

2018-08-03  本文已影响9人  若水Dewlight


Many responsible tourists pay attention to preserving the environment and culture of places they visit. Others think it is impossible to be responsible tourists. What are the reasons and solutions?





To conclude,  poor personal cultivation, defective management and lack of eco-balance development thought are the three main reasons for the uncivilized acts of some tourists, yet it’s not that tough to turn out bunchs of civilized tourists who are dedicated to conserve the environment and culture while visiting the scenic sites as long as we give them proper education, improve the management of scenic spots and uphold sustainable ideology. As a result, both of our tourist attractions and the experience of tourists can be greatly enhanced.(在这里先写个结尾,把文章的主旨列举出来,后面再写主题段和开头,据说这种方法可以避免跑题和让文章主题更加鲜明、行文也更加连贯,所以在此尝试一下,哈哈。文章完成后修改时我会把这段文字手动调到文章末尾。)


There are a host of uncivilized behaviours observed by the general public or reported by the media nowadays. For instance, some tourists put graffiti words on the ancient buildings of the scenic spot to mark their presence there, which greatly damage the anthetic effects of these priceless historic sites. In addition, some irresponsible visitors litter gabage on the floors, pick up living plants or flowers, trespass the new lawns of the tourist resort and cause considerable damage to the environment of the place they sightseeing. On top of that, in some venues where packed with people, some visitors unthoughtfully take selfies with the selfie-rod which posing safety threats and causing traffic jam and unpleasant experience of other tourists who also happen to share the same site with the selfie takers.


To my mind, the reasons behind the rude behavior of some of the tourists are the following.

First, some of the tourists have very low quality who have little considerations for the public facilities and the interests of other tourists and they always put their own benefits in the first place.

Second, there is a lack of proper management on the part of the tourist attractions. For example, we can see very few signs in the scenic spot to warn the offenders of rude acts and prevent them from breaking the regulations. It is suggested that CCTV is installed to monitor the ones commiting offense and bring those offenders to corresponding punishment.

Third, some tourist spots strive only for economic interests and forget about the carrying capacity of the place and allowing too many tourists to flood into the area and leading to huge number of problems, such as overcrowding, noise and water pollution therefore impair the sustainable development of the scenic spot. A case in point is the deteriorating of the Erhai Inland Lake in Dali of Southwest Yunnan Province in China.


In order to solve the above mentioned problems of the tourist resorts, we can find ways to convey the messages of being civilized visitors to the potential travelers. We can also manage to instill modern and scientific management strategies and ideas to the authority of the scenic retreats. What’s more, we can also impart sustainable development ideology to those people in charge of the tourist attractions to promote more harmonious tourist development.


Nowadays with the development of tourist industry, there appears a heated discussion on the issue of whether it is possibletourists to be responsible tourists in the tourist attractions. In the following essay I would like to put forward some of my thoughts on the likely reasons of some uncivilized behaviours of irresponsible tourists and viable solutions to deal with the matter.




旅游业在世界各地蓬勃发展:tourism has boomed throughout the world

有悲观心态的人:people with pessimistic bend of mind

满足游客的需要:cater to the needs of tourists

自然保护区:natural reserve

不可逆转的毁灭:irrevocable destruction

更重要的是:more importantly



Nowadays with the development of tourist industry, there appears a heated discussion on the issue of whether it is possible to be responsible tourists in the tourist attractions(注1: 此处对题目进行重构). In the following essay I would like to put forward some of my thoughts on the likely factors(注2: 此处替换了reasons一词使自己的英文表达有所变化)of some uncivilized behaviours of irresponsible tourists and viable solutions to deal with the matter.

The uncivilized behaviours of some irresponsible tourists can be observed in the following cases. For instance, some tourists put graffiti words on the ancient buildings of the scenic spot to mark their presence there, which greatly damage the aesthetic effects of these priceless historic sites. In addition, some irresponsible visitors litter gabage on the floors, pluck living plants or flowers, trespass the new lawns of the tourist resort and cause considerable ruins to the environment of the place they sightseeing. On top of that, in some venues where packed with people, some visitors thoughtlessly take selfies with the selfie-rod which posing safety threats and causing traffic jam and unpleasant experience of other tourists who also happen to share the same site with the selfie takers.

To my mind, the reasons behind these rude behavior of some of the tourists are the following.

First, some of the tourists have very low quality who have little considerations for the public facilities and the interests of other tourists and they always put their own benefits in the first place.

Second, there is a lack of proper management on the part of the tourist destinations. For example, we can see very few sign boards in the scenic spot to warn the offenders of rude acts and prevent them from breaking the regulations. It is suggested that surveillance camera is installed to monitor the ones commiting offences and bring those offenders to corresponding punishment.

Third, some natural reserves(注3: 唐老师新词现学现用。)strive only for maximum economic profits and forget about the carrying capacity of the place and allowing too many tourists to flood into the area and leading to huge number of problems, such as overcrowding, noise and water pollution therefore impair the sustainable development of the scenic spot. A case in point is the deterioration of the Erhai Inland Lake in the City of Dali of Southwest Yunnan Province in China.

In order to solve the above mentioned problems of the tourist resorts, we can find ways to convey the messages of being civilized visitors to the potential tourists. We can also manage to instill modern and scientific management strategies and ideas to the authority of the scenic retreats. What’s more, we can also impart sustainable development ideology to those people in charge of the tourist attractions to promote more harmonious tourist development.

(注4: 一稿的结尾段全部去掉,因为在上一段文字中问题已经全部表述清楚。一稿的末段感觉有点画蛇添足。)


