Starbucks China currently owns more than 50% marketshare in the $4.5 billion coffee chain market, which grows on average 16% YoY, in China.
Luckin Coffee, is a startup launched in 2018 looking to beat Starbucks in China. It lets customers order their coffee online and pickup in-store or have them delivered.
瑞幸咖啡是一家成立于2018年的创业公司,一开始的定位就是在中国击败星巴克。 它允许客户在线下单,在店内取货或快递送货。
Luckin Coffee has been very aggressive in opening up new stores. It has opened more than 1500 stores across 20 cities in China in less than a year.
Starbucks China's quarterly same-store sales growth sharp declines from 6% - 8% to just barely 1% after Luckin entered the market.
CNN:The market is big enough for both of them.
Someone described Luckin as the coffee industry equivalent of Xiaomi, the upstart Chinese smartphone maker that became one of the country's top brands by selling cheaper alternatives to Apple’s iPhone. Analysts say the market is big enough for both of them.After all, People in China consume just five cups of coffee a year on average. Americans guzzle about 400. Chinese consumers will like Luckin's cheaper prices, but also like the more high-end experience at Starbucks, where she/he can meet up with friends.
Seeking alpha: Luckin is a whole different beast.
Luckin Coffee is made to beat Starbucks in China. First of all, we don’t think competition is a new thing for Starbucks. It has faced competitions from the 3rd wave coffee players like Blue Bottle Coffee in the US or other similar chains such as Costa or even McDonalds. However, we believe that Luckin is a whole different beast. For the time being, Luckin is losing money as it seeks to grow, a common situation for young startups.
瑞幸咖啡的目的是为了在中国击败星巴克。 首先,我们认为竞争对星巴克来说并不是新事物。它一直面临来自美国的蓝瓶咖啡等第三类咖啡玩家或其他类似连锁店如Costa甚至麦当劳的竞争。但是,我们相信瑞幸是一个完全不同的野兽。虽然目前瑞幸为了寻求增长正在亏钱,不过这是年轻初创公司的常见情况。
Bloomberg:Starbucks can win the China battle.
There’s one reason to believe Starbucks could win this game, but it will be a bruising one at the very least. Starbucks’s advantage is that it remains unique. The company retains a reputation for premium coffee and its stores have those lounging spaces beloved by millennials. Luckin, on the other hand, risks expanding too much on investor money. It spends heavily on marketing, especially on elevator TV ads, and offers generous subsidies like buy-one-get-one free coupons. If Starbucks doesn’t act more quickly, and risks going the way of McDonald’s Corp.
有理由相信星巴克可以赢得这场比赛,但毫无疑问,这将是一场恶战。 星巴克的优势在于它仍然是独一无二的,该公司一直拥有优质咖啡的声誉,其商店拥有千禧一代所钟爱的休闲空间与高端体验。 另一方面,瑞幸冒着投资资金过多的风险, 它花费大量资金在营销上,并提供大量补贴。但如果星巴克不采取更快的行动,它将会步入麦当劳的后尘。