若水文心雅思写作讲坛001: 雅思考官9分原创大作文赏析-信息技

1、Advances in electronic technology have radically changed the way we operate in many aspects of our lives.
2、While this seems valid from a theoretical perspective, I contend that there is no evidence to suggest that this is actually happening.
3、... from my observation...
4、My opinion of the effect of electronic technology on society is, I’m afraid, not as optimistic.
5、Take just one example.
6、Developed nations which use this technology have a huge dependence on it and this dependence creates vulnerability.
7、Imagine if the operating systems for world finances - stock exchanges, banks, etc. were disabled. The consequences of our dependence on these systems are dire in the extreme.
8、In summary, technological advancements have brought remarkable changes in the way we operate and communicate. At personal level, in my opinion, these have enriched people’s ability to communicate while at the national level they have created a dependence that is risky and potentially disastrous.