拜。在我们今天的经文中,我们有两个见证人:西面和亚拿。
1. Two Law Abiding Parents: Joseph & Mary (21–24) 1. 一对遵守律法的父母:约瑟和马利亚(21-24节)
2. Two Spirit-Inspired Witnesses: Simeon & Anna (25–26, 36–38) 2.两个受圣灵启发的见证人:西面和亚拿(25-26节,36-38节)
3. One Savior of the World (27–35) 3. 一位世界的救主(27-35节)
1. Two Law-Abiding Parents: Joseph & Mary (21–24) 一、一对遵守律法的父母:约瑟和马利亚(21-24节)
[“Law”] As I read verses 21­–24, notice how often it mentions the Law. [“律法"]当我读21­-24节时,注意到它经常提到律法。
21 And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised, he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb. 22 And when the time came for their purification according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord 23 (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, “Every male who first opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord”) 24 and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the Law of the Lord, “a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.” (Luke 2:21–24) 21 满了八天,替孩子行割礼的时候,就给他起名叫耶稣,就是他成胎之前,天使所起的。22 满了洁净的日子,他们就按着摩西的律法,带孩子上耶路撒冷去,奉献给主。23 正如主的律法所记:“所有头生的男孩,都当称为圣归给主。” 24 又照着主的律法所说的献上祭物,就是一对斑鸠或两只雏鸽。(路加福音2:21-24)
[“Law” in 27 & 39] Then in verse 27 it says Jesus’ parents did “according to the custom of the Law” (27), and then again in verse 39 it says when “they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned” (39). Five mentions of the Law, why? Because these opening verses present Joseph and Mary as faithful law-abiding Jews that followed the Old Testament regarding three important ceremonies: (1) circumcision, (2) purification, and (3) the presentation of the firstborn to the Lord. [27和39节中的“律法”]然后在27节说耶稣的父母是“按着律法的规矩”做的(27节),在39节又说当“他们按着主的律法办完一切,就回加利利”(39节)。五次提到律法,为什么?因为这些开头的经文把约瑟和马利亚描绘为忠心守法的犹太人,他们遵循旧约律法中三个重要的仪式:(1) 割礼,(2) 洁净,(3) 将长子献给主。
[According to the Law] Jesus was raised in home that according to the Law, following it carefully as God had commanded. Let’s see how Mary & Joseph did that: [照着律法]耶稣是在遵照律法的家庭中长大的,遵从神的吩咐,小心翼翼地遵循律法。让我们看看马利亚和约瑟是怎么做的:
(1) Circumcision: Verse 21 tells us Jesus is circumcised on the eighth day as God had commanded Moses in Genesis 17:11–12. Jesus received the sign of the covenant that would mark all Israelites. Therefore, Jesus is a true child of Abraham, sealed in blood, and shares the same sign as his people. (1)割礼:21节告诉我们,耶稣在第八天接受了割礼,这是神在创世记17:11-12中对亚伯拉罕的命令。耶稣接受了约的记号,这是所有以色列人的标志。因此,耶稣是亚伯拉罕的真后裔,是用血封印的,与祂的子民有同样的记号。
(2) Purification: Forty days after Jesus’ birth, Mary & Joseph go up to the temple to follow the Law of Purification which is described in Leviticus 12:1–8. A woman who gave birth to a son was ceremonially unclean for 33 additional days after an initial 7 days (see Leviticus 12:1–4) and was required to bring a sacrifice. They could bring a year-old lamb, or if they couldn’t afford it, bring two pigeons or turtledoves (Leviticus 12:7–8). Luke makes a point to tell us that Mary and Joseph followed this Law of Purification for Mary. We’re also told that they couldn’t afford a lamb, instead sacrificing two pigeons or turtledoves, reminding us of the poverty and humble circumstances of Jesus’ birth. (2) 洁净:耶稣出生40天后,马利亚和约瑟上圣殿遵守利未记12:1-8所述的洁净条例。生了儿子的女人在产后七天内不洁净,再加礼仪上不洁净三十三天(见利未记12:1-4),这些天数满了之后要献祭。他们可以带一只一岁的羊羔,如果买不起,也可以带两只鸽子或斑鸠(利未记12:7-8)。路加特意告诉我们,马利亚和约瑟为马利亚遵循了这个洁净的条例。我们还被告知,他们买不起一只羊羔,而是献了两只鸽子或斑鸠为祭,让我们想起耶稣出生时贫穷和卑微的环境。
(3) Presentation: In addition to the purification of Mary, there was another ceremony often called the presentation or dedication of the firstborn, which is outlined in Exodus 13:2, which says, “Consecrate to me all the firstborn. Whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast, is mine.” All the firstborn were to be presented and dedicated before the Lord. (3)奉献:除了马利亚的洁净外,还有另一个仪式常被称为长子的呈献或奉献,这在出埃及记13:2中有所概述,它说:“在以色列人中,你要把所有头生的都分别为圣归我;无论是人或是牲畜,凡是头生的都是我的。”所有的长子都要呈献在主面前,献给主。
[In Obedience to the Law] The point that Luke is making is that Mary and Joseph are godly parents who obey the Law, and that Jesus was brought up under and according to the Law. Why is that important? Jesus comes into the world not only as a sacrifice for our sins to pay the penalty we deserve, but Jesus lives a perfect life under and according to the Law for us. His righteousness gets imputed to us so that we are righteous. Romans 5:19 says, “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous.” We all inherited sin from Adam, but through Jesus’ perfect obedience to God’s Law, we are made righteous. [遵循律法]路加所要表达的意思是,马利亚和约瑟是敬虔的父母,他们遵守律法,耶稣是在律法之下,按照律法长大的。为什么这个意义重大?耶稣来到世界上,不仅是为我们的罪作了牺牲,付上我们应得的刑罚,而且耶稣在律法之下,按照律法为我们活出了完美的生命。祂的义得以归算给我们,使我们成为义。罗马书5:19说:“因着那一人的悖逆,众人就被列为罪人;照样,因着这一人的顺服,众人也被列为义人了。”我们都从亚当那里继承了罪,但通过耶稣对神律法的完美顺服,我们被称为义。
[Perfectly Righteous Savior] We are as much saved by Christ’s death, as we are by his perfect life. In Galatians it states, “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, [5] to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons” (Galatians 4:4–5). Very simply: We don’t get the punishment we rightly deserve, because Jesus took it for us, and we get all sorts of blessings, inheritance, joy, and grace that we don’t deserve, because Jesus gave us his perfect righteousness. [完美公义的救主]我们不仅因着基督的死而得救,也因着祂完美的生命而得救。加拉太书说:“但到了时机成熟,神就差遣他的儿子,由女人所生,而且生在律法之下,要把律法之下的人救赎出来,好让我们得着嗣子的名分。”(加拉太书4:4-5)非常简单。我们没有得到我们应得的惩罚, 因为耶稣为我们承担了惩罚, 我们得到了各种祝福, 基业,喜乐,和恩典,是我们不配得的, 因为耶稣把完美的公义给了我们。
[Transition] Mary & Joseph raise their son according to the Law, which sets the stage for Jesus’ encounter with Simeon and Anna. [过渡]马利亚和约瑟遵照摩西的律法养育他们的儿子,这为耶稣与西面以及亚拿的相遇奠定了基础。
2. Two Spirit-Inspired Witnesses: Simeon & Anna (25–26, 36–38) 二、两个受圣灵启发的见证人:西面和亚拿(25-26节,36-38节)
25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. (Luke 2:25–26) 25 在耶路撒冷有一个人,名叫西面,这人公义虔诚,一向期待以色列的安慰者来到,又有圣灵在他身上。26 圣灵启示他,在死前必得见主所应许的基督,(路加福音2:25-26)
[Simeon] We don’t know much about Simeon. We’re told that he is “righteous and devout,” a godly saint. He was “waiting for the consolation of Israel,” meaning he’s waiting for God’s deliverance. We also suspect that Simeon is an old man. It’s not explicit, but the opening words of his prophecy/prayer in verse 29 suggest he’s elderly and even near death: “Lord now you are letting your servant depart in peace” (29). [西面]我们对西面了解不多。我们被告知他“公义虔诚”,是一个敬虔的圣徒。他在“期待以色列的安慰者”,意思是他在等候神的拯救。我们也能感觉到,西面是个老人。圣经中没有明确的说明,但在29节中他的预言/祷告的开场白表明他已经年迈,甚至接近死亡:“主啊,现在照你的话,释放仆人平平安安地去吧!”(29节)
[Spirit-Inspired] What’s significant about Simeon is that he’s filled with the Holy Spirit, mentioned three times (verses 25, 26, and 27). Simeon is the sixth person in the birth narratives that are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The frequent appearance of the Holy Spirit indwelling God’s people is a sign that something special is going on. [圣灵启发]重要的是这里三次提及西面被圣灵充满(第25,26及27节)。西面是耶稣出生叙事中第六个被圣灵感动的人。圣灵频繁地内驻在神的子民里面,是一个标志,说明有特别的事情在发生。
36 And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, 37 and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day. 38 And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:36–38) 36 又有一个女先知,就是亚拿,是亚设支派法内利的女儿。她已经上了年纪,从童女出嫁,和丈夫住了七年,37 就寡居了,直到八十四岁(“就寡居了,直到八十四岁” 或译:“就寡居了八十四年”)。她没有离开过圣殿,以禁食和祷告昼夜事奉主。38 就在那时候,她前来称谢 神,并且向期待耶路撒冷蒙救赎的众人,讲论孩子的事。(路加福音2:36-38)
[Anna Age] Our second witness is likewise old, clearly important to Luke. Scholars aren’t entirely sure of her age because the language could mean that (1) she was a widow until she was 84 or (2) she was a widow for 84 years, after being married for seven years (see ESV footnote). If she was a widow for 84 years, married for seven years, and married around age 12–14, Anna is probably closer to 105 years of age. She too is a witness of Jesus; she “gives thanks to God” and speaks about Jesus to “all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem” (38). That phrase redemption of Jerusalem is parallel to Simeon’s waiting for the “consolation of Israel” (25). Here Jerusalem, the capital city, refers to the nation as a whole. [亚拿的年龄]我们的第二个见证人同样是老人,显然对路加来说也很重要。学者们并不完全确定她的年龄,因为这句话的意思可能是:(1)她在84岁之前一直是个寡妇,或者(2)她在结婚7年后,守寡84年(见ESV脚注)。如果她守寡84年,结婚7年,12-14岁左右结婚,亚拿的年龄可能接近105岁。她也是耶稣的见证人;她“称谢神”,并“向期待耶路撒冷蒙救赎的众人”(38节)讲论耶稣的事。这句救赎耶路撒冷的话,与西面等待“以色列的安慰者”(25节)是平行的。这里的首都耶路撒冷,指代整个国家。
[Spirit-Inspired] Even though it’s not explicitly said that Anna is filled with the Spirit, I think it’s inferred by calling her prophetess, and by her immediate recognition of Jesus in verse 38. She’s also devout like Simeon, as she “did not depart from the temple, but worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day” (37). Why mention Anna in addition to Simeon? I think Luke is giving us two separate witnesses establish valid testimony (described Deuteronomy 19:15). Why two witnesses? [圣灵启发]虽然没有明说安娜被圣灵充满,但我认为可以通过称她为女先知,以及她在38节中立即认出耶稣来推断。她也像西面一样虔诚,因为她“没有离开过圣殿,以禁食和祷告昼夜事奉主”(37节)。为什么除了西面之外还要提到亚拿?我认为路加是给我们两个独立的证人以成立有效的见证(见申命记19:15)。为什么要两位证人?
[Spirit-Inspired Witnesses] First, Simeon and Anna are two Spirit-inspired witnesses that further confirm the identity and work of Jesus. Simeon and Anna represent the anticipation of faithful saints as they await the Messiah. Luke writes about this new and glorious work of salvation that has come, making sure his readers know that faithful pious Jews rejoiced at his coming. The waiting and anticipation of the Messiah has become reality: Christ has come! Salvation has come! Light has shone into the darkness. Good news has come. Deliverance is here! Indestructible joy has dawned! [圣灵启发的见证人]首先,西面和亚拿是两个受圣灵启示的见证人,进一步证实了耶稣的身份和工作。西面和亚拿代表了忠心的圣徒对弥赛亚的期待。路加写了这新的、荣耀的救赎工作已经到来,使他的读者知道忠信虔诚的犹太人为祂的到来而欢欣鼓舞。对弥赛亚的等待和期待已经成为现实:基督已经来了!救恩已经来了!光明已经照进了黑暗。好消息来了。拯救就在这里!坚不可摧的喜乐已经降临!
[Transition] So we have two law-abiding parents who raise their son according to the Law, two Spirit-inspired prophets who give testimony of the Savior, leading to the one Savior of the world. [过渡]所以我们有一对守法的父母,按着律法养育他们的儿子,有两个受圣灵启示的先知,为救主作见证,引出世界的救主。
3. One Savior of the World: Jesus Christ (27–35) 三、一位世界的救主:耶稣基督(27-35节)
[Simeon’s Prophecy] The high point or climax of this section seems to be Simeon’s prophecy and his words to Mary. [西面的预言]这段经文的最高点或高潮似乎是西面的预言或向神称颂的祷告,然后是他对马利亚说的话。
27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation 31 that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.” (Luke 2:27–32) 27 他又受圣灵感动进了圣殿。那时,耶稣的父母抱着孩子进来,要按着律法的规矩为他行礼。28 西面就把他接到手上,称颂 神说:29 “主啊,现在照你的话,释放仆人平平安安地去吧!30 因我的眼睛已经看见你的救恩,31 就是你在万民面前所预备的,32 为要作外族人启示的光,和你民以色列的荣耀。”(路加福音2:27-32)
a. A Light of Revelation & Glory a.启示的光和荣耀
[Seen Your Salvation] Simeon essentially says I can now die in peace because I’ve seen Jesus. He gets to hold God in the flesh, and lay his eyes on Jesus who will bring salvation. In verse 31, it says this salvation was “prepared in the presence of all peoples” (31) meaning that God plan is unfolding according to his promise. The Christmas story is by design, not accident. God planned it this way. [看见你的救恩]西面大体上是说,我现在可以平静地死去,因为我已经看到了耶稣。他得以拥抱道成肉身的上帝,并将眼目放在带来救恩的耶稣身上。在31节中,说这救恩是“在万民面前所预备的”(31节),意思是说,神的计划正按照祂的应许展开。圣诞节的故事是设计好的,不是碰巧发生的。神就是这样安排的。
[Light to Gentiles] The most significant thing about Simeon’s prophecy is where he says Jesus will be “a light of revelation to the Gentiles” (32). Gentiles are included in this good news; non-Jews can likewise celebrate this King. It is indeed for all the peoples. The book of Acts will make it even more clear that Jews and Gentiles would participate as equals in God’s coming kingdom. God would even pour out his Spirit upon Gentiles. In Acts, the Holy Spirit would fall on Gentiles so that the disciples would marvel, glorify God, and say “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.” (Acts 11:18). [照亮外邦人的光]西面的预言最重要的地方是他说耶稣要“作外族人启示的光”(32节)。外邦人也包括在这个好消息中;非犹太人同样可以庆祝这位君王的到来。这的确是为了万族万民。使徒行传将更清楚地表明,犹太人和外邦人将平等地参与上帝即将到来的国度。上帝甚至要将祂的灵浇灌在外邦人身上。在使徒行传中,圣灵会降临在外邦人身上,使门徒们惊奇,荣耀神,并说:“这样看来,神也把悔改的心赐给外族人,使他们得生命。”(使徒行传11:18)
[For All the Peoples] This is amazing because last time I checked, most of us are not Jewish. We are the fulfillment of these realities this morning. Our church is comprised mostly of Gentiles gathered together in worship of Jesus is proof that this is being fulfilled in the person and work of Christ. This good news goes global—God is not a tribal deity but the Savior of the world. This truth also motivates our mission to make disciples of all peoples. Simeon then turns to Mary. [为了万民]这是惊人的,因为我上次查看会员名单时,我们大多数人都不是犹太人。我们今天早上就是这些现实的实现。我们的教会主要是由外邦人组成,聚集在一起敬拜耶稣,这证明了这一点正在基督的身上和工作中实现。这个好消息是全球性的—神不是某个种族的神,而是世界的救主。这个真理也激励着我们使万民作门徒的使命。西面就转向马利亚说话。
b. A Sign Opposed & Soul Piercing Sword b.一个反对的目标和一把刺透心灵的刀
33 And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him. 34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed 35 (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:33–35) 33 他父母因论到他的这些话而希奇。34 西面给他们祝福,对他母亲马利亚说:“看哪! 这孩子被立,要叫以色列中许多人跌倒,许多人兴起,又要成为反对的目标,35 (你自己的心也会被刀刺透,) 这样,许多人心中的意念就要被揭露出来。” (路加福音2:33-35)
[Fall & Rising of Many] Mary and Joseph marvel at these things as they continue to get more and more insight into the nature of Jesus (33). But then Simeon gives Mary a prophecy of division. This first image is drawn from Isaiah—which we saw in 1 Peter—where Jesus is the cornerstone. Some will trust in him and never be disappointed, and others will stumble over him (Isaiah 8:14–15; 28:13–16). This bears out in the ministry of Jesus where we see opposite reactions to Jesus: rejection or belief. It says later in verse 35 that Jesus’ ministry would also reveal hearts and have a dividing effect. You either love him or hate him; there is not middle ground. [多人跌倒,多人兴起]马利亚和约瑟对这些事情感到惊奇,因为他们不断地对耶稣的本质有了更多的了解(33节)。但后来西面给了马利亚一个分裂的预言。第一个意象来自以赛亚书—就是我们在彼得前书中看到的—耶稣是房角石。有的人要信靠祂,永不失望,有的人却要被祂绊倒(以赛亚书8:14-15;28:13-16)。这一点在耶稣的事奉中得到了印证,我们看到了对耶稣两种截然相反的反应:拒绝或相信。后面35节说,耶稣的事奉也会显出人心,有分化的作用。你要么爱祂,要么恨祂,没有中间地带。
[Sword to Mary] The phrase “and a word will pierce through your own soul also” (35) strikes a sad and somber note. Mary will experience pain and suffering as a result of Jesus. What does this referring to? There are a number of options but I think two are most likely: (1) Jesus’ ministry would take him away from his family, and (2) would ultimately result in his crucifixion. First, Jesus would leave home, wouldn’t continue his father’s trade, and his travels would keep him occupied with little time for his earthly family. Part of me wants my kids to grow up in live close by so we can have Sunday dinners together! Second, Jesus’ crucifixion would bring about Mary’s greatest heartache and suffering: burying her son in his early thirties. I’ve already outlived Jesus! This sword of sorrow would be driven into Mary as she buries her son. [刺透马利亚的刀]“你自己的心也会被刀刺透”(35节)这句话让人感到悲凉和阴郁。马利亚将因耶稣而经历痛苦和折磨。这指的是什么?有很多种可能,但我认为有两种可能性最大:(1) 耶稣的传道会让祂远离家人 (2) 最终会导致祂被钉死在十字架上。首先,耶稣会走出家门,不会继续做父亲的行当,祂的行程会让祂忙得不可开交,很少有时间陪伴祂在世的家人。我的一部分希望是我的孩子们长大后住在附近,这样我们就可以在星期天一起吃晚餐了!其次,耶稣被钉在十字架上,会带来马利亚最大的心痛和痛苦:埋葬才三十岁出头的儿子。我的寿命已经超过了耶稣!这把伤心的刀剑会在马利亚埋葬儿子的时候,刺透她。
Application & Conclusion 应用与结语
[Transition] Two law-abiding parents, plus two Spirit-inspired witnesses, lead to the one Savior of the world. Jesus came to usher in a new and glorious work of salvation by fulfilling the Law and shining as a light to the Gentiles. So why should we have a fresh appreciation for Jesus? The salvation that Jesus brings is a complete new era—a new thing—and yet has continuity with what God has been doing from the beginning. [过渡]两位守律法的父母,加上两位受圣灵启示的见证人,引出了世界上唯一的救主。耶稣来了,要开启新的、荣耀的救赎工作,成就律法,照亮外邦人。那么,我们为什么要对耶稣有新的认识呢?耶稣带来的救恩是一个完整的新时代—一件新事,却与神从起初就在做的事情有连续性。
[New Era in Christ] Luke makes a point to stress Mary and Joseph obeying the Law, and Simeon and Anna as a prophet and prophetess. Luke is telling us that the era of Law and the Prophets is passing away. “Law and Prophets” is shorthand for describing the Old Testament: the Law referring to the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) and then all the Prophets (and sometimes the Writings or Psalms). Jesus ushers in a new era and establishes a new covenant in his blood. Jesus said in Matthew 5:17, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” [基督里的新时代]路加特别强调马利亚和约瑟遵守律法,西面和亚拿是先知和女先知。路加是告诉我们,律法和先知的时代正在过去。“律法和先知”指代旧约圣经:律法指的是圣经的前五卷书(摩西五经),然后是所有的先知书(有时也包括文集或诗篇)。耶稣开创了一个新的时代,用祂的宝血立了新约。耶稣在马太福音5:17中说:“你们不要以为我来是要废除律法和先知;我来不是要废除,而是要完成。”
[Good News > Law] Thus Jesus had to be born under the Law, live a perfect life according to the Law, and then fulfill the Law, and then establish a new law that would be written on our hearts by faith and through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. Later in Luke, Jesus says, “The Law and the Prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God is preached” (Luke 16:16). Galatians tells us that “we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed” (Galatians 3:23). But now that faith has come—Jesus has come into the world—we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself up for us. The good news is that we do not live and died according to rules and regulations, but we live by faith in Jesus. And if we have faith in Jesus, we have received the Holy Spirit that dwelling within John, Elizabeth, Zechariah, Simeon, and Anna. And that same Spirit allows us to cry “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15; Galatians 4:6). Christ is where we don’t get rules and regulations, but we get God himself. [好消息>律法]因此,耶稣必须生在律法之下,按照律法过完美的生活,然后完成律法,再建立新的律法,通过信心和圣灵内住的能力,写在我们的心里。耶稣在路加福音后面说:“律法和先知到约翰就结束了。从此,神的国的福音就传开了”(路加福音16:16)。加拉太书告诉我们:“我们在律法下被囚禁、被围困,直到那要来的信的道理显明出来”(加拉太书3:23)。但既然信心已经来了—耶稣已经来到这个世界上—我们靠着对爱我们并为我们舍己的神子的信心活着。好消息是,我们不是照着规条活,也不是照着规条死,而是因着信耶稣而活。如果我们对耶稣有信心,我们就已经接受了住在约翰、伊丽莎白、撒迦利亚、西面和亚拿里面的圣灵。而正是这同一位圣灵使我们呼叫“阿爸!父!”(罗马书8:15; 加拉太书4:6)在基督里我们得到的不是规条典章,而是得到神自己。
[Story of Redemptive History] The story of redemptive history is that God delivers his people from slavery by killing the firstborns of Egypt, liberating his people. But his people remained hardhearted, wayward, and wandering. He gave them his Law, but it could not keep God’s people from disobeying. God gave priests, prophets, and kings, but they still departed. So God sent forth the ultimate and perfect Prophet, Priest, and King to deliver his people. He gives his firstborn to fulfill the Law, upholding it perfectly, and then ushers in the New Covenant through his blood. So that we have forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ death, and Jesus’ righteousness as our own so that we could be sons and daughters of God. [救赎历史的故事]救赎历史的故事是,上帝通过杀死埃及的长子,将祂的百姓从奴役中解救出来,让百姓得自由。但百姓依然心里顽梗,偏行己路,迷途流浪。神把律法赐给了他们,但这不能阻止百姓的悖逆。神赐下祭司、先知和君王,但他们还是远离神。所以,神差遣了最终的、完美的先知、祭司和君王来拯救祂的百姓。祂赐下祂的长子来成就律法,完美地遵行律法,然后通过祂的宝血迎来了新约。这使我们因耶稣的死而罪得赦免,并以耶稣的义为自己的义,使我们能成为神的儿女。
[How Will We Respond?] The question then for us this morning is how will we respond to Jesus? For those this morning who do not yet know Jesus—you’ve never trusted in him, you’re not sure, or you’re hearing this for the first time—I want to invite you come—like Simeon—and see the salvation of God: Jesus Christ. The life of Jesus beckons a response, and our prayer this morning is that you would respond in faith. We want to invite you to look deeper into these things and to not rest until you have clarity about Jesus. [我们该如何回应?]那么,今天早上我们的问题是,我们将如何回应耶稣?今天早上,对于那些还不认识耶稣的人—你从来没有相信过祂,你不确定,或者你是第一次听到这个消息—我想邀请你来—像西面一样—看看上帝的救恩:耶稣基督。耶稣的生命召唤着我们的回应,我们今天早上的祷告是希望你能以信心回应。我们想邀请你深入研究这些事情,直到你对耶稣有了清晰的认识才罢休。
[Lunatic or Lord] Will you receive, believe, worship, and glorify Jesus as Lord, or will you reject him, hate him, and oppose him? There are no other responses to Jesus. Jesus’ ministry, life, and claims cannot be just the moral teachings of a nice man—a glorified Mr. Rogers. He’s either completely crazy lunatic that should be committed to an insane asylum, or he is God incarnate and every word he speaks is true, good and right. [要么是疯子要么是主]你是接受、相信、敬拜、荣耀耶稣为主,还是拒绝祂、恨祂、反对祂?除此之外,对耶稣没有其他的回应。耶稣的事奉、生命和宣告不可能只是一个好好先生的道德说教—好像戴上荣耀光环的罗杰斯先生。祂要么是完全癫狂的疯子,应该被送进疯人院,要么就是上帝道成肉身,祂说的每一句话都是真实、良善、正确。
[Worship] Jesus has ushered in a new era marked not by Law, but by the indwelling power of the Spirit. This morning, for those who believe, you have been given the indwelling Holy Spirit as the down payment of the inheritance that we will receive in Christ. We right now can experience everlasting joy and life in Jesus. [敬拜]耶稣开创了一个新的时代,其标志不是律法,而是圣灵内住的大能。今天早上,对于那些相信的人来说,你们已经得到了内住的圣灵,作为我们将来在基督里得基业的凭据。我们现在就可以在耶稣里经历永远的喜乐和生命。
[Closing Illustration: Hiroo Onoda] Let me end with this story to encourage us to recognize we are living in a new era marked by Jesus and the indwelling power of the Spirit. At the end of World War II, the Japanese surrendered on August 15, 1945, and formally signed surrender documents on September 2, 1945 on the deck of the USS Missouri, finally ending the war. A completely new era had begun. Japan and America were no longer at war, and finally we had peace. But there was one Japanese soldier, stationed on a small island in the Philippines, about 93 miles southwest of Manila, by the name Hiroo Onoda. He didn’t believe the war was over—because he was in a remote place, and took the leaflets proclaiming the war’s end as enemy propaganda. So he kept fighting the war on this little island for another 29 years. Three decades he fought a war that was over and finished. He survived on bananas and coconuts, hiding from Filipino villagers. He was finally found in 1974, and they brought his commanding officer to come and relieve him of duty so that he could finally go home. Hiroo didn’t know that the war was done, a new era had dawned, and that peace had arrived. And some of us this morning have the opportunity to recognize that in Jesus, a new era has dawned, marked by the indwelling power of the Spirit, forgiveness of sins and the imputed righteousness of Christ, and that peace has arrived. Come and see the salvation and light of God that has arrived. Christ has come; Christ will come again. [最后的示例:小野田宽郎]最后让我用一个故事来鼓励我们认识到,我们正生活在一个以耶稣和圣灵内住的能力为标志的新时代。二战结束时,日军于1945年8月15日投降,并于1945年9月2日在“密苏里”号甲板上正式签署投降文件,战争正式告终。一个全新的时代已经开始了。日本和美国不再打仗了,我们终于有了和平。但有一个日本兵,名字叫小野田宽郎,驻扎在菲律宾的一个小岛上,距离马尼拉西南约93英里。他不相信战争已经结束—因为他在一个偏远的地方,并把宣布战争结束的传单当作敌人的宣传品。于是,他又在这个小岛上坚持打了29年的仗。三十年来,他一直在打一场已经结束了的战争。他靠香蕉和椰子果腹,躲避菲律宾村民。1974年,他终于被找到了,他们把他的指挥官找来,解除了他的职务,他终于可以回家了。小野田不知道,战争已经结束,新的时代已经到来,和平已经到来。而今天早上我们中的一些人有机会认识到,在耶稣里,一个新的时代已经来临,其标志是圣灵的内住能力、罪的赦免和基督的称义,和平已经到来。来看看已经到来的神的救赎和光明。基督已经来了,基督还要再来。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: Advent: Seeing the Salvation & Light 讲道标题:降临节:见到救恩与光亮
Sermon Text: Luke 2:21–38 讲道经文:路加福音2:21-38
Main Point: Jesus—God’s salvation and light—has come to fulfill the Law, to bring light to the Gentiles, and usher in a new era. 要点:耶稣—神救恩和光亮已经来了—要来成就律法和先知,把光亮带给外邦人,开启一个新的时代。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Two Law Abiding Parents: Joseph & Mary (21–24) 1. 一对遵守律法的父母:约瑟和马利亚(21-24节)
2. Two Spirit-Inspired Witnesses: Simeon & Anna (25–26, 36–38) 2.两个受灵启发的见证人:西面和亚拿(25-26节,36-38节)
3. One Savior of the World (27–35) 3. 一位世界的救主(27-35节)
Intro Question: Do you have a bucket list? What are some of the things on it? Do you have a “spiritual bucket list” and what types of things should we have on it? 引言中的问题:你有遗愿清单吗?那清单上面有些什么项目?你有“属灵遗愿清单”吗?“属灵遗愿清单”上应该有哪些内容?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题:
1. Why do you think there is a repeated emphasis on Mary and Joseph obeying the Law (2:22, 23, 24, 27, 39)? 1. 你认为路加为什么要反复强调马利亚和约瑟遵守律法(2:22、23、24、27、39)?
2. What types of things do we know about Simeon and Anna? What are some similarities and differences with how they are described? 2. 关于西面和亚拿,我们知道哪些事情?对他们二人的描述方式有哪些相同点和不同点?
3. What is significant about Simeon’s prophecy (29–32) and his words to Mary (34–35)? How do you think Mary and Joseph felt hearing these things for the first time? 3. 西面的预言(29-32节)和他对马利亚说的话(34-35节)有什么重要意义?你认为马利亚和约瑟第一次听到这些事情会有什么感受?
4. What type of person (such as their spiritual life, faith walk, attitude, and demeanor) do you imagine Simeon and Anna being? How might we become more like them? 4. 你想象西面和亚拿是什么样的人(如他们的属灵生活、信心生活、态度和举止)?我们如何才能变得更像他们?
5. When we look ahead (throughout Luke & Acts and into today), how are the things that were written and spoken fulfilled in the person and work of Jesus? 5. 当我们向前看时(从路加福音和使徒行传到今天),所写的和所说的事情是如何在耶稣的身上和工作中实现的?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
1. How does Jesus being born under the Law and fulfilling the Law impact us today? How should we approach obedience to God’s law? 1. 耶稣生在律法之下,成就了律法,对我们今天有什么影响?我们应该以什么方式顺服神的律法?
2. How can we receive, believe, worship, and wait for the long awaited Messiah like Simeon & Anna? 2. 我们怎样才能像西面和亚拿一样,接受、相信、敬拜、等待期待已久的弥赛亚呢?
3. Simeon tells Mary that Jesus will be sign that is opposed (34) and will be a sword that pierces her soul (35). How is Jesus received or opposed today? Where do we see the type of division that Jesus brings to our world? 3. 西面告诉马利亚,耶稣将成为反对的目标(34节),将是刺穿她心灵的刀(35节)。今天,人们是如何接受或反对耶稣的?我们在哪里可以看到耶稣给我们的世界带来的那种分裂?
4. This Advent we have said that “Christ is come; Christ will come again.” How can we meditate on these truths afresh in light of what we learned from this passage? 4. 这个降临节我们说过,“基督已经来了,基督还要再来。”我们如何根据从这段经文中学到的知识,重新默想这些真理呢?
5. Who are some people that are not trusting in Jesus that need to look upon the salvation of God and the light of revelation to the Gentiles? Pray for open doors to share Christ with unbelieving neighbors, coworkers, friends, and acquaintances. 5. 哪些人不相信耶稣,需要仰望上帝的救恩和对外邦人的启示之光?求主开门,与未信的邻居、同事、朋友和熟人分享基督。
Prayer Focus: 祷告焦点:
Take a moment to praise God for sending his send to fulfill the Law, to bring light to all peoples, and to usher in a new era built upon the person and work of Christ. Confess any sins of failing to keep God’s commands. Thank God for the forgiveness and righteousness that is purchased by the sacrifice and perfect life of Christ. Ask God for faith to believe, receive, and worship Jesus, and to wait for his second coming with the same joy and eagerness as Simeon and Anna. 花点时间赞美神,因为祂差遣祂的使者来完成律法,给万民万族带来光明,并开创一个建立在基督的位格和工作上的新时代。承认任何不遵守上帝诫命的罪。为那由基督的牺牲和完美的生命所赎来的饶恕和公义而感谢神。求神赐下信心,让我们相信、接受、敬拜耶稣,并像西面和亚拿一样,以同样的喜乐和热切的心情等待祂的再来。
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