Color of Soul 灵魂的颜色
Do we have a soul? If so, what is its colour? Does the soul ever can have a colour?
In this world, we are bathed with a rich network of causal relationships. Of cause and effect. Often unaware of this complexity, we encounter an existential nausea that leads to anxiety, despair and thereby into an inescapable loneliness. We can imagine this miserable loneliness — “The miserable loneliness of the man who has no point of support in the Cosmic Order” as Jorge Borges puts it — as a cocoon. From the cold nights to warm mornings, from restrictions to refurbishments, from confinement to the freedom touching the sky, the journey from caterpillar to a colourful winged butterfly often involves a cathartic metamorphosis.
But most of us, unaware of the final outcome, tend to carry the cocoon around us, deluding ourselves that we are protected and that we are superior and thereby continue to prison ourselves in it, thinking that it’s a paradise. This painting presents a cocoon in such a timeless illusory state. We prevent ourselves from enjoying the fresh air of reality by nesting ourselves in a complex hierarchy of cocoons that stand for our ego. The wings of our soul that represent its eternal longing for freedom to come out of these nested layers, are but thin and feeble and can seldom let us break open the cocoon.
As a funambulist that walks on a tight rope that is tied at its ends, we walk on a rope of life that is tied between the endpoints of birth and death, destruction and resurrection. We often try to balance ourself with a balance pole that has on its ends, faith and the doubt. This rope that is taut is often bent by the weight of our imagination, our fear and the illusion that stems from the lack of an awareness. In reality, there’s no rope and no struggle!
In this post modern era of scientific revolution, it is impossible to understand the notion of the soul as a quintessential entity scientifically. For the latter deals with quantifiable tangible entities organised in our immediate sensory perceptions and former being anything else but quantifiable. These objects are hidden from a rational eye, for the scientific formalism lacks the linguistic formalisms to even formulate a meaningful discourse. Imagine the otherwise meaningless phrases that result from such scientific dissolution of these things: “Soul weighs 28 grams”, “Love shines with a brightness of 37 candela”. These scientific words and phrases — hugely beneficial they may be — still flood our day to day vocabulary and outlook. But does these things lead us to ourself? Where’s the destination? Who is the traveler?
It occurred to me that the life doesn’t have a predefined meaning and self reflection doesn’t lurk be(-hind)yond the text. The reflection isn’t obtained by merely marrying art with spirituality, but it lies in an endless timeless invocation of the intricacies of the art that stitches to us a fabric of dense interconnections leading us to a deeply religious feeling of “one with everything”. And that I am in everything and everything is in me. In this sense, we see that art and divinity are two sides of the same door that opens into the reality. In this sense, art provides our wings the needed strength so that we can break the cocoon around us and see that everything is one with us. There’s no struggle, for all those who long for the warmth of eternity!