DAY364 宝妈亲子口语来了-61亲子英语成长记

2021-12-12  本文已影响0人  61亲子英语成长记

□I’ve been meaning to ask you.我一直想问你

□information is really scant 信息真的很少

□source of reference/source 信息来源

□get a good enough idea 获得足够的信息以形成合理的想法/结论

□Where do I go from here?接下来我要怎么做?

□in your own words 用你自己的话;不抄袭别人的话/作品

1.I’ve been meaning to ask you. 释 I have wanted to ask you 我一直想问你 例 I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.Can you tell me exactly what went on over there? 我一直想问你,你能不能明确告诉我那边发生什么事了? 2.information is really scant 释 there is little information 信息很少 例 You’re going to have to redo this.The information here is too scant.I can’t make head or tail of it.你要重做这个。这里的信息太少了,我压根儿就没看出什么东西来。 3.source of reference/source 释 place to find information 信息来源 例 This lexicon is a great source of reference.I recommend it to everyone. 这部词典信息量很大。我推荐给每一个人。 4.get a good enough idea 释 get the gist/enough information to form a reasonable idea/conclusion 获得足够的信息以形成合理的想法/结论 例 I need to see it for myself.That way I can get a good enough idea of what you want me to do. 我要亲自看看。这样我就清楚你要我做什么了。 5.Where do I go from here? 释 What do I do next?/What’s the next step?接下来我要怎么做? 例 I’ve finished the first stage of the design.Where do I go from here? 我已经完成了设计的第一阶段。接下来我要做什么? your own words 释 using your own chosen words/not copying anyone else’s words/writing 用你自己的话;不抄袭别人的话/作品例 Be sure to write your essay in your own words.Your teacher will know if you copy it. 你一定要自己写论文。如果你抄袭,你们老师会发现的。

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