

2016-12-07  本文已影响641人  十一安
外向or 内向?




First of all I got a confession to make: I am an introvert. What’s introvert? It is kind of a person he actually just prefers to spend a lot of time alone.
But people may misunderstand introvert. They always think that it means shy. They think every introvert is shy. I won’t say I am shy. It just my way of personality is. for me, when I spend time alone that’s kind of like how I get energy. And after I get again I can go outen to world.

But most people in the world they actually opposite to me. They are extroverts. This means when you are extrovert you just love to be around people all the time that’s what make you feel great basically. So we got some people who are extroverts in the world we got some people who are introverts in the world.


How’s this related you learning English? Well I think it does because it could really help you know the way you are learning English is right for you or you know you could change it make it better for you.

But also I would say in general the whole world English learning and teaching kind of forcus more on these guys because actually they have got a great advantages when it comes to learning languages.

so we gonna talk a little bit about these guys(extrovert) and give advices for the majorities you watching this video. But we also going to look into the introverts perspective because you know this is something I just found out myself. When I was trying to learn languages I found out that already realized at the time I was just really slow like I had been trying to remember words and really really slow. Everybody else already sat that everybody else already finished but the words came really slow to me. But I always understood a lot.

It confuses me because somethimes I just rubish in learning languages but I understood a lot. So my speaking wasn’t soon advance as my other skills in learning languages. No something I realized later until which I see a video like this which helps me to understand why.


So let’s take a look first of all, that’s expressions they could describe extroverts and introverts. So an extrovert is somebody who thinks the more the merrier. That means there are more people around me the happier I am. They love to be around people. extroverts also all often the life and the soul of parties. That means at the most fun people in the room and people like to around them. Great fun people like to have fun in the party. Also very often extroverts are chatterbox. Bla bla bla talking all the time. Always got something to say. Extrovert is a chatterbox. I am just pointing out the differences I am not thinking that you guys are wrong to be an extrovert. That just way you are.

Let’s have a look in introvert, the person who like spending time alone all the time. So you could say them the motto is it just me, myself, and I. Happy to be alone. You could also think introvert at a party is more like to be a wall flower. A wall flower is someone who used to not going to start a conversation with anyone, not going to be dancing around having great amazing conversations, the wall flower is going to be a bit shy and they are going to wait for other people to come around to talk with them. And the introvert also likes to have deep and meaningful conversations doesn’t like small talk doesn’t like chatter, chatter, chatter, likes to talk on the meaningful level. So they have got different ways of being.

how’s that related to learning English?



Well like what I said earlier, the extrovert really has learning advantages when it comes learning languages because most people when they learn a language , they do because they want to be able to speak, they learn languages because communication is so much about speaking. And great things for you if you are an extrovert, you are so curious and so social. You want to know what happening all the time. You want to be in the middle of things. You want to know what it going on. And that’s great advantages for you because it is talk.

You talk you take every opportunity to talk. It is a prompt feeling. So you could be in an new situation in a different country or something. But maybe you feel a little shy because you don't want to say something wrong. But your lead to be in conversation is so strong. You are so proactive and you will talk. So that means you get many opportunities to practice. So good for you developing in your English. So if you are an extrovert you will learn languages much more quickly at least as speaking level.


And your introvert friends.
Your introvert friends really got shy speakers. They might not shy people but you know like small talk, for example, like speaking in the other languages at the very basically levels like what’s your hobbies?
That kind of an introvert always thinking I can’t bring myslef to ask the question. So they might know what to say, but they might not say it. And because they don't say it the mouth is not getting the practice speaking as the other language.

They know all in their heads, but they not actually using it. So this could make the progress to the language as quite slow. And also the introvert very often miss opportunities to speak. Because they are hesitant, maybe before they speak they think about what they are going to say. Plus they don't initiate, they don't start the conversation with people. introvert waits for the other people to come and speak to them.

When you are an introvert, you are quite fearful of mistake. You don't to look stupid, you don't want to say the wrong thing. That’s one of the reasons you don't speak to people. so this is not looking very good for you learning a language as an introvert.

But it is not all buts because let’s look at the other side of the situation now. if you are an extrovert you might be great at talking, but I know it as a fact, very often, extroverts are not so good at listening.

Because you just want to be talking and not so much listening to other people are telling you. This is also about a defect for exroverts. It often means they have small passive vocabulary.

You don't actually know that many words. but the words you do know you could use very well you know you could have great conversations with it. So that’s good. On the other hand, the introverts might be not saying much, but they could be great listeners, they could understand a lot more than the extroverts. The extrovert really seems like they know everything and can say everything.

But they don't understand so much. Also the introvert has really wide passive vocabularies. There are lots of words they know. But the thing is it can be a time delay at remembering those words. so very often, you miss opportunities in conversation you know them, but they come to slow to you.

This is one of the reasons the introverts are good at writing in their own language and also in English. Because when you write you have a little bit extra time to rememer what you want to say. Also because introverts very often like to do self by themselves. We could say maybe they have got more time for actually what they study for their work. So very often they have better grammar skills, because they are actually willing to do that kind of work.


So what you can do now you know the strength and weakness via being an extrovert or introvert. I have got some advices for you.

And I think it could help your development when you are learning English basically. So we saw the extrovert. It’s really amazing the extroverts are kind of people who can learn a language or English as you just on the street. They can go to a place and just kind of learn from people they are around. They are so great. For introvert that would be really hard to do because it would take so much courage to make themselves speak in every single opportunity they got.

They probably won’t do it. So anyway if you are an ectrovert, it is easy for you to take every opportunity to speak, so that’s why doing immersive experiences, travling to other countires, where you could do exchange or sign in different countries that’s great for you. Because again you take every opportunity to speak.

Also traditional toefl classes is also great for you as well because that’s a big class of people, you can swalk, you can talk to many people in the room that’s great for you. So much opportunities for you to practice in traditional classroom situation. What’s not so useful for you? I would say book learning in general. You really like to have your English practiced actively. You like to speaking, you like to be involved, you like to be doing things.

So where you can make sure you have been doing that. Of course, studying is helpful, but for you, you really develop your English just by being in the right situation around the right people. also I hear couple of times when extroverts told me, oh I cant never learn on skype, that’s what I am the person or something because I have to be around more people.

I mean that’s somethig you have to discover for yourself, could be 1 on 1 situation actually works for you. Just general rules extroverts do like be around a lot of people. so perhaps maintaining, teacher-student interaction as much as hours as not something an extrovert really going to enjoy so much. Also audio learning programmes it could be ok but not fantasic for the extroverts because there is not interaction there for them.

Advices for my introvert friends, fun of being silly but talk to yourslef. Because you don't take opportunity to speak, what you know in your head is often at a much higher level or your ability to actually say it as speakers. So when you try to speak, the words don't come out in the really ince way that you want them to. Just because you haven’t practice on your mouth enough. But when you talk to yourself nothing could go wrong, you could just talk to yourself. So that’s something to try. You can make a friend. Someone you feel real comfortable speaking English with. So you can get a lot of practice with that person feel good about for you doing it. Something would be really scared for you when you come to learning a language and that’s ok.

For example, as speak from my experience, in a typical TOEFL classroom situation there is an very strong atmosphere on games all the time. Always playing games with this person speaking around things. Moving to another table speaking to another person and it can be straining for an introvert because they are there are many people. there are many small talks, there are many of games. So if you like me went like that. Also big class maybe something you don't like because there are many people that you need to speak to and that maybe shake your confidence a little bit and you might not feel to good. Teaching yourself is one of your strength, so it is ok just do lots of self study.




至于害羞这一点,对于不熟悉的人,我的表现给人的感觉的安静害羞的 = =但静若次子动若脱兔这一描述也 挺适合我的...跑题了好像。




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