Swift编程Swift开发进阶iOS 进阶开发


2019-07-31  本文已影响135人  Cooci_和谐学习_不急不躁

RxSwift 探索了几天,今天晚上会迎来同学们会疑虑比较多,平时比较好奇的模块 - RxSwift调度者 - scheduler. 这个模块相对前面的流程比较复杂,这一篇博客希望每一个同学一定耐着性子跟着我的思维锊清楚。后面总结你会发现原来也就那么一回事!RxSwift 的世界如果看得简单一点:那么只有四个东西:

下面开始具体分析这个非常有意思的东西 调度者 - Scheduler

调度者的作用 - 封装了一套多线程方案

大家可以想象,多线程对我们 iOS开发 的性能影响是非常大,而对于 RxSwift 这么一套爱装逼的生态,不对线程下手,我觉得不符合它的风格!果然 RxSwift 的大神主要针对 GCD 进行了一套 scheduler 封装。

public class CurrentThreadScheduler : ImmediateSchedulerType {
    typealias ScheduleQueue = RxMutableBox<Queue<ScheduledItemType>>
    /// The singleton instance of the current thread scheduler.
    public static let instance = CurrentThreadScheduler()

    static var queue : ScheduleQueue? {
        get {
            return Thread.getThreadLocalStorageValueForKey(CurrentThreadSchedulerQueueKey.instance)
        set {
            Thread.setThreadLocalStorageValue(newValue, forKey: CurrentThreadSchedulerQueueKey.instance)
    /// Gets a value that indicates whether the caller must call a `schedule` method.
    public static fileprivate(set) var isScheduleRequired: Bool {
        get {
            return pthread_getspecific(CurrentThreadScheduler.isScheduleRequiredKey) == nil
        set(isScheduleRequired) {
            if pthread_setspecific(CurrentThreadScheduler.isScheduleRequiredKey, isScheduleRequired ? nil : scheduleInProgressSentinel) != 0 {
                rxFatalError("pthread_setspecific failed")

    public func schedule<StateType>(_ state: StateType, action: @escaping (StateType) -> Disposable) -> Disposable {
     // 篇幅原因只贴出重点    
extension Thread {
    static func setThreadLocalStorageValue<T: AnyObject>(_ value: T?, forKey key: NSCopying) {
        let currentThread = Thread.current
        let threadDictionary = currentThread.threadDictionary

        if let newValue = value {
            threadDictionary[key] = newValue
        else {
            threadDictionary[key] = nil

    static func getThreadLocalStorageValueForKey<T>(_ key: NSCopying) -> T? {
        let currentThread = Thread.current
        let threadDictionary = currentThread.threadDictionary
        return threadDictionary[key] as? T
public final class MainScheduler : SerialDispatchQueueScheduler {
    private let _mainQueue: DispatchQueue
    let numberEnqueued = AtomicInt(0)

    public init() {
        self._mainQueue = DispatchQueue.main
        super.init(serialQueue: self._mainQueue)
    public static let instance = MainScheduler()
public class SerialDispatchQueueScheduler : SchedulerType {
    let configuration: DispatchQueueConfiguration
    init(serialQueue: DispatchQueue, leeway:) {
        self.configuration = DispatchQueueConfiguration(queue: leeway:)

public convenience init(internalSerialQueueName: serialQueueConfiguration: leeway: ) {
        let queue = DispatchQueue(label: internalSerialQueueName, attributes: [])
        self.init(serialQueue: queue, leeway: leeway)
public class ConcurrentDispatchQueueScheduler: SchedulerType {
    public typealias TimeInterval = Foundation.TimeInterval
    public typealias Time = Date
    public var now : Date {
        return Date()

    let configuration: DispatchQueueConfiguration
    public init(queue: leeway: ) {
        self.configuration = DispatchQueueConfiguration(queue: leeway:)
    public convenience init(qos: leeway: ) {
        self.init(queue: DispatchQueue(
            label: "rxswift.queue.\(qos)",
            qos: qos,
            attributes: [DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent],
            target: nil),
            leeway: leeway
public class OperationQueueScheduler: ImmediateSchedulerType {
    public let operationQueue: OperationQueue
    public let queuePriority: Operation.QueuePriority
    public init(operationQueue: queuePriority: ) {
        self.operationQueue = operationQueue
        self.queuePriority = queuePriority



let configuration: DispatchQueueConfiguration 这里保存了我们需要的队列以及leeway信息,一般我们开发能保存信息的家伙都不简单

func schedule<StateType>(_ state: action: ) -> Disposable {
    return self.scheduleInternal(state, action: action)

func scheduleInternal<StateType>(_ state:  action: ) -> Disposable {
    return self.configuration.schedule(state, action: action)

func scheduleRelative<StateType>(_ state: dueTime: action: ) -> Disposable {
    return self.configuration.scheduleRelative(state, dueTime: action:)

func schedulePeriodic<StateType>(state: startAfter:period: action: ) -> Disposable {
    return self.configuration.schedulePeriodic(state, startAfter: period: action:)
func schedule<StateType>(_ state: StateType, action: ) -> Disposable {
    let cancel = SingleAssignmentDisposable()
    self.queue.async {
        if cancel.isDisposed { return }
    return cancel

分析完了,哈哈哈!但是如果你是一个讲究的人,一定会有这样的疑问,什么时候调用 scheduler 上下游流程又是怎么样的?这是目前我们不得而知的。因为还有一篇恐怖的未知领域在等着你!Ready? 请进入下一篇:RxSwift调度者-scheduler源码解析(下)


调度器(Schedulers)是 RxSwift 实现多线程的核心模块,它主要用于控制任务在哪个线程或队列运行。
最后附上一张调度者继承关系图,希望希望研究的小伙伴继续加油,一路坚持一路花开 一一 和谐学习,不急不躁

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