
2021-12-12  本文已影响0人  山猪打不过家猪


due to
for example
lead to
such as
in conclusion
is a good example
rather than
in the sense that


learn from mistake
seek/find a job
in search of work
development in
creative skills
learn more efficiently
develop good spending habits
encourage imagination
expand horizons
broaden knowledge and skills
take part in extra-curricular activities
build family bonds
effective teamwork
increase independence
improve life skills
manage budget well
achieve a work-life/work-family balance
gain practical experience
lack practical experience
vocational training
compete fairly
the knowledge-based economy
career guidance
cause labor shortages


restrict their freedom
can have more flexible schedules
save money on transport costs
have equal opportunities for schools
promote gender equality


have busy careers
have a busy lifestyle
spoil children
have traditional ideas about many things
become useful members of society
provide a well-rounded education
prepare them for employment
contribute to their community
improve public services
reduce social inequality
introduce laws to
practical and fair
is a long-term solution
is a short-sighted policy
regulate violence on television
run campaigns to encourage people to
promote fair competition


provide reliable information
help consumers to make better decisions
mislead the public


create waste and pollution
household waste
industrial waste
cause smog and acid rain
car fumes
contribute to global warming
reduce people's dependence on social medium
rely to much on
increase greenhouse gas emissions
put pressure on
the demand for consumer goods
fulfill environmental responsibilities
reuse shopping bags
choose products with less plastic packaging
make ...more attractive
wildlife habitats
cut down forests
destroy wildlife habitats
cause natural disasters
is morally wrong
medical research
develop new medicines


do more physical exercise
reduce/increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure
exercise regularly
have a balanced diet
a sedentary lifestyle
pose health risks to consumers
reduce stress and anxiety
promote healthy lifestyles
raise people's health awareness
face tough competition for jobs
have a strong sense of belonging
are addicted to social media
rely too much on fast food


develop good spending habits
buy things on impulse
follow the latest trends
earn more money
involve high costs
high housing prices
are more affordable
face financial difficulties
live in poverty
reduce income inequality
make large profits
are driven by profits
give financial support to
reduce their dependence on
have more important concerns
only have limited funds
give priority to ...
improve people's standard of living
a waste of energy
are funded by
is an important source of government tax revenue
tax revenue
advertising revenue
admission revenue
the tourism industry
buy souvenirs
provide consumers with more choices
increase greenhouse gas emissions
contain harmful chemicals
employ local people
drive local companies out of business
boost economic growth
are likely to re-offend
address the root causes of crime
make communities safer
暴力画面 violent images
形成反社会行为 develop anti-social behaviour
频繁的接触媒体的暴力内容 are frequently exposed to media violence
网络诈骗 online fraud
很可能就范 are likely re-offend
震慑危险驾驶 deter dangerous driving
涉及高额费用 involve high costs
战争和冲突 wars and conflicts
军事科技 military technology


削弱文化认同感 erode cultural identity
对传统生活方式造成威胁 pose a threat to traditional lifestyles
传统和文化 traditions and customs
促进国际合作 promote international cooperation
超出了国家之间的边界 transcend national borders
威胁文化多样性 threaten cultural diversity
削弱其他文化 weaken other cultures
互联网的扩张 the expansion of the Internet
感到鼓励 feel isolated
一种濒危的语言 a endangered language
感受过去 connect us to the past
是文化传承的一部分 are an important port of our heritage
历史遗迹 historic sites
标志性建筑famous landmarks
旅游景点 tourist attractions
缺乏特点 lack character
对老房子进行翻新 renovate old buildings
昂贵的维修和保养 expensive repairs and maintenance
感觉有动力 fee motivated
事业发展方向 career path


学业表现出色 have good academic performance
独立思考的能力 independent thinking skills
提供可以促进学生全面发展的课程设置 provide a broad and balanced curriculum
培养全面人才 produce well-rounded individuals
更加重视 place more importance on
必须课程 a compulsory/mandatory course
理论知识 theoretical knowledge
概念和原理 concepts and principles
提供发展实践技能的基础 provide a foundation for developing practical skills
应用和检验自己的学习情况 apply and test their knowledge
定时出勤 regular attendance
给他们一种成就感 give them a sense of achievement
增强学习动力 increase motivation to learn
减少干扰 reduce distractions
让学生上课集中注意力 make them more attentive in class
集中精力在学业上 concentrate on their studies
教学方法 teaching method
探索他们真正感兴趣的 explore areas that really interest in
电脑知识基本了解 computer literacy
熟练掌握电脑技能 computer proficiency
促进公平竞争的意识和良好的运动精神 encourage fair play and good sportsmanship
职业建议 career advice
学历 academic qualifications
实践经验 practical experience
个人素质 personal qualities
对工作的强烈责任感 a strong commitment to work
拥有良好的就业前景 have better job prospects
拥有竞争优势 have a competitive edge


上升的教育费用 a rising cost of education
学费 tuition fees
生活费 living costs
面临财政危机 confront with financial crisis
更具能力分班 separate students according to their academic abilities
损害自信心damage their self-confidence
监督他们孩子的学习变现 monitor their children's academic performence
放学后缺少成年人的看护 spend after-school hours without adult supervision
网瘾 internet addiction
引起家庭纠纷 cause family conflict
专制的家长 authoritarian parents
放纵孩子的家长 permissive parents
心里健康 emotional health
向家长寻群建议seek advice from parents
时常会冲动行事 often act on impulse
对他们行为负责 take responsibility for their own actions
成为有社会责任感的成员 became responsible member of society


科技突破 technological breakthroughs
推动科技发展 advance scientific knowledge
采用新科技adopt new technologies
应对新的挑战 meet new challenges
从事重复性劳动工作 perform repetitive tasks
提高效率 boost/improve efficiency
提供生产率 boost productivity
满足消费者们的需求 meet consumers' needs
被广泛地使用 are widely used
彻底改变了我们的交流方式 has transformed the way we communicate
信息时代 the information age
轻切薄 thin and lightweight
对消费者的健康构成风险 pose health risks to consumers
更加而且更有营养的 is safer and nutritious


与家人住的远 live away from home
思乡 feel homesick
视频电话 video-chat video calls
搜索殷勤 search engine
高效的找到信息 find information efficiently and effitively
只需要鼠标轻点几下 just a few clicks away
是有互动性的 are interactive
可能导致眼镜疲劳或者头疼 may cause eye strain or headaches
对眼睛好 are easier on the eyes
实体店 physical shops
为人们提供更多的选择 provide people with more choices
更加环保 is more eco-friendly
以更低的价格购物 shop at lower prices
可以轻松的对比价格 can easily compare prices
远程教育 distance education
生动的面对面的实体教育 have lively face-to-face discussions
利用网络资源对教学的补充 supplement teaching with online resource
减少交通开支 save money on transport costs
有更加灵活的时间 have more flexible work schedules
视频会议 video conferencee
增加患肥胖的风险 increase the risk of obesity
导致失业 cause unemployment
具有互动性的娱乐 interactive entertainment
提高手眼协调的能力 increase hand-eye coordination


交流的方式 means of communication
和亲友们交流互动 interact with family friends
手机过度依赖 rely too much on mobile phones
对手机过度使用 excessive use of mobile phones


被动娱乐 passive entertainment
生活节奏快 have a fast-paced lifestyle
提供各种各样的节目 provide a wide variety of shows
告知消费者关于新产品服务的咨询 inform consumers about new products
构成健康风险 pose health risks
增加纳税人的负担 increase the burden on taxpaters
涉及高额费用 involve high risks
针对儿童的广告 advertising aimed at children
虚假广告false advertising
对选题进行更加有深度的报道 cover subjects with greater depth
帮助人们深入了解。。。 help people to gain a better understanding of
对新闻报道大肆渲染sensationalize news stories
提供可靠信息 provide reliable information
误导公众 mislead public
采取措施去 take measures of/take steps to
缺乏可行且不公正 is impractical an unfair
不应该受到政府的敢于 should be free from government interference


资金不足 are under-funded
为...提供资金 give financial support to
缺乏人力 are under-staffed
面临财政危机 face financial difficulties
是一种公共资源的浪费 is a waste of public money
改善基础设施 improve infrastructure
由政府来资助 are funded by the government
公共医疗体系 public healthcare system


正在扩大的贫富差距 the growing gap between rich and poor
收入不均 income inequality
应该得到更高的收入 should be better paid
应该得到更多的认可 should be better appreciated
缩小贫富差距 narrow the gap between rich and poor
对新产品的需求 the demand for new products
提高人们的生活水平 improve people's standard of living
把财富等同于快乐 equate wealth with happiness
积极的参与社区活动 actively participate in community activities
慈善机构 charity


交通量 traffic volume
改进公共交通服务 improve public transport services
交通高峰 rush hour
酒驾 drunk driving
建筑的外部 the exterior of building
农村区域 rural areas
城市生活 urban living
导致一些地区的交通量上升 increase traffic volumes in some areas
步行区 pedestrian zone
适合行人的活动区域 pedestrian-friendly areas
实现可持续发展 achieve sustainable development
减少人们对汽车的依赖 reduce people's dependence on cars
不分国籍一律收取相同的费用 charge the same fees regardless of nationality
向当地政府交税 pay taxes to the local government
运营成本 operation costs
丰富当地文化 enrich the local culture
需要更少的员工个 need fewer employees
增强社区成员之间的联系 strengthen community connections
为社区筹款 raise money for communities


很高的工作满意度 a high level of job satisfaction
薪酬优厚的工作 a well-paid job
符合他们的技能和兴趣 match their skills and interests
获取新技能 gain new skills
有一种荣誉感和归宿感 feel a sense of pride and belonging
扼制创新 stifle innovation
从事重复性的劳动 perform repetitive tasks
感到无聊和缺乏动力 feel bored and unmotivated
给员工带来挫败感 make employees frustrated
打击员工们的工作积极性 damage employee morale
体力工作 manual jobs
频繁加班 frequently work overtime


被长距离地运输 is transported over long distances
含有化学添加剂 contain chemical additives
食品防腐剂 food preservaitives
对害虫抵抗力更强 are more resistant to diseases and insects
扰乱食物链 disrupt the food chain
更加有营养 is more nutritious


增加手眼的协调能力 improve hand-eye coordination
体能 physical abilities
顽强的意志 strong willpower
运动设施 sports facilities
提高公民的民族自豪感 boost national pride
想海外宣传该国的形象 promote the country's image overseas
政府提供资金 government funding
涉及很高的风险 involve high risks
冒着生命危险 risk their lives
头颈部受伤 head and neck injury
是扣人心悬和极度兴奋的 are intense and extremely exciting
带来非常强烈的成就感 provide a great sense of achievement


人口老龄化 population ageing
增加医疗体系的负担 increase the burden on the healthcare system
导致医疗服务的需求增多 increase the demand of he healthcare system
到退休年龄的人们 people of retirement age
低出生率 low birth rates
政府发放养老金 state pension
上升的生活开支 rising living costs
高通货膨胀率 high inflation rates
更大的职业关系网 have stronger professional networks
有更保守的看法 hold conservative views on many issues
不愿意接受新想法 are less willing to accept new ideas
只能更晚的退休 have to retire later
更有可能的去冒险 are more likely to take risks
基于年龄的其实 age discrimination/ discrimination based on age
对。。持有偏见 have a bias against
不同年龄段建立桥梁 bridge the generation gap
确保所有求职者 都能获得平等的机会 ensure equal opportunities of all applicants
和他们成年子女住一起 live with their adult children
与孙辈们分享自己的智慧和人生经验 share their wisdom and life experience with their grandchildren
不和子女住 live apart from their children
养老院 residential homes
有更多隐私和自由 have more privacy and freedom
交住房贷款 pay mortgage
分担家务 help with housework
让出行更加方面 improve mobility
坡道和电梯 ramps and lifts
影响他们选课 influence their course selection
享有平等的升值机会 have equal opportunities for promotion
建筑工人 construction wokers
体力工作 physically demanding work
对工作的积极态度 a positive attitude towards work
发挥潜力 achieve their potential
可能导致养老体系的奔溃 may cause the state pension system to collapse
阻碍经济发展 impede economic growth
休产假 take maternity leave
家庭主妇 full-time mothers
对待文化差异更加宽容 are more tolerant of cultural differences
形成对家庭的责任 develop a sense of responsibility towards family
与自然和谐相处 live in harmony with nature
大批量的产品 mass-produced products
手工制品 hand-made goods
历史事件 historical events
构成我们文化特征的一个重要部分 form an important part of our cultural indentiy
增强他们的辨证思维能力 sharpen their critical-thinking skills
发展道德判断能力 develop moral judgement
从历史中汲取灵感 draw inspiration from history
往往对同一事务持有不同看法 tend to have different views on the same event
政府资助 government funding
还有更加重要的关注领域 have more important concerns
缓解压力 relieve stress
使用回收材料 works of art made from recycled materials
促进环保意识 promote environmental awareness
双赢互利 is mutually beneficial
促进良好的竞争 promote healthy competition
吸引外资 attract foreign investment
导致当地竞争者难以生存 drive their local competitions out of business
发达国家 industrialized countries/developed countries
紧急救援 emergency aid
自然灾害 natural disasters
人道主义援助 humanitarian aid
食品援助 food aid
医疗援助 medical aid
财政援助 financial aid
滥用援助资金 misuse the aid money
引发更加多的腐败 lead to more corruption
创造就业 create jobs/job creation/create employment opportunity
技术转让 technology transfer
技术培训 technical training programmes
购买纪念品 buy souvenirs
享受当地的特色和佳肴 enjoy the local cuisine and entertainment
尊重当地的礼仪和特色 respect local customs an etiquette
节约用水 use water responsibly
化石燃料 fossil fuels
工厂的温室效应气体 greenhouse gas emissions from factories
导致海平面上升 cause sea levels to rise
导致雾霾 cause smog
更多的使用公共交通 use public transport more often
将废料排入河流 discharge waste into rivers
极端天气状况 extreme weather conditions
可再生能源 renewable energy source
可代替能源 alternative energy source
实现可持续发展 achieve sustainable development
严重依赖天气 rely heavily on weather conditions
灌溉需求 irrigation needs
工业生产 industrial production
家庭用水 household use of water
在很多地方变得稀缺 is becoming scarce in many regions
节约用水 conserve water
避免使用一次性物品 avoid single-use itmes
提高环保意识 raise public environmental awareness
保护濒危物种 protect endangered species
濒临灭绝 face extinction/become extinction
因为皮毛而被杀 are hunted for their skins
皮大衣 fur coats
捕杀鲸鱼 whaling an sealing
非法野生动物制品 illegal wildlife products
建立更多的自然保护区 create more nature reserves
改变他们的生活习性 change their habits
不道德的 is morally wrong
动物保护团体 animal rights groups
减少他们的痛苦 minimize their suffering
研发新药和新的疫苗 develop new medicines and vaccines
从根本上解决犯罪问题 address the root causes of crime
惩罚罪犯 punish criminals
在监狱里服刑 serve prison sentences
反思自己的行为 make them reflect on actions
震慑犯罪 deter crime/criminals
从监狱里释放 are released from prison
有犯罪记录 have a criminal record
提供心理咨询 provide counseling on them
帮助他们重新走入社会 help them re-enter society
守法 obey the law
惩罚力度不够 is not a sufficient punishment

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