Day9 Page94-102

2017-06-13  本文已影响0人  Chinyans

Words and Expressions

1.But right before the test got started. Patty Farrell piped up from the front of the room.

pipe up:to suddenly say something, especially when you have been quiet until then突然间大声说话~学霸Patty跟老师有一页没盖起来,破坏了Greg的计划

pipe:to speak or sing something in a high voice.

e.g. Mom suddenly piped up 'No!'

2.So thanks to Patty, I ended up flunking the quiz.

flunk:fail the test

e.g. Because Hory plays computer games day and night, he ended up flunking the final exam.

3.Mom said the only way I was going to be "well-rounded" was by trying different things.

well-rounded:a well-rounded person has a range of interests and skills and a variety of experience全方面发展,多才多艺的

e.g. He is well-rounded.

4.Unfortunately, a bunch of other guys had the same idea as me, so I guess there are a lot of guys who have a bone to pick with Patty Farrel.

have a bone pick with somebody: 口语used to tell someone that you are annoyed with them and want to talk with it.对某人不满

e.g. Hey! I have a bone to pick with you for what you have done to me.


1.Dad and Mom argued for a few minutes, but Dad was no match for Mom.

e.g. Ping and Yun have argued for how to do the experiment next for a whole day, but technically Ping was no match for Yun.

2.I've never even seen the movie, so for me, it was like walking into a freak show.

e.g. He has never even been abroad, so for him, it was like opening a new world.


We have a quality relationship with our neighbors. They are very neighborly. The people next door always smile and greet us politely. I remembered that day we moved in our new house, they offered a helping hand. It would've taken us forever to bring on all our furniture if they didn't help us carry them in. Furthermore, they even offered to look out for our house every time we go out to buy something. As the old saying goes, a close neighbor is better than a brother far off. Once you are in an emergency, your neighbors always will be the first one to help you.

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