

2020-04-05  本文已影响0人  饰途

情商就是我们平时说的EQ,EQ是Emotional Quotient的英文缩写,汉语意思是“情绪智慧”或“情绪智商”,简称情商。它代表的是一个人的情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)的能力。简单的说,EQ是一个人自我情绪管理以及管理他人情绪的能力指数 ,主要是指人在情绪、意志、耐受挫折等方面的品质.




Improve the ability of self-awareness of emotions: the ability to pick up their own emotions, emotions and internal driving forces, as well as the impression of others


If we want to improve our EQ, we need to know our own temperament, consciously control and dredge our negative emotions, not allow them to affect our relationship with the outside world, and not show our emotions on our faces and affect others


 Improve the ability of self-management of emotions: that is, the ability to control or channel negative emotions


We should be full of positive energy and make more positive energy friends. With these people, you will feel the relaxed, positive and enthusiastic emotions emanating from them. Instead of complaining and hanging negative emotions in your mouth, it is easy to affect the judgment of things


Have the inner ability of self motivation: that is, take the sense of achievement as the driving force to pursue the goal beyond the expectation of oneself and others

遇到挫折,我们要勇敢面对,遇强则强,不要轻易被困难所击倒,不能一旦受到挫折就陷入消极的情绪中. 要保持平常心

When encountering setbacks, we should face them bravely. When encountering difficulties, we should be strong. We should not be easily knocked down by difficulties. Once encountering setbacks, we should not fall into the mood of subtotal. We should keep calm

生活本来就不是一帆风顺的,遇到困难也是正常的,就像 这个杀手不太冷中的里昂和马蒂尔德的那段对话

Is life always this hard? Or is it just when you are a kid?


Always like this. 总是如此


Improve the ability to recognize other people's emotions: that is, the ability to understand other people's emotions and react to others' emotions to change things


That is to say, to be more considerate of others is to be more convenient with yourself. Even if you are aware of the change of each other's mood, you should think about how to deal with it and control your words and deeds. Usually many people start with their own will and don't consider each other's feelings


Improve the management ability of social skills: it is a kind of ability to find common ground with others and to have a harmonious relationship with resumes


Generally speaking, interpersonal relationships are the most difficult to deal with, because people have different personalities. To find common ground, we need mutual understanding, which requires us to use social skills, release goodwill, understand tolerance, and deal with others well

人生不如意事十之八九,怎么对待这些不如意的事,很大程度上取决于我们用什么样的  方式去处理它们,所以,懂得怎么提高自己的情商,掌控自己的情商,是我们每个人的必修课,希望这篇文章对大家有所帮助.

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