
2019-01-22  本文已影响17人  英语学习社






Appreciation is worth its weight in gold

Just a few words of thanks for a task well done can make all the difference

A caring gesture, a thoughtful act or kind words can make someone's day. However, most of us are guilty of forgetting to thank someone for a positive experience. Oftentimes this is because we underestimate the response to such an act and overestimate the reaction of the recipient who, we feel, may be embarrassed by such a gesture.

make someone's day

表示“使某人非常高兴”,英文解释为“to make someone very happy”,举个🌰:

Hearing your voice on the phone really made my day.


A recent study by psychologists at Austin, Texas, has found that people totally miscalculate the effect of appreciation and the positive feelings it evokes. In my experience, appreciation of my efforts or work has touched me to the core. I think I would have felt embarrassed or uncomfortable if I thought that the person complimenting me was not sincere or was going overboard with the words of praise.


表示“引起,唤起(某人强烈的感情或回忆)”,英文解释为“to produce a strong feeling or memory in someone”,举个🌰:

The photographs evoked strong memories of our holidays in France.


His appearance is bound to evoke sympathy.


to the core

表示“十分,彻底,极其”,英文解释为“to an extreme degree”,举个🌰:

I was shocked to the core.


go overboard

表示“做事[说话]过分,走极端”,英文解释为“to do or say something that is too extreme for a particular situation”,举个🌰:

I hope politicians will not go overboard in trying to control the press.


More often than not, we feel unappreciated simply because no one seems to have noticed how much we are putting into a certain task or job. This is especially true at the workplace. Just a few words of thanks for a task well done can make all the difference to the many workers who toil without hope of recognition.


表示“辛苦工作”,英文解释为“When people toil, they work very hard doing unpleasant or tiring tasks.举个🌰:

People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.


It is a known fact that the expression of gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression or feelings of resentment, apart from improving self-esteem and physical health. This is a simple solution to create a happier workforce. Words of encouragement generate social capital as it makes the person who is being appreciated feel a sense of worth and makes him or her a nicer, happier being, which is important to make the workplace a more enjoyable place.

But the problem is that the right words don't come easy to those who need to say them, whose appreciation would make a difference to the person who needs encouragement and motivation.

Very often, when someone has had enough of being taken for granted, decides to call it quits and tenders his resignation after much soul searching, he hears the words that he has always wanted to hear. He is told that he has been doing a great job (how was he to know this if he was never told?) and that he is an asset to the company. He listens in disbelief as all his sterling qualities are listed and gasps with shock when he is told to reconsider his decision. But it is too little too late. If only the appreciation had been expressed earlier during his long tenure at the company.


表示“递呈,呈交;提出”,英文解释为“to formally offer or show something to someone formal”,举个🌰:

He tendered her resignation yesterday.



sterling /ˈstɜːlɪŋ/ 表示“优秀的,出色的”,英文解释为“very good ”,举个🌰:

She has done some sterling work.



tenure /ˈtɛnjʊə/

1) 表示“(重要职位的)任期”,英文解释为“the period of time when someone has an important job formal”,举个🌰:

The company has doubled in value during his tenure.


2) 表示“(大学教师的)终身职位,终身教席,终身教职”,英文解释为“the right to stay permanently in a teaching job”,举个🌰:

It's becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure.


Greater happiness

In positive psychology research, gratitude is consistently associated with greater happiness. Managers who remember to say “thank you” to people who work for them may find their employees more motivated to work even harder.

I have noticed that when I have paid someone a sincere compliment, their reaction has been to brush it off or ask sarcastically what I want from them. This is usually a knee jerk response to cover their embarrassment. So, why do we feel embarrassed? Is it because we have been wired from childhood not to expect appreciation?

brush off

表示“不予理睬;冷落”,英文解释为“If someone brushes you off when you speak to them, they refuse to talk to you or be nice to you.举个🌰:

When I tried to talk to her about it she just brushed me off.


knee-jerk response/reaction

表示“(来不及仔细考虑的)本能反应,自动反应”,英文解释为“quick reaction that does not allow you time to consider something carefully”,举个🌰:

A victim's knee-jerk reaction to the crime is often revenge.



表示“紧张的;不安的”,英文解释为“If someone is wired, they are tense, nervous, and unable to relax.举个🌰:

Tonight he is manic, wired and uptight. 



表示“奇怪的;怪异的”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as weird, you mean that they are strange.举个🌰:

That first day was weird.


Gratitude does not come easily to many of us. Yet, how often and how easily we thank a stranger for a considerate gesture or the delivery man at our doorstep. Somehow it doesn’t occur to us to show our appreciation to those at home or the people we work with in proximity for the better part of the day. We so often fail to express our thanks to those who make a difference in our lives. Perhaps we assume that they know how we feel and therefore there is no need to state the obvious.


表示“(距离或时间的)接近,临近;邻近”,英文解释为“nearness in distance or time”,举个🌰:

Here the rich and the poor live in close proximity (= very near to each other).


Maybe it is time to make our feelings known and we just might be surprised at the favourable reaction.

来源: Gulf News

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