Research on how to integrate Nod

2018-08-24  本文已影响12人  一个废人

Today we did the research on how to integrate Node.js with Mailchimp RESTful API.

We've created a account and got a API_KEY:07387b34ddfakea3e4511b60f3e0e-us19

Here is the sample code to get the members in a specified list:

const https = require('https');
const fs = require('fs');

const listId = '2c51d1ee79'
const options = {
    hostname: '',
    path: `/3.0/lists/${listId}/members`,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Basic 07387b34ddfakea3e4511b60f3e0e-us19',
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

const req = https.request(options, (res) => {
    console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode);
    console.log('headers:', res.headers);

    res.on('data', (d) => {
        fs.writeFile('message.js', d, (err) => {
            if (err) throw err;
            console.log('The file has been saved!');

req.on('error', (e) => {

Then executed the nodejs file,

$ node index.js

and got:

    "members": [{
        "id": "68396cc53fdf846b547bbc195782e63f",
        "email_address": "",
        "unique_email_id": "bcbafb7e4f",
        "email_type": "html",
        "status": "subscribed",
        "merge_fields": {
            "FNAME": "jiadong",
            "LNAME": "yu",
            "ADDRESS": {
                "addr1": "",
                "addr2": "",
                "city": "",
                "state": "",
                "zip": "",
                "country": "US"
            "PHONE": "",
            "BIRTHDAY": ""
        "stats": {
            "avg_open_rate": 0,
            "avg_click_rate": 0
        "ip_signup": "",
        "timestamp_signup": "",
        "ip_opt": "",
        "timestamp_opt": "2018-08-24T06:35:06+00:00",
        "member_rating": 2,
        "last_changed": "2018-08-24T06:35:06+00:00",
        "language": "zh_CN",
        "vip": false,
        "email_client": "",
        "location": {
            "latitude": 0,
            "longitude": 0,
            "gmtoff": 0,
            "dstoff": 0,
            "country_code": "",
            "timezone": ""
        "tags_count": 0,
        "tags": [],
        "list_id": "2c51d1ee79",
        "_links": [{
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "targetSchema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "parent",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "targetSchema": "",
            "schema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "update",
            "href": "",
            "method": "PATCH",
            "targetSchema": "",
            "schema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "upsert",
            "href": "",
            "method": "PUT",
            "targetSchema": "",
            "schema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "delete",
            "href": "",
            "method": "DELETE"
        }, {
            "rel": "activity",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "targetSchema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "goals",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "targetSchema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "notes",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET",
            "targetSchema": ""
        }, {
            "rel": "delete_permanent",
            "href": "",
            "method": "POST"
// Omitted the followings

This is all about the GET method, and we can

Add a new list member by POST /lists/{list_id}/members ,

Update a list member by PATCH /lists/{list_id}/members/{subscriber_hash}

the API documentation is here:

We'll do a further research on it.

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