Classical music isn't dead

2017-03-19  本文已影响0人  CHERESherry


with a strong and unhealthy interest in unpleasant subjects, especially death morbid fascination/curiosity 

a morbid fascination with instruments of torture

The trip was made all the worse by Frankie's morbid fear of flying.

His head was full of morbid thoughts.


(especially of sth unpleasant) likely to happen very soon: the imminent threat of invasion

The system is in imminent danger of collapse. 

An announcement about his resignation is imminent.


the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc.

After the demise of communism, General Jaruzelski was defended this decision.

But, put crudely, Lehman's demise spawned catastrophe because it combined three separate vulnerabilities.



The Infographic History of the World.By James Ball and Valentina D'Efilippo.

In their animated online infographic, "Wind Map" , which was created in 2012,


(plural autopsies) an official examination of a dead body by a doctor in order to discover the cause of death

There will be three autopsies in this case. We know the state autopsy, the private autopsy and federal autopsy. There may be different conclusions.

Holder has already authorized a federal autopsy on the body of Michael Brown.


humorous) extremely tired and lacking in energy; sleeping deeply

A miniature spacecraft and crew are injected into a comatose scientist to remove a life-threatening blood clot

The sweet tasting poison had her confused and nearly comatose.


the point of an arrow or a hook that is curved backwards to make it difficult to pull out

Sticky or barbed seeds fasten on to their feathers and hitch rides across oceans.

There are no barb or sensors; we have showed these places to human right groups.


an administrative official (as a governor) especially under the French, Spanish,or Portuguese monarchies

He is the opera-intendant version of Christo—he likes to create this canvas of


the presence of the intendant challenged the monopolistic powers of the Spanish governor.


long, sad and complaining story of troubles, misfortunes, etc

Rather than engage in one more despairing jeremiad, they should help reignite the engines of the ecumenical train.

Barton rallies the troops with the age-old jeremiad of moral declension.


comments or actions that are intended to make sb/sth seem ridiculous:

 She couldn't stand any more of their mockery.

His smile was full of mockery.

The government has left itself open to mockery and ridicule.


(often disapproving) done quickly and without giving enough attention to details

Piotr surveyed the one-bedroom apartment, counting boxes and pieces of furniture, making cursory marks on a clipboard.

His inability to construct a functional track betrays his age and lack of even cursory knowledge of trains.


(of an animal) to smell sth by breathing in noisily through the nose:

The dogs were snuffing gently at my feet.

His hopes were nearly snuffed out.


intelligent, careful and showing good judgement, especially in business or politics

a canny politician ◆ a canny move ◆

He was canny enough to see that they were trying to trap him.


(also be comprised of) to have sb/sth as parts or members; to consist of sb/sth:

The collection comprises 327 paintings. 

The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.


(formal) knowing, using or written in many languages

For apolyglot, he is remarkably careless in his spelling of names. Diacritical signs are distributed at random.


violent pains, especially at the moment of death

The creature went into its death throes.


a person who thinks they are much better than other people because they are intelligent or like things that many people do not like:

an intellectual snob ◆ a food / wine snob 

There is a snob value in driving the latest model.


(formal, often disapproving) difficult to understand:

The intellectual, who is working on someabstruseproblem, has everything coordinated and organized for the matter in hand.

Repo rates, by contrast, are seen as sufficiently abstruse for the central bank to decide on its own when it wants to change them.


a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully

One secret to longevity as a pundit is to issue predictions that can’t be easily checked.

Depending on the analyst, scout or pundit, Fultz is expected to become the highest drafted player ever from Washington.


make a loud noise

There was no such restraint, however, on a nearby Orthodox church, where the chants of its choir blared onto the sidewalk via a sound system.

Most suburban streets are certainly free of blaring horns, wailing sirens and, sometimes, even people.


