2018-12-22 本文已影响0人
1. 释义:something that helps to improve the effects of something bad or negative
2. 理解:名词,本意是“解毒药”,引申为表示“延缓作用”“有效手段”,与中文的“一剂良药”完美对应。
This is the vanccination against day-to-day firefighting and an antidote for the imbalance many people bring upon themselves.
vaccination是“疫苗”,这里表示“预防措施”,antidote是“解药”,这里表示“矫正方法”。当我们想表示一个工具、方法的有效性时,就可以用到vaccination和antidote这类词。句中的firefighting, imbalance,写出了上班族的狼狈,vaccination和antidote跟它们一一对应,相比"a good way/method"这样的表达,它们更生动、灵活和恰当。
3. 应用:
Working out is a powerful antidote to anxiety.
2) 造句:
Maybe replacing is a kind of antidote to his painful breakup.(或许代替是遗忘的良药)