0418,Why we should celebrate shy
1、Instead of hastily demanding “Don’t you know who I am?”,the 67-year-old author meekly turned away,sitting in the lounge all by herself. Despite outselling every other writer of the time,she said she was still paralysed by “miserable,horrible,inevitable shyness”.
2、Those feelings that may have shaped his career long before he decided to explore the subject academically.
3、Many people may expect that shyness permeates every situation,for instance,but Moran notes that it “ebbs and flows” depending on the context.
4、Clearly shyness doesn’t necessarily prevent success,but does it come with any tangible benefits?
5、But he suspected that his shyness was too resilient for a cure;it would be like “shouting at the wind,arguing with the rain” or “trying to find a cure for being alive”.
6、One of the mistakes you can make when you are shy is to think that you are very unusual in the way you are interacting with people – but some of these problems are universal.