
2007年1月, 我在菲律宾海滨城市宿务报道东盟峰会和“10+1”、“10+3”及东亚峰会。时任国务院总理温家宝参加本次峰会并对菲律宾进行正式访问,当时阿罗约夫人还是菲律宾总统。在那次报道中,印象中的阿罗约夫人身材娇小、神采奕奕,在众多男性东盟及东亚领导人中特别显眼。
事实上,当阿罗约很多年前在大学当经济学教授时就致力于促进对华关系。在1975年6月9日菲律宾与中国正式建立外交关系前,她就是菲中理解协会(the Association for Philippines-China Understanding) 的创始人之一,该协会对两国建交发挥了非常重要的作用。她第一次访华是1975年,在之后的几十年里亲眼目睹了中国改革开放40年的发展进程。

Reporter‘s Log
Eleven years ago, I went to the Philippines' coastal city of Cebu, renowned as " Queen city of the South", to cover the Summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). At that time, Madam Arroyo was the president of the Philippines and also the rotating chairperson of ASEAN.
When I met Madam again in Beijing for an exclusive interview at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on Saturday, she looked as great as 11 years ago but has a new identity - she was elected Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines last month.
She came a little bit earlier than planned time and greeted me and my colleagues with her charming voice and smiles. Sitting on the chair, she told me her visit this time is, as always, to meet with some business corporations in the hope there will be more cooperation between the Philippines and China.
Actually, during her presidency between 2001 and 2010, Madam had been endeavoring to promote the Philippines-China relations with bilateral partnership reaching "golden period".
It had been always her policy to give priority to business and economic development during her presidency, Madam told me. She visited China almost every year at that time.
When I raised questions to her in the interview, Madam listened attentively. Her answer was short but to the point. I read from the expressions on her face that she cares about the Philippines-China relations.
In fact, when she was a young economics professor many years ago, she had been pushing for the relations with China.
In the 1970s, she was co-founder of the Association for Philippines-China Understanding, a people-to-people organization which played an important role in the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the Philippines.
Despite a lot of setbacks between Philippines-China relations, Madam told me she is optimistic about future bilateral relations because China is "collaborator, donor and market" to the Philippines and even the ASEAN at large.
Madam is the second female president of the Philippines. She is also the first woman to hold the position of the Speaker of House of Representatives in the history of her country. What's more, she is also a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.
She told me when she was very active in the leadership of her country as a president, her family was the last. As her children have their own careers, she cared more about her grandchildren. However, she said with a relaxed laugh, grandmother is not a very difficult role.
"But now I was elected as a Speaker, I have to go back again to lessening my time with my family," she told me.