基于Android的实时共享白板虚拟会议空间设计与实现 毕业论文

2022-06-22  本文已影响0人  毕业设计论文资料


中文摘要 5

英文摘要 6

1. 绪论 7

1.1. 课题的提出与意义 7

1.2. 课题的研究背景 7

1.3. 系统特色介绍 8

1.4. 内容安排 8

2. 基础知识 10

2.1. Android 10

2.2. PHP 10

2.3. JavaScript 10

2.4. React 10

2.5. WebSocket 11

2.6. GatewayWorker 12

3. 需求分析和总体设计 13

3.1. 需求分析 13

3.1.1. 功能性需求 13

3.1.2. 其他需求 14

3.2. 总体设计 15

3.2.1. 系统目标 15

3.2.2. 系统架构设计 15

3.2.3. 系统功能设计 17

3.2.4. 数据库设计 17

4. 详细设计 25

4.1. 数据库操作类设计 25

4.2. 账号模块设计 26

4.2.1. 账号注册 26

4.2.2. 账号登录 27

4.2.3. 账号注销 28

4.2.4. 重置密码 29

4.3. 设置模块设计 29

4.3.1. 设置头像 29

4.3.2. 设置姓名 30

4.3.3. 设置密码 30

4.3.4. 设置会议偏好 31

4.4. 会议管理模块设计 31

4.4.1. 安排会议 31

4.4.2. 查看会议 32

4.4.3. 加入会议 33

4.4.4. 会议邀请 34

4.4.5. 白板 35

4.4.6. 群聊 38

4.4.7. 控制加会者权限 39

4.4.8. 删除会议 40

4.5. 联系人管理模块设计 40

4.5.1. 添加联系人 41

4.5.2. 删除联系人 42

4.6. 关于软件模块设计 43

4.6.1. 检查更新 43

4.6.2. 用户反馈 44

4.6.3. 查看隐私保护策略 44

5. 系统实现与测试 45

5.1. 系统实现 45

5.1.1. 功能实现 45

5.1.2. 系统部署 50

5.2. 系统测试 51

5.2.1. 系统功能与兼容性测试 51

5.2.2. 性能测试 52

6. 总结与展望 54

6.1. 总结 54

6.2. 展望 54

致谢 56

参考文献 57




Design and Implementation of Real-time Sharing Whiteboard Based on Android

Abstract: With the rapid development of society, people's living standards have been greatly improved and the demand is more and more complex, so the scale of various projects is getting bigger and bigger, the project members are more and more complex and likely to be distributed in different locations. Therefore, improving the efficiency of communication becomes an urgent problem to be solved. With the rapid development of the Internet, people have been accustomed to solve the problem through the software on the smart phone, and now they need a simple, convenient and efficient software to solve the above communication problem, as we all known, graphic communication compared to pure text is more intuitive and more efficient. Based on this, this thesis studied the realization of the drawing board and Android real-time communication technology, found that HTML5 Canvas can easily achieve the drawing board, HTML5 WebSocket protocol can be used for real-time communication and it is efficient, and through Android WebView, Java and JavaScript can call each other easily, and according to this, design and implement a real-time sharing whiteboard APP based on Android. The software mainly includes the following functions: scheduling meetings, sending meeting invitations, joining meetings, permission management within the meeting, meeting sharing whiteboards, meeting group chat, contact management, account management. In summary, through the use of the software, users no longer need to sit in the conference room or computer, you can hold board meetings at anytime in anywhere, and communicate and collaborate with your partners remotely.

Keywords: Android、real-time、whiteboard、meeting、collaboration

本文来自: 毕业作品网站(www.biyezuopin.vip) 详细出处参考:http://www.biyezuopin.vip/onews.asp?id=16315


