春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 En
淅淅沥沥春雨后,咸阳市刘娟工作室成员一路向西,在省级学科带头人刘娟老师的带领下,来到兴平市兴化学校做英语教学交流活动。After two-day spring rain,the whole members of Liujuan English Workroom went to Xinghua School in Xingping for an English-teaching communication,followed by the lead teacher and founder of the workroom named Liu Juan.
春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 English -Teaching CommunicationBetween Liu Juan Workroom And Xinghua School本次活动分两个环节,来自工作室的两位成员袁瑛和黄平老师展示了思维导图模式教学,还有工作室的特邀成员来自兴华学校的周文华老师展示了高效课堂模式教学,然后进行了评课活动。
The communication consists of two steps. First,two workroom members have two lessons based on mind maps; meanwhile, another teacher Ms Zhou, who is from Xinghua school, gives a lesson about high efficient teaching style. Then,we share the different ideas to the three lessons.
The three teachers all have a unique lesson for us. They use different methods in class. The first class is from Ms. Yuan who leads in the theme by watching a video from the cartoon movie named Zootopia. The movie which is about animals matches the theme of the lesson.She also goes through the text with a mind map smoothly and clearly.What's more , Ms. Yuan writes well with chalk. The class is successful.
春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 English -Teaching CommunicationBetween Liu Juan Workroom And Xinghua School第二节课是2015省级优秀教学能手黄平老师讲的,是一节新课。不亏是省级名师,黄老师上课充满活力,他利用讲故事形式导课,并在故事中渗透本课单词,课堂问题设计重视学生情感教育!他的教学设计有深度!
The 2015 provincial teacher , Huang Ping, presents the second class.He teaches a new lesson,so it's full of challenge. Mr Huang has a passion for the class.He starts the lesson with telling a story. On top of that,he makes some questions which are about moral aims.That's remarkable!
春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 English -Teaching CommunicationBetween Liu Juan Workroom And Xinghua School第三节课由另一位省级教学能手周文华老师展示,周老师在课堂上自信大气给我留下很深的印象!另外,教学驾驭能力强,在她上课时突然停电,但是周老师处变不惊,利用导学案,让四名学生分角色充当录音机,检测学生听力,又多次组织学生课堂朗读课文,培养了学生的阅读技能,最后环节,让学生自己编故事,给大家上了一节很有特色的无多媒体高效课!
The third one is also from another provincial teacher , Ms Zhou . what impressed me most is her confidence in class.At the beginning of the class, the PPT can't work because of no power. but Ms Zhou calms down to change the whole plan. With the guided learning plan, role playing in the text ,and reading together ,she organizes the class successfully . Ms. Zhou asks the students to make up a story to check at the end of the class. She shows us an effective class without media .
春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 English -Teaching CommunicationBetween Liu Juan Workroom And Xinghua School在评课环节,刘老师对三位老师给予了很高的评价!三位老师也就今日听课做了互动发言,虽寥寥数语小结了各自的课,以及听课感受,但他们诚挚的语言与游刃有余的教学能力为今天的交流画下了完美的句号!
In the end, we held a communication about the three classes with the whole English teachers of Xinghua school. Ms Liu speaks highly of the three teachers. On the other hand, the three teachers give a brief talk about their lessons.Although time goes by, their wise teaching opinions and abilities put the activity to a perfect end.
春雨润大地,交流花更妍!——刘娟工作室进兴化学校报道 English -Teaching CommunicationBetween Liu Juan Workroom And Xinghua School今日交流活动收获很多,向名师们学到优秀教学方法,袁老师的阅读环节处理细腻;黄老师讲故事导入;周老师注重阅读能力培养,现在回忆起来还意犹未尽!我们携起手来,以工作室为平台,让教学互动进行曲时刻唤起更多的共鸣,迎来英语教学之路的姹紫嫣红!
Through the activity, We have gained better teaching methods and realized what we need to improve in English teaching. In a word, let's become much better at English teaching by communicating with each other!